Jan 13, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- We , the entire Nuer from western Nuer up to Eastern owe denounce the decree of creating 28 states unconstitutionally.
We, the Nuer community, strongly condemn and reject this creation of 28 states without consultations, clear boundaries and annexing of other communities’ land to Salva Kiir’s community.
This will a permanent communal conflict or land disputes within the neighboring communities which will never end.

The grater Nuer States have to be consulted before creating and naming states of their own if they demand so or more states. Kiir and the Jieng Council of Elders do not have any constitution right to take away anyone’s land and give them names that are not recognize by those communities. This is very provocative!
We, in Nuer community we have e right to be consulted if a legitimate government wants to create more states that are requested by the citizens. The rightful citizens of that given land and boundary must be identified and named as stipulated in Transitional constitution of South Sudan.
We, in “Nuer States”, we have realized that the creation of 28 states is totally based on a Jieng tribal policy and championed by a Dinka led Government.
With no doubt, Salva Kiir has approven that he is a president of Dinka only. He is giving Dinka more land and resources that belongs to the neighboring tribes. In other words, Kiir and his Jieng Elders are creating natural resources and states for Dinka so that Dinka becomes rich and majority in the national parliament. This is their policy of “born to rule”.
The Jiech council of elders Policy is to be implemented in South Sudan by putting Dinka interest first and first citizen of South Sudan. The Dinka Leadership and council of elders have destroyed this young nation by introducing zero state policy which treat all citizen equal before constitution and God.
The president has forgotten that he was elected by all people of South Sudan in 93 % overwhelmingly voted for Kiir as the president of all in the Government of South Sudan but after the independent, Kiir turned his back to none-dinka nationals and now he has gone has far as alienating their lands and resources to be rewarded to his tribesmen. The policy of annexing other communities’ land to Dinka like in Pigi county is unacceptable by all cost. It must be resisted.
We, the entire Nuer community, are declaring to any intruder/invader whoever come to our land that we are ready to host him . Annexing some parts of Nuer Land is a major crime punishable by Nuer warriors and God of heavens.
We, the paramount chiefs of Nuer nation, will let our boys loose to monitor any intruders should Salva Kiir continue to alienate any land be it for Chollo, Murle, Equatorians or any other small tribe. We must unite to fight our common enemy, the new jalaba in black skin.
The Western Nuer which include Mayom County,Robkona county, Guit county, Mayendit county, Panyijar county; and eastern counties include Fangak county, Ayod county, Maiwut county and Ulang county know their boundaries very well; annexing others people land as rewards of being supporter of the regime or for any individual’s interest will never be tolerated.
The redesigned borders by current presidential decree will cause recursive conflict full scale wars along the borders. They must be stopped now before the begin.
This decree has caused mistrust and destroyed peace in which Nuer community and Dinka have been embracing for long time. The Nuer community has been living peacefully with our neighbors and ourselves until Salva Kiir leadership goes wrong.
We, the head chiefs of entire Nuer community in IDPS CAMPS in South Sudan and on behave of civil population at grassroots’ level, reject and denounce the presidential order of creating 28 states. And we have totally rejected the newly created borders. We are not part of it and we will never be part of it forever.
Inclusion we, want the president and his elders, whoever they are, to reverse this decision before it is too late or before bringing any further conflict.
Signed by:
Nuer community Paramount Chiefs representing IDPs
Paramount Chief: Biel Machar Tot
Deputy Paramount: Stephen Koang Bipal
Contact : 092968888 & 0955550248
Email: macharadoknuer@yahoo.com
Very commendable objection Chief Biel,
Killer NyanKiir and the Jenges Councils of Evils(tribal lunatics and fanatics), can not and will not imposed the 28 states on us Naath Nation.
Chief Biel, You’ve spoken the truth period. Annexations of the Nuer’s lands to the Jenges is nonnegotiable and a death sentence full stop
But you should give Akobo to Anyuk first then talk about the other areas.Nuer please clearnes yourselves then talk about the nationality.