Press Release

Minutes of the 4th Convention of the NCDS Held on 28th March 2015 at Des Moines Iowa, United States of America

Nuer Community Development Services (NCDS),Inc. USA

Nuer Community USA

April 16, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Nuer Commuty Convention/Conference On Ethnic Nuer Genocide Committed On December 15, 2013 By South Sudan Government Under The Supervision Of President Salva Kiir Mayardit In Juba, Capital Of South Sudan

Des Moines Iowa, United States of America, YMCA of Greater Des Moines.

Venue: 501 Grand Venues, Des Moines, Iowa, Zip Code 50309


Present: — five thousand (5,000) Nuer Delegates


15/01 The meeting was called to order at 11:10 hours and started by welcoming all participants with their respective representatives across USA and abroad at large with the objective of peace initiative proceeded by prayers from special representation on religious leadership.


15/02 Notice having been duly served to all participants and the requisite quorum having been realized; the Board management requested the meeting to go through the agenda as planned: Spearheaded by NCDS President Mrs. Nyanguok Gatlou Riek accompanied by Nuer clans/sections representatives across US at large and abroad.


15/03 Given that the meeting started at an hour late, program facilitators agreed to differ the planned skype address from the most respected elder- the SPLM/SPLA-IO Chairman and C-in-C Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon to an extra ordinary executive meeting that management is tasked to convene as soon as possible. Besides, unanimously, Pertaining to these agenda, the bold points rest on the Resolutions matched to the adopted agenda and summarized as follows.

15/04 Agenda Item 1: UNITY

NCDS leadership must ensure the successful implementation of these resolutions:

  1. Nuer, all over the world (United States of America, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom (UK), all other European countries, Africa at large and Asia) must unite under the leadership of SPLM-IO
  2. Nuer must cooperate and joint hands with all South Sudanese people who are fighting the regime in Juba to remove incumbent South Sudan’s president
  3. NCDS in US must build a trusteeship with the famous and prominent figures and other peace loving in US government to force South Sudan government to accept peace without preconditions.
  4. NCDS/Nuer community around the world must work hand in hand with SS government opposition parties, relief agencies and humanitarian organizations across United States/around the world.
  5. NCDS as an organization must expose detailed grave genocide of over 20,000+ Nuer ethnic committed by SS government led by President Salva kiir Mayardit.
  6. NCDS must collaborate with four Nuer clans and sub-sections to implement its mandate
  7. NCDS must write a petition for the persecution of SS president up on committed genocide against Nuer ethnic.
  8. NCDS must favor and support the implementation of UN imposed sanction on individual leaders/government obstructing peace process in Addis Ababa–Ethiopia
  9. NCDS endorsed federal system proposal proposed by SPLM-IO leadership and urged SS warring parties to accept and implement/install federal system as soon as possible.

15/05 Agenda Item 2: Lawsuit Proposal.

  1. NCDS together with the lobby group must file lawsuit against President Salva Kiir Mayardit with his cohorts so that they are tried by the ICC in the Hague

15/06 Agenda Item 4: Condemnation letter to the Troika and UN Security Council against the key players on Nuer genocide

  1. NCDS must write a letter to the international community condemning the use of internationally banned weapon by Uganda and be held accountable for the action.
  2. Champion body consisting of five to seven people must be constituted to follow up the case for at least seven years.

15/07 Agenda Item 5: Appreciation letter to UN agencies

  1. NCDS will write a letter of appreciation to UN agencies for their sympathetic will of rescuing and protection of Nuer IDPs in Juba and Greater Upper Nile Region (Malakal, Jonglei and Bentiu)
  2. NCDS must also appreciate the limited supply of food and non-food items to the IDPs in South Sudan

15/08 Agenda Item 6: Fate of IDPs in South Sudan

  1. UN consultation to relocate all IDPs to their home areas deemed safe or to their neighboring regions or according their consent.
  2. Though the help of International community NCDS must take the Incumbent SS president to ICC Hague and be executed as the engineer and actor of genocide.
  3. NCDS must convince the international organizations such as WTO (World Trade Organizations) to interrupt the oil deal in South Sudan to break the supply of weaponry meant for killing innocent people of South Sudan

15/09 Agenda Item 07: Nuer betrayals

  1. All Nuer siding or supporting current SS government led by President Salva Kiir Mayardit which committed genocide against Nuer ethnic in S. Sudanese capital Juba will never be forgiven; they will only be remembered for their betraying/action of supporting killing of their blood brothers and sisters and must be disowned from Nuer society for generations to come.
  2. Prior to coercive action their status, NCDS must establish an advocacy body to buy them back, or if not listen then let them to pay the heaviest price up on their action/resistance against Nuer Society.
  3. NCDS must find the way to discourage Nuer fighters who fight for current SS government not to be active in the imposed war against their blood brothers and sisters.
  4. All NCDS members must participate in all future demonstrations on U.S. Capitol in Washington DC and United Nations Headquarter in New York.

15/10 Petition to AU Commission of Inquiry

  1. NCDS must urge and support the official release of AU Commission of Inquiry findings and actions agreed up on investigation of the root causes of conflict.

15/11 Action point

  1. NCDS must mobilize the resources both human and finance toward winning the war of aggression
  2. NCDS conference unanimously agreed not to recognize every Salva Kiir Mayardit as leader of the Republic of South Sudan and call to step-down immediately for the sack of peace.

15/12, Agenda endorsement

All participants unanimously endorse and approve by following NCDS officials:

Mrs. Nyanguok Gatlou Riek-President

Mr. David Wang Khor-Vice President

Comrade Mun Nam Koak- Chairperson for Convention

Comrade Thabor Deng Ding-Sectary for Convention

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Wow April 16, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Is this a sign of tribal movement or what does N mean in the flag

Lat Kuem April 16, 2015 at 1:33 pm

Thanking you Nuer of USA for your membrane of our beloved thought our senior politicians had make themselves cheaper to incumbent regime.

Frank speaking The blessed worldwide tribes are Nuer which today Mr stupid President murdered them. As an tribe we can’t give up in sacred of interest yet your sons have innocently killed intentionally although our senior brother palsy their mate ness and materialism being paid on behave dead people.
The question is, are those fake Nuer wew not been casted by our land? If you don’t side dead people are you considering yourself of asking why you didn’t died?
Am very excited and appreciated the roles played by diaspora Nuer unity, we deserved to called setup of incumbent regime and asked international criminal courts to investigate whoever has taken laws in his hand and responsible of why crimes.

Kerker Stephen April 17, 2015 at 5:35 am

Many thanks to you all Nuer[Naath] in diapora for your positive hearts on Nuer’s deceased.
And let’s not forgets that all real Nuer (Ney tin Naath) are with Dr. Riak Machar Teny and let’s forfet about the photocopy Nuer wew who are still in Juba within Kiir’s millitia government. So, NCDS keep the candle light untill Mr. Kiir meet his death anytime.

Gatchang Mar April 17, 2015 at 10:46 pm

You poor Nuer in thinking capacity, how do you think, will won 63 tribes in south Sudan if you are the only Nuer create your movement.


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