Oct 10, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Governor of Upper Nile Simon Kun has been invited by South Sudan Students Union in Kampala. Before, incident of 15th December 2013, Simon has been friend to this community and we used to recognize him though he did not invite by us. Jinkany in Kampala appreciated Kun’s support and we give him a credit for that.
Simon Kun was a good writer in Nuer language Jinkany Community Association proud of him and he got that credit too.
Another credit goes to all politicians of Eastern Jinkany; since December 2013 they did not bother us like to come here and make nonsense politics, we suffered and we settle with the absent of them.
During election in 2010, Simon contested for governorship in Upper Nile State. In four counties of Eastern Jikany Kun got about less votes while he was announced officially as a legitimate governor. Latjor community recognized him (Kun) as legitimate governor though he won the election illegally.
We are not recognizing Simon Kun Puoch any more
As per now, Jikany in Kampala have declared in a strong term that Simon lost his legitimacy of being a governor. In the eyes of all Jikany, Kun is our killer. He shed the blood of his own fathers, mothers and children.
Lajor Community condemned strongly what happened in Maithiang, Ulang, and Nasir (Counties). These three counties were destroyed and they burned everything to ash and the government troops raped children and old women in Mathiang. They (government) killed old men included pastor in Ulang County.
What confused us is that government is government and no government can destroy its own people’s properties. We condemned the government under authority of Salva Kiir down to Simon Kun for ruining the MSF Hospital in Nasir County.
Latjor community in Uganda withdraws their support from Upper Nile state governor since the war broke out. We have lost our dear brothers sisters and fathers and mothers we are not longer recognized them (government) as our relative and again we dropped out from our studies due to the senseless war which were imposed upon us. We believed that he (Kun) will never get our support again in the future.
Latjor community in Uganda strongly accepted 21 states which were drafted by the most honest and visionary leader Dr Machar as the only way which will restore peace back to South Sudan.
We are now urging the warring parties to implement the federal system which were recently signed to be installed in coming government because it will eradicate the lack of employment in the young country. Gatluak John deputy chairperson said.
Latjor Community in Uganda condemn the government of upper Nile State, we have lost many of our brothers. we as the children of Upper Nile Stats have today to declared ourselves to rebel, with those who are suffering most in the region whether through the arm or political. “Latjor community accuses the three governors of Great Upper Nile region of acting out of self interest rather than working to facilitate a final peace deal between the county’s warring parties.” Tut said
He emphasizes that “the peace will never come in South Sudan if President Salva Kiir still holds power of leadership the president only cares about his seat rather than looking after the people.”
Tut Khor Kong deputy of finance.
Luel, strongly rejected Simon Kun’s statement “Nuer should apologize to Dinka” we see no reason logic for the victims (Nuer) apologize to them (Dinka).
Lajor Community sturdily warns all Jikany from government’s side, when ever any one crosses Ugandan border, please don’t be bias to us. We live peacefully and we don’t want anyone to ruin our peace.
- Jol Jock Chairperson
- Gatluak John Deputy chairperson
- Chuol Gony Gatluak SG
- Tut Khor Kong sec. of Finance
Reach us jjock552@gmail.com