Mekonen Tefere,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Feb 18, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — In a panic move announced today by self-claim Young General, – Brig. Gen. Lul Ruai Koang in Kenyan Capital of Nairobi, Lul claimed that he has abandoned the rebel Movement under Dr. Riek Machar and formed his own faction, the South Sudan Resistance Movement/Army.
In a quick statement released on behalf of Greater Akobo, Commissioner Koang Rambang today elaborated “There comes a time that national interest becomes a priority to that of an individual.” Prof. George Saitoti.”, a statement he referred to the defection of self interest of Brig. Gen. Lul Ruai.
In exclusive interview, the current Bieh State’s Governor Col. Koang Gatkuoth Kerjiok hotly warned the entire Lou Nuer to remain calm and dishonor the self-claimed defector.
“I want to assure [the] Lou Nuer Community around the globe that the defection by Brig. Gen Lul Ruai Koang is nothing and is up to him [Lul] alone…it has nothing to do with us.” Col. Koang Gatkuoth Kerjiok added on the phone.
He mentioned that Lou Nuer around the World neither support him nor agreed with the move.
Thousands of Lou Nuer around the World condemn the move and termed it as self-fishiness instead of rebellion.
The Governor also recalls the Nuer civilians’ massacre which took place in Juba. “The blood of Nuer sons and daughters who perished in Juba must not be forgotten and we are not the best people to be dragged by individual interest.” Gov. Col. Koang Gatkuoth Kerjiok added.
Meanwhile, Duany Thabach, a member of Lou Nuer Community in Nairobi, Kenya condemned the move. “Bravo, commissioner Koang Rambang and Simon Hoth Duol and Wany Juet Jock… we the Lou Nuer Community in Nairobi and worldwide are against the General Lul Ruai Koang’s move. We shall not support any move that can keep Kiir’s government in power.”
Finally, the rebel Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual who hailed from Lou Nuer community has not been reached for comment.
Nyamilepedia is short of writing their common words – BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Why ?? Nyamilepadia is giving us just only the reactions of Mr. LUL RUAI deflection leaving out the press release made by Lul Ruai an indication that Nyamilepadia is an allied block with interest not just to inform people with any news!!
Good good for them,Nuer have to sort it out.
Children of Lou Nuer are there for their love one who was killed in Juba last 12/16/13 though 12/19/13. Never and ever forgetting it.