Press Release

IDPs Living in UN Centers in South Sudan Dismiss Allegations of Wanting to Return Home

People gather at a makeshift IDP camp at the UN compound in Juba at the beginning of the conflict(photo: file)
People gather at a makeshift IDP camp at the UN compound in Juba at the beginning of the conflict(photo: file)

March 29, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Responding to reports aired on Radion Miraya last week, the Internally Displaced Persons, currently living in UNMISS Compounds in Juba term the report as a propaganda that was intended for political gains.

“All Youths, Elders, women and children of Jikany community living in UNMISS dismissed as it was reported from Maraya FM in Juba that “all Jikany are ready to come out from UNMISS.””Said Chuol Pal, a member of Eastern Jikany community.

“This was a true propaganda and white lies. We cannot go back to the hands of Salva Kiir’s regime because the government still intimidates one ethnic group (NUER).” Chuol said.

According to other members of Eastern Jikany community, who investigated the matter, a few loyal Jikany-Nuer politicians, working for the government of Salva Kiir, held a meeting at Nyakuron Centre on Sunday last week and went to broadcast their resolutions on Radio Miraya.

“We have officially dismissed the propaganda from a few individuals who held the meeting outside the UNMISS last Sunday in Nyakuran and used this unhealthy allegation as source to get their money from Politician;” said Biel Thoal, who reportedly followed up on the report.

Although many Nuer politicians are walking on the streets of Juba, the civilians in the protection sites fear taking risks, citing that the national security forces and other government structures are dominated by one tribe.

“If you go there to the government structured, you will find out all Director Generals and undersecretaries are all Dinkas. Is better for us to go there in Ulang, Mandeng, Maiwut and Mathiang then to joint Kiir’s government which is full of intimidation, abhorrence, nepotism and tribalism” Another senior, John Kam, said.

The Eastern Jikany Community blames a few politicians, led by John Khan Jock, who returned to Juba after rebelling last year.

“we strongly disagreed and oppose the defection of Jikany politicians led by John Khan Jock, who returned to seek for employment under Killer Salva Kiir” Kam continued.

Many other IDPs from Nuer community reiterates the same feeling that their lives and property are not safe under the current system of president Salva Kiir.

“These opportunists are selling our blood every day on the streets of Juba to get jobs. When they return to Juba they lie to tribal government of Salva Kiir that they have many people following them, that they will return many Nuer to Government.” Said Mary Nyadak, who has lived in UNMISS camp for more than a year.

“Now Salva Kiir is asking them to produce their people but they have no one to show. That is why they go to preach on radio Miraya FM” Mary continued.

According to the UN and AU reports, thousands of Nuer civilians were systematically targeted by an organized group of soldiers and militias under President Salva Kiir.

This month, the army, SPLA, has distanced itself from the attrocities that were committed at the onset of the conflict claiming that the forces that committed atrocities were commanded directly from the office of president Salva Kiir.

The former Chief of Staff, James Gathoth Mai, who fled the country last week, fearing arrest, is on records for having denied to acknowledge the recruitment and funding of a tribal militia know as “Dotkubeny”, which went rampant in Juba in December 2013.

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Ayuen De Mach Wel March 29, 2015 at 3:21 am

They are fearing because they are rebels who were involve in fighting last last year
they need to be judge with their host(unimiss) why they staged a coup against democratic elected government.

Riek Koang March 29, 2015 at 3:28 am

Every one knows very well that you don’t come out since you are enjoying good life of eating free food,WFP started distributing cash money to IDP, so how can they come out to the hardlive of working for one self, you are thanking Riek to have brought for you happiness.

Nothing can stop all these IDPs from coming out, but rather due to leziness from them but rather prefer the war to continue since they are given free things from UN, shame on you to be protected and feed in your own country,you better come out and go as refugees to the neighbouring countries rather than staying within and continue to talk nonesence and air words that encourage tribalism.

Riaw Gatlier March 29, 2015 at 4:21 am

You are the most useless human being on earth, how come that you can describe the victims and survivals of your criminal regime led by a mad man called salva a member of your tribe (rebels) may God the almighty curse and teach you a lesson with a capital punishment that you will never forget in your heavenly life span.

Bentiu Ramaran March 29, 2015 at 4:46 am

Ayuen De Mach Wel,

You are heartless and brainless Dinka. When Kiir Genocide ordered the killing of Nuer civilians in Juba, on December 15 through 19 there were not rebels in South Sudan.

Are you calling a blind person, an one day old child, one month old child, pregnant women, and elderly people murdered indiscriminately on December 15 through 19 in Juba rebels? How do you know all these Nuer murdered in Juba would vote for Riek when election comes?

Because your tribal chief Killer Kiir Genocide has no confidence of winning upcoming election that was the main reason he instigated violence through made up fail coup against his critics to interrupt the election. His desire for instigating war was to postpone elections in South Sudan independently, so he can be a president for the rest of his life.

Kiir killer knows only how to say I am the president of South Sudan and will always remain president, but he does not know what the president does. You Ayuen and Kiir genocide are totally idiot, clueless, visionless, and extreme tribalist sub-human. Kiir genocide is a total failure goofy president ever South Sudan had.

Elbow Chuol March 29, 2015 at 4:55 am

shamed on u ayuen

Mundri East March 29, 2015 at 4:56 am

Mary,what you have said true, those NUER Politician they need money from Gov’t who Kill their own people.

Riek Koang March 29, 2015 at 5:39 am

Fool Riek wasn’t sure of wining election that’s why he resorted to his failed coup. People shouldn’t decieve themselves here, the truth must be told, Riek made the plan earlier, if you can reason and have brain, how can some one declare himself to be Rebel leader within one day of shootings in Juba, Riek is the problem in South Sudan NOT Kiir.

If you say Nuer are killed in Juba and so you need Kiir to step down, what of Riek? Riek killed more than Kiir, Massacred civilians in Bor, AKobo, Malakal and Bentiu. Riek is not the only Educated Nuer in South Sudan so that all Nuer sacrifice their lives for his power ambitions, please rubb off the idea of Nuer are killed in Juba, it will not make Kiir to step down my dia, you better reconcile your selves and the Dinkas to stay together, if Dinka started saying Dinkas are killed in Bor, Akobo and Bentiu, what will you say, means you continue fighting till both tribes are reduced to be smallest in South Sudan, is also good for the minority to get chance and big tribes finish themselves, if you say both Kiir and Fool Riek should step aside then you are talking but talking of one person forgetting of Riek then you are stupid and biased.

Do you think South Sudanese will again accept to be rule by Kiir or Machar? big NO. both will be assasinated but I symphatise with Kiir who was dragged to this senseless fighting by greedy Riek, this is Riek’s usual business of coming to power through violence and will never succeed at all, now taking advantage of killings in Juba igorantly not knowing he killed more than Kiir.

Taban Deng Gai should oust him if rebels are to get enough support from other parts of South Sudan, South Sudanese are tired of Riek with his previuos history of joining Arabs, coming back to SPLA, running back to Arabs and only to seek forgiveness in 2002 from Dinka Bor to forgive him for the massacre of over 40,000 Dinkas, but no more forgiveness for fool Riek this time not untill he presented himself in heaven before God to answer why he killed God’s creatures for his perty power ambitions Not knowing Power and leadership is from God and Not by force, however much Omar give you the Weapons, Tanks and Logistics, you will never succeed in this dirty war of yours.

Both of them must go for that matter if you are not so drunk with Tribalistics mentality, Riek is Tribalistic warlord in South Sudan, if Riek ran out of Juba for his live, why he immediately declare himself a rebel leader, Mobilizing thousands of white army to massacre people in Bor, Akobo, Malakal and Bentiu, he decieved civilians in Greater Uror that Dinkas are finishing Nuer and so they should turn up to revenze and made the innocent white armies to perish along Juba-Bor road for nothing after keeping his family and childred abroad.

What a cursed skeleton for South Sudan??

GatNor March 29, 2015 at 11:42 am

Are you that desperate that you wish to win the war by instigating the two brother leaders against each other. Your case seems impeccably hopeless having hired thousands of foreign troops & mercenaries to fight your ethnic regime war and yet with all of you combined, you simply are not capable of deciding victory.

I told you cowards before that you are naïve in using South Sudan’s national resources to hired cowards like yourself to fight on your behave. Your despair is tantamount to despicable terrorist tactics of using weapons of mass destruction on a single tribe. It is quite clear who the lions of South Sudan are and that is the MNW.

The war that you have declared and imposed on the people of South Sudan and on Nuers in particular is not turning out as you thought and perhaps is the biggest mistake you have made since. Barking from the top of your lungs on what should have been and what will be is not going to convince anyone. I suggest it is best you get your sorry self to the negotiation table and make peace with the country you have wrong. The staged coup of Kiir is in the dust bin.

Goikuach March 29, 2015 at 4:51 pm

Your so called MNW or lions of South Sudan have been killed in large numbers on Juba-Bor road, Gadiang, Ayod, Maiwut, Phom, Pigi, Maiwut, Nasir, Malakal, Renk, Wedakona, Mayom, Bentiu, Rubkona and Pariang. In facts there is no major town in greater Upper Nile region that is not littered with skulls of the MNW. Is this something to be proud of? What are these thousands of innocent young men dead for? Nuer community need to do souls searching when this war is over and come up with none violent approach to dealing with the government. It is a government headed by a Dinka today and tomorrow maybe a Nuer, Toposa, Azande, Shilluk, Murle, Madi and so on. If Nuer don’t change their violent and aggressive nature of dealing with problems, I am afraid you will continue to bleed and significantly reduce your population. It is something that any educated person should not encourage and be proud of

GatNor March 30, 2015 at 12:05 am

I supposed you are proud of so much death on south sudan? Shame on you devil.

AGUMUT March 29, 2015 at 7:17 am

It is better for them to leave UNMISS Camps and settle in place in South Sudan,UN will still support them even they are outside until they find works.UNMISS will not transfer them to the Third country and no country will be able accept because of their records.
South Sudan is their country.

GatNor March 29, 2015 at 12:06 pm

Only a coward like you cry for the souls of innocents who have neither offended and or trespassed wrong or harm you. Those people at UN-Camps will eventually come out and regained their freedom of movement, rights to life and basic necessities required for decent living. TUMUGA or AGUMUT, tell me what distinguished you from the animals in the wilds that lacks human compassion, empathy. Your are a blood thirsty devil for going after the helpless beings rather than those armed and at the battlefields.

koch March 29, 2015 at 9:11 am

you Dinka are really foolish guy depending dictator who is now ruining south sudan economy just because you are Dinka, please think like people who have gone to school.salva is not a educated man that is why he does not know the word development.Dinka who join the opposition are really inteligent and they will be awarded because of their patriotism.

Goweng Torbaar March 29, 2015 at 9:16 am

Let Kiir step a side then we will tell this people to come out simple!

AGUMUT March 29, 2015 at 10:19 am

You are a mafia. Die boy inside UNMISS because you have no power and right to force the president of the country to step down. Sort your own suffering out.

GatNor March 30, 2015 at 12:40 am

Leaving before Kiir leaves Juba give Kiir and his tribal extremist thugs and terrorists the satisfaction of victory.

latdieu2008 March 29, 2015 at 3:52 pm

Am professionally politician who had raised up his hand for siding the beloved miserably massacres of 2013 December in Juba. My tribes are my resource and my wing. There are no goods than them to be with and if some of you reluctance to join Nuer wew, are free but no value for such a person otherwise peace restore and ICC court account whoever responsible for losing innocents life.

Chris Jay May 3, 2015 at 7:07 pm

for his stupidity he may say that let IDPs leave UN compound and get their home but
my question is that what is the reason as to why left houses to the protection site is that problem solved


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