Press Release

Murle Tribe Mobilized To Attack Lou Nuer Sub-tribe!

Members of Murle ethnic groups celebrating the independent of South Sudan in 2011(Photo: Nyamilepedia/Compassmedia)
Members of Murle ethnic groups celebrating the independent of South Sudan in 2011(Photo: Nyamilepedia/Compassmedia)
August 13, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — The marginalized Murle Ethnic group are mobilizing to attack Nuer areas, predominated by the South Sudan rebels. Latest report, obtained by Nyamilepedia, confirms that youth from Murle community are being prepared to attack the opposition’s strongholds of Akobo, Uror, Waat and Ayod in the upcoming days.

“Murle community of David Yau Yau are recruiting in Pibor and said they will attack Akobo, Ayod, Waat and Uror very soon. South Sudan government has supplied the youth with enough ammunition and new riffle. That are now waiting for instructions from the headquarter” the report reads.

According to the report, the youth will be commanded by Joshua Konyi, the former commissioner of Pibor county. Other officials in the state and national government from Murle community are reportedly working closely with the government to coordinate the attack.

Konyi was removed from the county position and re-instated into army through a republican decree issued by president Salva Kiir.

The decree, which was read yesterday on the National Television, SSTV, reinstates Konyi into active list of loyal forces as a Brigadier General. According to the statement, the new rank was effective from August 12, 2014.

The report also alleged that the youth from Murle community will be backed by Ugandan and government forces, currently deployed in Jonglei state.

“The Uganda army and government soldiers will join the murle army of cobra. The army will provide logistic for the youth and supply them with ammunition. They said Ugandan soldiers of Acholi tribe and Murle tribe in the army will fight in civilian clothes” the report continue.

The leader of Cobra faction, David Yau Yau, from Murle tribe was sworn in on Tuesday in Juba by the Chief Justice Chan Reech Madut as the first governor of the newly established Greater Pibor Administrative Area(GPAA).

The new state was the main demand for the Murle’s rebel group, which fought the government for nearly 3 years. Yau Yau rebelled the government for the first time in 2010 after losing the Sudanese election for the Gumuruk Boma seat in the Jonglei State Assembly to SPLM candidate, Judi Jonglei Bioris.

In other reports, the newly appointed deputy governor of Jonglei state, Baba Medan Konyi, confirmed the report saying “there are people in Pibor now, who are crying with their guns, they want to fight, but we are telling them to sit and wait”

Konyi believes that Murle youth did not participate in the current war against the opposition but now they are waiting for the results of peace talks in Addis Ababa before launching offensive against the rebels.

“Last time mobilization was made in South Sudan for youth to join South Sudan army to end rebellion, but Murle did not go. Only those in the army participated. But this time, if peace doesn’t come, you will see what Murle will do,” remarked the deputy governor.

“Even Riek Machar will say sorry, I didn’t want it this way. Riek Machar will leave Akobo, Uror, Nyirol, Ayod and those other places,” he added.

According to the opposition, the government is arming and fitting the minority groups against one another to divert attention from the protagonists, Dinka and the Nuer, in the conflict, as reported by the mainstream media.

The opposition spokeman, Brigadier Lul Ruai Koang reiterates that Maban Defense Forces is a government creation and the government is mobilizing Anuak and Murle tribes to fight the opposition in Jonglei state.

“The emergency of this local militia is nothing new but government’s latest strategy to organize and arm tribal youths to wage proxy wars against SPLA (Opposition) forces in the county.”  Lul said.

“MDF is the 3rd pro-government militia after SSLA and SSDM/A in Unity State and Collo Kingdom in Upper Nile State. The government is also making efforts to recruit, organize and arm youths from Anuak and Murle tribes in order to fight SPLA forces in Jonglei State.” Lul continued.

The government seek military supports from the regions and other parts of the continent, however, only Uganda and Sudanese rebel groups officially participated in the conflict.

The embattled foreign troops have exchanged towns with the rebels, however, with varying hopes that they would win the war.

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Kadado Etcho August 15, 2014 at 4:30 am

GPAA:No To War Again In Murle,Anyuak,Kechipo And Jie Regions.

GPAA communities are seek to focus on the millennium development goal in the newly state. And our advices goes to the SPLA in opposition that there is no room for them to spread false accusation on Murle and Anyuak ethnic groups were being used by the government to fight them. We are strongly warning you Nuer politicians to have a vision for what your fighting for. Don’t just bark like security dog and you assume that your engage in fighting the government to come in to the power through the barrel of gun as you think.

This baseless and senseless war against each community in Jonglei state previously had been geniuses by you Nuer especially your principal Riek Machar himself who has become political victim if you could read his political history. The Murle who have become successful today had been the enemies with Riek Machar when he was the Vice-president he ordered white army and support them in terms of logistic to arm Murle under his command.

We the GPAA communities are not going to take part in any aggression cause by Riek Machar loyalist and we believes that our people can only be safe when we are in the government. To you Mr Lul Ruai Koang the rebel spokesperson halt retreating an incitement comments on the media Murle won’t listen to rebel nonsensical act. Baba Medan and Joshua Konyi who talks about Murle youth mobilization are not the community elders and I want to reassure you they were cried because the collaboration between them and Bor Leaders has failed.Could the Nuer community begin to develop robust community relationship with GPAA communities instead of concentrating on warlord Generals who were not suitable for political skills.

Author’s Joseph Kadado.

GPAA: Yau Yau Declined The First Assignment To Fight Lou_Nuer Subtribe! | Nyamilepedia August 20, 2014 at 2:06 pm

[…] Murle Tribe Mobilized To Attack Lou Nuer Sub-tribe! […]

akot ayuel February 14, 2015 at 8:37 am

I notice that this never happened, though this website reported such a strong language about Murle attacking SPLM/IO in the areas of Lou Nuer. It never happened, so you should answer why? Why did you report such things that never happened??

... February 14, 2015 at 9:46 am


You should be the one to answer that question and give our editors their deserved credits. Somethings are done better in darkness and when they re exposed to light those, who work well in shadow have to re-plan and sometimes postpone their plans. GPAA was meant for something like this and the fact that it did not happen is in the interest of both communities. Yau Yau refused to take this command or to allow government troops to use his zones are launching pads.

Miyong Deng March 31, 2015 at 1:27 pm

Murle can not led to fight with lou Nuer administration by spoilers, same as Lou nuer did. Lou and Murle are great friend. they are not longer enemies and i think there will be no war will occur between them.


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