Oct 9, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — On behalf of Greater Upper Nile students’ Union in Uganda (GUNSU-U), we call upon our people and the students in particular to remain calm and peaceful like they have been over the last nine months. As the Vice Chairperson of the Union, I Kuorwel Ngang Jacob, categorically denounced the reckless message that has been released to Sudan Tribune this morning (9th /10/2014) by individuals declaring that the students have switched allegiance to the rebels. “It was one man’s decision which has nothing to do with the Union”.
First of all Thanyang Jum (The chairman) has not been with us since March this year so he has just surprised us with that message.
Secondly, the Union is for students from all the tribes that inhibited the region (Greater Upper Nile Region) like; the Nuer, Murlei, Dinka, Shilluk, Anyuak, Jie, Kachipo to mention but a few. It is not his own Union so he has got no right to declare something he has not shared with others.
Thirdly, we are here as S. Sudanese students not as supporters of President Kiir or Dr. Riek and whoever decided to switch side should do it for himself and for his own benefit not for others. It is now clear that we are not just fighting ourselves in S. Sudan but even Satan which causes confusion also. We were preparing for our elections this month but see how the whole process has been reined by Satan. Yes the people who made this decision are our Members but we do not account to them and their actions are against our guidelines and objectives because they have communicated wrong information to our people and we sincerely denounced that move.
Lastly not even a speaker of our assembly (Mayen Anyang Thuch) was informed about the decision leave alone me the Vice Chairperson. Therefore, it was one man’s decision which has nothing to do with our students in Uganda and their Union.
I also call upon individuals who have the same intentions and feelings to avoid using regional associations as platforms for them to advance their interests at expenses of others. Such actions can rein the hope for future trust and togetherness. If I have not come into consentient with you then why should you go ahead and use my position and rights for your own benefits”?
Ayod County MP Ter Manyang Gatweech is one of the people who were surprised by the message as well. “It is one man’s decision… I Ter who represent Ayod Students in that Union have not been informed by Thanyang. I can’t say that we made the decision because it was himself who made it. All we need is peace not support to Riek or Kir which can prolong the conflict because S. Sudan is not for Riek nor Kir but it is for all of us and if there is peace and Unity in the Country we can prosper”.
I call upon our embassy in Kampala Uganda to look into this matter and devices means of avoiding further implications of that kind.
Way forward.
I Kuorwel Ngang Jacob, with approval and powers granted to me by the members listed below and our constitution declared the UNION (Greater Upper Nile Students’ Union in Uganda) dissolved until further notice.
1. Mayen Anyang Thuch (Speaker)
2. Daniel Majak Tuor (Legal affairs)
3. Ter Manyang Gatwech (MP Ayod County)
4. David Ngong Guet (MP Bor County)
5. Abraham Dut Bol ( Mp Twic East county)
6. Pual Maduk (Mp Duk County)
I remain as yours in services,
Jacob Kuorwel Ngang
Vice chairperson Greater Upper Nile Students’ Union Uganda
I can be reached at jacobkuorwel@gmail.com