Feb 22, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — I write to inform you the honorable South Sudanese and the world at large that Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang’s defection to Kiir’s Regime would have no impacts on the Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A)’s support in Australia. General Koang is a lonely splinter who deserves to return to his like-minded Juba Regime as they share the same facelessness and lack of vision for the country.
We congratulated him for joining his like-minded, shortsighted and faceless family-Regime in Juba and we wish to inform you that his defections will do no-damage to our cause and quest for a free South Sudan where people’s voices would not be silenced through the use of decrees as we are current witnessing from Kiir’s incompetent Regime.
There is no-doubt that General Koang’s defections claims are unconvincing; however, he is entitled to his choices and rights as a citizen. Unlike President Kiir fiat’s Regime, the SPLM/A aspires for a South Sudan where citizens are entitled to make inform decisions on matters affecting their daily lives, exercise freedom of choice and express their views and opinions on social and political affairs of the country. General Koang is no-exception to these rights; however, it is with grave concern that he is unable to distinguish between what may be right or wrong as a citizen. He is aware that President Kiir and his allies forced the SPLM/A to exile through gun barrel and military might on the eve of December 2013, yet he expects the SPLM/A to agree to a peace without effective measures and guarantors.
General Koang claims that Dr Machar, and I quoted, ‘is fighting for his own interest, responsible for mobilizing civilians’ and not committing to achieving peace with President Kiir. These are weak allegations and unjustifiable claims. The civilians have formed their own frontline of self-defence-White Army, not upon an invitation from Dr Machar but to take justice into their own hands after their loves were unjustly massacred in Juba. South Sudanese and the international community are aware of Dr Machar and his team’s absolute commitment to achieving peace as evidenced by their engagement in Arusha and IGAD peace-led processes. Pointing a finger of blame on Machar’s leadership with drastically insufficient evidences is not only a serious negative self-reflection on General Koang’s perception but also a matter that brings serious questions to his personal judgments and moral grounds as a citizen of the country. General Koang claims that his defections would help establishing the Greater Akoba State-a region already named among the SPLM/A’s newly state in their visions for the country. This is an imagination highly unlikely to be considered by President Kiir and his faceless and notorious cabinet. It seems as if General Koang was reactive, too quick to act before he thinks and failed to identify that he disgusted and damaged his characters and legacy in the supreme eyes of South Sudanese. Worse of all, he abandoned his so-called ‘South Sudan Resistance Movement/Army (SSRM/A)’ within 24 hours of his defection. This proves beyond reasonable doubt that General Koang lacks and does not understand major contributors to current cause imposed on SPLM/A and hardly contemplate on how to ensure remaining victims are protected from President Kiir’s murdering obsession.
I wish to conclude this press release by urging all of us to observe the following take away messages:
- Be aware that wrong choices often lead to wrong chances
- Let the choices we make today be the choice we can live with tomorrow
- We can only reap what we sow in our great nation.
- Our tribes are socially constructed and thus should not be obstacles to our progress and living in harmony as one
- Let us judge each other not on the basis of our tribes or political affiliation but on the contents of our characters
- Our nation is bigger than us therefore let law the be above us
Long live Republic of South Sudan, long live the people of the Republic of South Sudan and long live SPLM/A.
Gatluak Puok Puoch
SPLM Chapters Australia Coordinator
Thanks for highlighting this Issue, let him enjoy his decision. Hw met with Lou Nuer here in Juba on Saturday but produced no fruit as you can see it was not published in any media. He was told if your objective is to look for a state, it was already approved by SPLA-IO. He was also remind that where is Gen Gatwech Dual, Governor, and all three commissioners? or you are only the person who knows the suffering of Lou Nuer. He was also asked about Gawaar and Laak if his claim was that Lou nuer suffer in the hand of Jobglei. He never response well to those questions. I hope he already regret his decision
Thank again Mr Torbaar. Let us see what his defections would bring to his fate.
Yours in Struggle
Gatluak PP, Melbourne-Australia.