May 21, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Members of Lou Nuer Community of South Sudan held a meeting in Nairobi on 14th May, 2015, and have strongly condemned the fighting going-on in Jonglei State where the Government army launched an attack on the local population in areas of Pajut and Padiek with heavy artillery killing so many people.
The community is shocked that this atrocity comes at a time when the people of South Sudan are yearning for peace.
We fail to comprehend why the Government of South Sudan should continue to pursue one ethnic group and commit such senseless killing of its members.
This action by the Government is proof enough that the crisis in South Sudan is not a Dinka-Nuer conflict; but rather a Government out to pursue genocide among the population.
This is the same thing the Government has done in Juba, Bor, Malakal and Bentiu – all the areas which are still experiencing fighting even in the last few days.
The Lou Nuer community is therefore calling upon the international community to seriously address this issue of peace in South Sudan since both factions – the Government of South Sudan and SPLM (In Opposition) – have failed to put the interests of the nation at heart – to ensure lasting peace due to mistrust between themselves and the deep seated rift within the party (SPLM).
We are at the same time is appealing to the elders of all the communities in South Sudan to take it up upon themselves the matter of bringing back unity among the people – by holding consultative meetings on how the country can be put back on the path of unity.
The community also strongly believes that by the elders coming together, they would be able to formulate noble ideas beneficial to the peace meditation process – to help bring about a durable and lasting peace in South Sudan.
The community is equally sending out an appeal to the international community to urgently step in and address the worsening humanitarian situation in South Sudan – by offering assistance the communities devastated by fighting in their localities.
The international community should besides work out ways of ensuring the security of the local population – as durable and lasting peace is sought in South Sudan.
Gabriel Yoal Dok
Chairman – Lou Nuer Community Council
Tel: 0728742927
E-mail: nuercouncil2014@gmail.com
نعم نعم نعم الثورة
قوات الونج تهاجم مطار فلوج ونهب دبابات الجيش الشعبي خسائر فادحة في المنطقة بلخص المواطنين في اكوكا و ملوط وفلول
Our official language is not Arabic and lying,feel free to leave South Sudan if you can.
Riek Machar has HIGHJACK innocent people,so keep away.
Gabriel Yoal Dok Kuok,
We are deeply sorry that civilians are being killed in this senseless war. What puzzles me is that you who preached this war and urged Lou Nuer civilians to involve to protect Riek Machar are the ones wondering why the civilians are being killed. If you become sober now as your statement shows, uncle, you still have influence to ask civilians to stay away from involvement in a war between rebels and government. Nothing will kill Lou Nuer civilians. Also, in your position as a Nuer elder, calling a meeting of other elders who are on both sides of this conflict, will help end this war. Other elders will come and trust me, this can bring peace. Thank you though for stating the fact that civilians are being killed…this is unacceptable!
The Lou nuer killed innocent people from dinka let them faces the consequences of war.
This isn’t the way to respond to people’s pains sir! This letter, if is real, then the veil of Riek Machar’s witch craft is being removed and it is a very positive step by the greater Nuer at large. It reminds me of Late. William Nyune, Philemon Majok Koung, etc…, greatest men from Nuer who never thought, that repentance is weakness, but, a mark of strength of a real man. It is not too late for Southerners, to salvage what can be and move on with one footing. Riek Machar’ is a curse to NUER IN PARTICULAR AND SOUTHERNERS IN GENERAL, even his own name denotes it, and any intellectuals from Nuer can agree with me that this crazy man is nothing but trouble. JIHAD, which Arabs couldn’t accomplish on Southerners, has parshelly been carried out by Riek Machar, and Johnson Oleny, Cadet and every person who has succumbed to greed. Military Tribunal must be set up now, persue, and bring to book every person that have gotten involved in the lawlessness since 2013, whether from government or the rebels. Justice must be executed before the forgiveness begins to rise in the hearts of all Southerners.
you right ram cha the letter from Nuer Lou community is positive letter, what we need now is peace and justice will be tomorrow, Riek Machar will be accountable for what he did 1991until now. a lot of people lost their lives because of Riek Machar position only not because of demonstration systems or good governments if so he was a vice-president and he showed the leadership, any you Nuers elders you need to talk to youths to down the guns and leave politics to politicians, with out youths support the politicians can not cause the war
Nyaluak who are other elders? Is there others elders who can talk about peace? we have Dinka elders who are Juba government by now but they never condemn any attack on civilian do you think they can accept call from Uncle? You are lying
Our brothers Nuer need to sack themselves and DEFECT to UNMISS CAMPS or join SPLM-IO.
I’m sorry for the loss of life and I love my cousins Nuers as love my brothers Danish, but Mr Dak don’t blame the death of civilians on the government forces, blame on Dr Riek Ebola .by the way what is the difference between civilians and the white army or local depend force? you need to be blamed Dr Riek Ebola who bought the death on Nuers and non Nuers alike since 1991and against 2013.
Nyaluak u are right lou nuers ‘s acommunity who cannot understand,the believe in devil spirits which make them to see every simple .
Sister Adut our people of upper Nile region does not care for the dead of innocent civills especally lou Nuers who didnot suffer for decade, let them learn this lesson such that the would adust .
Lou should not complain when we hit back harder, who are the so called white army?…. Are they not lou youth?… We urge u brothers not to step on our tail but u fail to understand.Why don’t you (Lou) learn a simple lesson?… whenever Riek do a mistake u are the one to pay for it , for instance when Riek attack Bor in 1991,and was marching toward Juba he met John Garangs army on the way and all who were killed were from lou. 1993 a revenge attack was carried out by Bor Youth n all who were killed were lou. Today Lou are suffering from Rieks Rebellion