Press Release

Imminent Attack on Lou Nuer in South Sudan By Salva Kiir Allied Forces:

By John Chuol Bol,

Revised at 6:Am, March 10, 2015(EAT)

Photo shows Spla -Juba Tanks destroyed in Shelling combats (photo supplied)
Photo shows Spla -Juba Tanks destroyed in Shelling combats (photo supplied)

March 09, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Multiple sources from Bor, Jonglei states, and additional sources from Juba have confirmed that the genocidal forces of Salva Kiir, Malong and Museveni are on a match of destruction to Lou-Nuer Counties.

Many Lou-Nuer sons and daughters in Juba and Bor have confirmed that a heavily armed genocidal force consisting of Gelweng White army from Warrap mixed with troops from Bor and mercenaries from East Africa started matching towards Akobo in two directions from March 6, 2015.

One White Army Militia Leader from Warrap State is leading the mission and promised that he is going to be in Nyirol County where Salva Kiir deemed to be the Centre of the Lou Nuer.

The Militia Leader is eager to sit in Nyirol if his forces penetrated Uror County this week to symbolize that Lou Nuer Areas are under terrorists who killed thousands of our people in Juba in 2013.

This Militia leader used to be the White Amy Leader from Warrap State, the home state of Salva Kiir and he is being led by ego that he will teach the real white army a lesson.

This White Arm Leader is coming to capture the Lou Nuer areas under over all command of Simon Gatwech Dual, James Mabor Dhol, James Otong Liah, and all the Lou Nuer Compatriots (Volunteers).

Now is up to the Lou Nuer Youths to prove the white arm from Warrap, Nuer Wew, and criminal allied forces wrong.

We will continue to communicate with your central commands. We confirmed the criminals’ advance directions from Lou Nuer Centre Command already and cannot be shared on the media.

We are calling on all the Lou Nuer People in South Sudan and the region to prepare to encounter these terrorists and teach them a lesson they will never forget.

You must crash Salva Kiir and his criminal allied forces, which are advancing to capture the Lou Nuer Areas, or else they will never leave us alone to enjoy our God given land and its resources.

This is a war of survival and extermination. The Greater Lou -Nuer must unite to fight this war to the last man before the enemy of peace burn down and destroy the remnants of property, land and lives of our people.

Simple Message: We the Lou Nuer sons and daughter all over the world are united in solidarity in love of our people and beautiful motherland at this difficult time. We know you have all the power and what it takes when it comes to defending our innocent children, women, and elders for more than a century.

This is our pure and simple historical fact since 1800s. Let our struggle continues under SPLM-IO Leadership!

The author of this importance message is a former SPLA Soldier (a veteran), former chairperson of SPLM Chapter who led the defection from the genocidal SPLM Juba and formed the SPLM-In Opposition Chapter of Edmonton (Former Chairman of SPLM-IO Chapter of Edmonton). He is now a senior SPLM-IO Member & a Political Analyst in Canada. He is reachable at: jbolbipal@gmail.com

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GatNor March 9, 2015 at 6:58 pm

Since when did Guelweng Militias changed their name to “Warrap White Army” this smells like confusion. Anyways this tribal war is peaking. The LNW will counter this invasion of Nuer land with no difficulty. Long live the Nuers!

AGUMUT March 9, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Gatlight need help ,you will get mad if you follow War’s propaganda. Do not attempt to get rid of innocent Dinkas for no reason.

David Malual, David Gatohk Yea. March 9, 2015 at 11:32 pm

God help as all. Nuer land.

Gatwech Kuan March 9, 2015 at 7:42 pm

Lou Nuer will never allow Lul Ruai kong to invade their terittories. Bi bal ni guath te Lou- borchare will teach them a lesson they will never forget. Borchare Lou Nuer.

Bhear Peter March 9, 2015 at 8:19 pm

You are only a coward person, your report is totally baseless. If you love your pple why don’t you go and support them, instead of hiding in UNMISS compounds, you the every ppl who don’t want peace to prevail. if you think that war is not tough why else you take refuge. My dear brothers and sisters of South Sudan led stop war and we forget the first and we preach about the peace, and don’t encourage the war.

Balang Tutute March 9, 2015 at 9:16 pm

Beera Peter;

Let me ask you 1 ?

Which between the 2-Coward groups of citizens is more patriotic; the IDP’s in UNMISS’s or you Kenya-refugees and N.Uganda-refugees???

To me the IDP’s are more patriotic than their cousins who ran full speed (real refugees) to all kinds of foreign countries.

Mawien Magol March 9, 2015 at 10:03 pm

Hi, John Chuol Bol. Seem to me that, you are more than coward man and I see what you post here is partially correct. In Warrap State and its communities there is no any so call White army period. The White army is belong to Nuers communities but if you want to know the name of Dinka youths in Warrap communities Machar Anyor known as Gelweng. The Machar Anyor of Warrap communities will not a cross the River Nile and make attacked on Lou Nuers communities this is totally lies. I would like to educated you and others who don’t know what is going on within rebels themselves. Below are the rumors and they are become reality on the ground.
1. Former governor of Unity State is planing to overthrowing his leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny.
2. Peter Gatdet Yaka and many more others generals agrees with Taban Deng Gai because they claims their leader Riek Machar is incapable and he has failed to signed peace deal according to them. They are claiming that, the rebels are ill equipped to defeated Juba’s SPLA
3. They accused their leader as a tribalism politician why he is always causing trouble and later demanding too many things.
4. The rebels are already divided in to three groups. one group is led by former vice president. The second group is leading by former governor Taban Deng Gai and the third group are combination from Nuers Lou members and others from Unity communities who are supporting the former SPLA IO spkoesman Br, general Lul Ruaich Koang and they are very likely to attacks all others two groups and calls for back up from Juba’s SPLA. If you hear one county capture by SPLA Pro Juba’s government it mean actual third group within rebels and we will hear news later but please keep singing about White army of Warrap State but in reality, the youths of Lou Nuers and most of the generals in the rebels are the one who will make attacks their counties because they have discovery the secret of former vice president plan and they do not want their youths or Sons to dies because of his position.

ater March 9, 2015 at 10:32 pm

The only way out is to denounce the rebellion against the legitimate gov’t that you voted for, by distancing yourselves from power hungry Riek who wishes to follow unconstitutional means ,since the liberation era.Tell your brothers who rebelled to lay down the arms and apologize to the gov’t and come back home, Riek will never win this time around the truth be spoken,he was better off being the vice president,but because of his black heart and and too much lust for power ,brought the imminent destruction upon the innocent Nuer,who do not say no to Riek’s evil ambitions,therefore denounce rebellion now and not later.

Riek Gai March 10, 2015 at 12:00 am

Riek is the problem in South Sudan, even if he win the war which is very difficult, non of his followers will gain any thing, let me tell you frankly that you are simply dying for Riek to reclaim his lost position of Vice President and where will you be???, please if you can reason logically, then please take this golden opportunity of the Amnesty announced by the president to quickly return to get you former positions in the Army and Government before some one jump in, Riek will never succeed in this war, People already know his ill intentions, Brig. General Lul Ruay has narrated all Riek’s secrets, source of support, where Riek get his Arms, where Riek’s strong holds are, where he plan his operations, so Government is well vast of every thing.

Taban Deng Gai; better you oust this man called Riek to form your independent movement to negotiate directly with Government, please don’t be counted with Riek and all that Riek did way back in 1991, please don’t be seen as Satan of South Sudan like Riek, please De-associate your self, Riek will not win this war, see for your self what has started in Wadakona, Riek’s rebels flee like flies, been pursued till the boda area of Gabat till they crossed to Sudan and SPLA are reinforcing at the boarder heavily to check on their movement, Rebels are surrendering to Government forces on daily bases in Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity, what are you waiting for, your family and children are more important than Riek please.

Muonymor Amuongdu March 10, 2015 at 12:25 am

I felt sorry for those s Sudanese youth that going to kill themselves and die in the hands of so call president Kiir and his former Vice President Dr Riek. I covey condolences to the families who are going to lost their love one in a recent coming days both from the government and the rebel. May almighty rest their souls in peace and put them on his right because they have been fooled and used by those who are pursuing their own self interest and power agreed without putting the life of their people as first priority.

Goweng Torbaar March 10, 2015 at 12:35 am

It is a time for Ngundeng to rise and depend his people! You gwelweng don’t attempt to try that land of prophet Ngundeng, that will mark your end if you try that. A liaca low ka liaca Nuer cu kule bal ni gueth e ta lou o! mean i ”see Lou Nuer and see all nuers but brave become most on lou nuer” why that land is especial is not because lou are more brave then the rest but the land belong to where prophet Ngundeng establish his center. If you try your best to attempt war on that land, you will run, run and run for your dear life. Let enjoy the coming victory beginning from April.

Tharial Yong Wakow March 10, 2015 at 1:15 am

Lou Nuer will captured drunker Kiir this month

GatNor March 10, 2015 at 1:34 am

The rebellion might come to an end but not the deeply planted tribal tensions. The ethnic cleansing of Nuers that happened in 2013 is now part of your shameful of your ethnic regime. How you cowards jaang of this generation could possibly disasociate yourselves from such evil is the question that you don’t even have answers to. Lying to yourselves and the world about it is only going to make you look even more guilty in capable of compassion that sets man a part from the brut beast of the wild.

Hoiloom March 10, 2015 at 1:52 am

Mawien Magol, you seem to be educated and also a well informed individual. Do you also believe in the propaganda nonsense? To all Riek Machar’s haters-even if he step a side today that won’t end the war. In fact the good Dr. is not interested in this imposed war against South Sudanese. God always rewards the righteousness and we all know how this conflict started including you the Dinka haters and Nuer sellouts.

Ngor Koryom March 10, 2015 at 3:21 am

Dear All::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Its so funny for the government to attack Lou land why Salva doesn’t remember the lou Nuer Warrior of 2012 during they fight with Murle? If that one its true they are going to attack Lou Nuer it mean any family in Warrap must be ready to make the funeral before the death.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD

chuol March 10, 2015 at 3:24 am

You jaang don’t fool Naath (
Nuer) to come back to deadly government who killed Nuer yesterday.Your problems is not Dr Riek only but your problems is Nuer people in South Sudan at large. We will and we must continue fighting you not all jieeng but I mean Salva with his alites

AGUMUT March 11, 2015 at 2:40 am

@Chuol your name is not Chol or a black,you are a sack that meant a government can put you in a sack and bury you alive because you are very very danger for Nuer itself.Stop hatred

Tut Chuol Guor March 10, 2015 at 4:07 am

Dinka had never crossed Nuer land since the ancient Erra. Late them come and taste how bitter the Lou-Nuer is

From the people that cannot be easily uprooted. March 10, 2015 at 3:59 pm

What you mean. evertime there is a war between Dinka and Nuers we always take it to the door step and if you remember in the 90s we wherethere in your land. But just don’t panic yet until the Dinka print one more signature just like the 90s,

Budbud Chuol March 10, 2015 at 9:01 am

Lou Nuer are just simple people who are to be lured with the money but are fighting the just war because their dear children, brothers, sisters, women, mothers, fathers, colleagues and relatives were maimed, burnt, murder, raped, tortured, arrested, detained and crashed using tanks in juba as if Nuers are not citizens too this nation. Secondly Lou Nuer are wellknown for teaching a lessons to any one trying to impose his idea on them, let the said general, Lul Ruai go and tast fire, go and see whether he has any supporters among the Lou Nuer youth alias loneliness glutton.

Bianen Kor March 10, 2015 at 12:46 pm

Dr Kazab (Riek Gai)
Who does not know you are a great liar and the worse enemy of Nuers more than your kinship the cowards dinkas who purchased mercenaries from all over the continent.We know you one by one you Nuer wew. But remember that we will defeat you no matter how many mercenaries you bought and make sure you settle or migrate to dinka land for all the Nuers who sold us out or comprised Nuer to money is a curse on you to ten generations of your decedents in the name of innocent Nuers massacred in Juba, Malakal and Betim.In the name of the living God we will defeat the forces of evil.
Long live Dr Riek Machar, Long live the true sons and daughters of Nuers.

Gatluak Nyuot March 10, 2015 at 3:50 pm

I am a son of Lou Nuer, Lou Nuer cannot be cross by those manguakes Dinkas troops and money lovers Nuer. wait for the outcome of this action.

John Right March 10, 2015 at 7:15 pm

Let me ask you this question son of rebel. Is white army from warrap leading the attack or By Lul Ruai Koang from Lou-Nuer?

ater March 11, 2015 at 6:04 am

I would rationally like to put my strong message across to all the natives of Lou Nuer, that believing in non-existence spiritual powers will never bring any victory on your side,why did Riek run along with his spear master,if spiritual powers were effective to bar off, the forces which were advancing. God has cursed that land with its occupants due to satanic practices and beliefs by all the Nuer rogues,no spirits can stand weapons. Just denounce war and comeback to the gov’t period or Ethiopia and Khartoum will be the last and steady destinations for you.God is yet to reward you for the atrocities you beset on Bor people in 1991/1992. Nasser defection.collaborators never must you win that imminent attack you seem to allege.

luckyboy March 11, 2015 at 8:57 am

we are so aware that a true history doesn’t just come to its nation, there must be some obstacles to be face by the right people (NUER), I do believe in it that the whole east African states have involved in this current conflict alongside the rubbish mountains (DICTATOR GOV’T) but that does not mean that SPLA-IO is now defeated.
the real history of this nation (south Sudan) had been blocked off and covered by lies of salva kiir and his group Nevertheless SPLA-IO has already cemented its forces to uproot these criminal groups despite all these criminal alliance that you have met. let them attempt to reach Lou Nuer and taste the bitter part of it because it must not be new to us in our areas. we must be in position to bring freedom and it must reaches every south Sudanese citizen.
we are so proud to fight this war so that wealthy minded people from Nuer, Shulluk ,Equatoria, and plus all other citizens who had been marginalised by this useless and obnoxious government of Salva Kiir get their freedom like any other human being in the world.

ater March 11, 2015 at 10:17 pm

I would concisely state it that not all Nuer are to reproach in this turmoil,but one element amongst them and that is Riek, who is ever power hungry to the extent of ignoring constitutional means of getting into power,but always attempting to stage coups,which has beset disaster on the Nuer tribes,therefore,to correctly resolve this unfortunate trend from ever recurring,simply isolate Riek than shall you have enough peace and general well beings in the Nuerland period or else his ambition will cause extinction of the Nuerfolks.

Jicbil Nyakoak March 12, 2015 at 12:12 am

I know 100% Lou Nuer are ready to get new guns from from women force from Warap and take care Dinka Bor when they defeat Warap ,Nuer Wew ,Uganda and Malong Force they will reach Bor town .my advice to All Dinka Bor plse go away before they start fighting..

ater March 12, 2015 at 2:03 am

Jicbil Nyakoak
You should know well that the declarative war statement,you profess thereof,shows that you are not looking for solutions to this current war which has heavily saddled upper Nile region,remember that one tribe can never succeed in fighting the whole Nation at large,what i foresee is that extinction of Nuer ,is eminent but never worthy doing.It ‘s better that you pray for peace ,than beating war drum that will have drastic impacts on you,knowing well that Riek is misleading you.History shall state that there was a tribe called Nuer who existed in upper Nile region before,if you attempt to come to Bor which you left,while running.How else can you come to that said state.The most wise nuer people,are those standing in solidarity with the gov’t simply because they know Riek’s mindset and war proned attitudes he possesses ,and defections since the liberation era,a total betrayer and evil minded element that feasts on blood of innocent people.In so supporting him in his evil deeds ,you will share the reward equally with him on earth and in heaven’s hell fire.Spear masters will never stand weapons,therefore, stop believing in legends and imaginative spiritual powers which are non existent,except through God’s mercy.The colonialists tried their utmost efforts in trying to civilize you through education,but you seemed not to have reformed,only to become more illiterate day in day out ,thus the best place for you, is perdition.Try it out.

Azina tut:.... This is Millitary Intelligence, MI, we are Lou Nuer and we shall not allow a latrine to be open in our community it can bring a fuckin deseasess and I have got no peace wth musevani his wife mrs Kiir. And I would like to inform all Nuer peo March 14, 2015 at 7:55 am

We are Nuer people, we leave as Nuer and we must defeat de Musevani and is wife Kiir as Nuer. I m Lou Nuer from Akobo, Waat doang, yuai doang, Langken oyeeeeeeh we shall never giv up. Please Sir, Gatwech Dual, Josept Gai GatLuak, we need your helps and I believe you will defeat EasAfrica troops. May God creature be wth you. Best regards. A Tutlow ka lou ka Bieh Lokah

Azina tut:.... This is Millitary Intelligence, MI, we are Lou Nuer and we shall not allow a latrine to be open in our community it can bring a fuckin deseasess and I have got no peace wth musevani his wife mrs Kiir. And I would like to inform all Nuer peo March 14, 2015 at 8:20 am

Wuuuuuuh. Imagine, Dinkas are you aware for what happened in Kampala? mr kiir suckers a penise of musevani in de publice Road near makere University and his photo was taken by Mduanga mwalindi, please if iam wrong try to call this No. +256775328906. And get more information use z no.

Okelo Piny Molony April 5, 2015 at 11:50 am

Hi Brothers in South Sudan! God gave us Piny Manyen mar Junub Otara. We in Kenya are a mix of all the Luo Sub Tribes including Dinka and Nuer. Sory that we got this far in S.Sudan we are praying that our only true Nilotic state may have peace. Praying for us to be united and be at peace with one another.

benayoun gatluak May 16, 2015 at 10:09 am

jioks will never ever reach or capture a single village in Lou Nuer land,no one in our history ever across or will across this holy land by fighting.


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