Press Release

Eric Reeves, what led this heartless American man to the hatred of the Nuer people of South Sudan? Or is Eric Reeves a cursed or is he simply being brainwashed?

By Gatluke Chuol Reat

Phase One …


Eric Reeves, (Photo: via a Personal Quest To Save Sudan)
Eric Reeves, (Photo: via a Personal Quest To Save Sudan)

Oct 3, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — At first, I have to admit that the hypocrisy of Eric Reeves has excavated into my nerves and dug a big hole within the Sudanese and South Sudanese societies. This also seems to take a toll along with many readers who have the same feeling about Eric Reeves. In which promoted me to agree with Mark Twain that “I haven’t any right to criticize books, and I don’t do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can’t conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.” Mark Twain.

This is exactly how I felt toward Eric Reeves; however, I have to convince myself that the blood of the people of South Sudan is important than my feeling and therefore I have to say something about this heartless man name Eric Reeves.

The purpose of this condemnation against Eric Reeves is to looking in to his heart as possible as I could. Eric Reeves has been in the center of both Sudan and South Sudan crisis for so long now. One can term it that both behaviorally and financially by using the power of humanity’s messages.  What madden me to extend is that the researches and documentations that he has over the years are nothing but focusing on individualism. What I meant by this is that his research in the last 15 years has been based on President Omer Bashir and suddenly about Gen. Peter Gatdet Yak. This caught my ears and promoted me to response to his hypocrisy.

Two things that I will be looking at are his submitted two hypocrisies.  The first hypocrisy was that Eric Reeves pretend to work on behave of the people of Sudan and South Sudan, particularly, in the humanitarian’s basis since the late 1980s to date.  The second hypocrisy is his behaviors toward the current imposed war in South Sudan by Salva Kirr Mayardit on the people of South Sudan. It’s worse mentioning to remind everyone that while Eric Reeves was siding with Dr. John Garang and his rebellion movement, Eric Reeves was against the separation of Southern Sudan.

The character of Eric Reeves

Who is Eric Reeves? Well, Eric Reeves is a little known man and no one knows him either in the political arena and or among the ordinary citizens in the United State of America. While much of critical attention paid to him by some donors and addresses his use of hypocrisy to find funding for his ”research on Sudan” in turns, his employment of vernacular tradition, or collecting hundreds of thousands of money from U.S organizations tell us otherwise and his history in his own way and often goes unnoted.

Little known about him in the U.S his Wikipedia is only based on Sudan issue, Eric Reeves (born 1950) and imagine the growing up in 1960s and 70s in the United State of America. he is a teacher at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts where he teaches courses there.

However, Eric Reeves has ever neither held a position or works at any public institutions nor held any job during his youth. However, in the last 15 years while still teaching at Smith College, he has spent the past thirteen years working as a Sudan researcher and analyst. Working independently and has written on several aspects of Sudan’s recent history.

Little known in the United State of America, is Eric Reeves a cursed for the people of Sudan and South Sudan, 15 year on why hasn’t thing change?

Answers to this question might be just found here, “from the 1980s to today, an elite group of Western intelligence operatives have backed low-intensity guerrilla warfare in certain African ‘hotspots’.  Mass atrocities in the Great Lakes and Sudan can be linked to Roger Winter, a pivotal U.S. operative whose ‘team’ was recently applauded for birthing the world’s newest nation, South Sudan.  Behind the fairytale we find a long trail of blood and skeletons from Uganda to Sudan, Rwanda and Congo.  While the mass media has covered their tracks, their misplaced moralism has simultaneously helped birth a new left-liberal ‘humanitarian’ fascism.  In this falsification of consciousness, Western human rights crusaders and organizations, funded by governments, multinational corporations and private donors cheer the killers and blame the victims—and pat themselves on the back for saving Africa from itself” Said Keith Snow

In my end however, while dealing with blood suckers, locked minded and heartless people like Eric Reeves, John Lock, one of the greatest philosopher and open minded in history of Philosophy has something to say about it. In his arguments about the outcome of our works, experience or our thinking, Locke believes that all of our knowledge comes from experience. He further holds that all of our knowledge is built from ideas (think of ideas as little building blocks and knowledge as the structures we create out of them). Locke puts forward this argument while arguing about innate ideas. What this mean is that humans are born blank minded and learned their way through the process based upon an environments they might be in.

Here come then, Eric Reeves, the heartless man of all kind, what make him turn his evil heart to Sudan and South Sudan? What is his experience that turns his immoral arguments on individuals such as those of Gen. Gatdet, also, what make him injected his wicked spirit into South Sudan and Sudan issues? Unlike freedom or human activist, Eric Reeves miserably failed to identified or differentiated between issues and personal hatred or gained that he is initiated.

Prior to his devil activities about Sudan and South Sudan, Eric Reeves was introduce to Sudan issues by Brian D’Silva, Roger Winter and along with other. They called themselves the Council and gave each other clannish nicknames: the Emperor, the Deputy Emperor, the Spear Carrier. Of course, they are business men and were looking for opportunities. D’Silva known to have been in school together with Dr. John Garang during his years of studied in Iowa. However, Eric Reeves did not have a chance to meet Dr. John Garang to know the full circumstances surrounded Sudan issues.

Then, Eric Reeves was hired along with Roger Winter and D’Silva as an agents to U.S government but where giving a task of humanitarians basis. According to Keith Snows who first exposed their evil hearts and in part he said “this is a tale of dark knights, of covert operators and spies aligned with the cult of intelligence in the United States of America”. These thugs were operating in secrecy and denial within the U.S. intelligence and defense establishment, they have helped engineer more than two decades of low intensity warfare in Sudan (alone), replete with massive suffering and a death toll of between 1.5 and 3 million Sudanese casualties—using their own fluctuating statistics on mortality—and millions upon millions of casualties in the Great Lakes of Africa, the source narrated to me.

Eric Reeves and Roger Winter behind the fantasy is a very real tale of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocides real and alleged, and mass atrocities covered up by these National Security agents with the aid of a not-so-ordinary of an English professor—their one-man Ministry of Disinformation—Dr. Eric Reeves, he said.

Seen in many of his comments about current conflicts in South Sudan, Eric Reeves could easily be caught red handed. At one point he said “Violence emerged explosively in Juba, capital of South Sudan, on December 15, growing out of political rivalries and competing visions of South Sudan’s future. President Salva Kiir, following the initial violence, incarcerated a number of political opponents; however, a key opponent, former Vice President Riek Machar, escaped capture, made it to the bush, and began a military effort to overthrow the democratically elected Government of South Sudan”. But the question is, how in the world could you just say that you escaped for your dear live and would be accused to overthrow the elected government? Is Eric Reeves is from U.S A or is he a daydreaming out of bush who doesn’t know the different between escaped for your dear live and started overthrowing a democratic government?

Is Eric Reeves a cursed for the people of Sudan and South Sudan?

Yes, as was narrated by Keith Snow, Eric Reeves is a cursed to the people of Sudan and South Sudan. However, for so long now, Eric Reeves has been in the center of all, in both the past and the current conflicts in both Sudan and South Sudan. He centers himself and tries to convince his donors as somebody with full knowledge about both Countries and a passionate to criticize both Sudan government and SPLM-IO at all cost. But forget that Salva Kirr was the one who actually triggered the current war in South sudan

However, if we look back to his past, shortly after the untimely Death of Dr. John in 2005, Eric Reeves wrote an article and in part he said “The death of Dr. John Garang de Mabior, longtime leader of the struggle for a just peace in southern Sudan, casts an ominous shadow over the prospects for sustaining the north/south peace agreement signed this past January in Nairobi. For the unfortunate truth is that there is no leader within Garang’s Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) that has his qualities of leadership, realism, wide experience, and deep intelligence” surprisingly, Eric Reeves changed his mind overnight by giving his full support to Salva Kirr’s government.

As mad as he is, he put his love of money and his hatred toward the Nuer people into darkness. In August 2014 while charging against SPLM-OI he said “I have previously detailed the circumstances of the shoot-down, and Gadet’s history as a man of extreme and brutal violence” Eric was caught red handed by charging Peter Gatdet before knowing the facts. And without a shame in his evil and immoral conscience Eric Reeves went on and accusing the government of Sudan as if they are supporting the SPLM-IO in part he said “Looking Directly into the Heart of Darkness: What the Khartoum Regime Really Thinks” (leaked minutes of critical August 2014 meeting of senior military and security”

On September 28, 2014 he was also caught saying “Khartoum Offers Strategic Military Support to Rebels in South Sudan (SPLA-in-Opposition

But what is all this, Is Eric Reeves also being brainwashed?

Well yes, what this mean is that since Eric Reeves was introduced to Sudan issues, one of his mentors Roger Winter caught saying “You meet Dr. John, you get converted,” Winter who first met Garang in 1986. Then the story goes that the three men quickly discovered the size of the task ahead of them.

According to critic to both Eric Reeves and Roger who narrated that from the 1980s to date “an elite group of Western intelligence operatives have backed low-intensity guerrilla warfare in certain African ‘hotspots’.  Mass atrocities in the Great Lakes and Sudan” The atrocities they have committed were done in darkness where they support either group indirectly or one from the other.

As the story goes, behind the fairytale he said, we find a long trail of blood and skeletons from Uganda to Sudan, Rwanda and Congo.  While the mass media has covered their tracks, their misplaced moralism has simultaneously helped birth a new left-liberal ‘humanitarian’ fascism.  In this falsification of consciousness, Western human rights crusaders and organizations, funded by governments, multinational corporations and private donors cheer the killers and blame the victims—and pat themselves on the back for saving Africa from itself, he narrated.

In 1987, D’Silva tried to bring a delegation from the SPLM to meet officials in Washington. But standard procedure at Foggy Bottom was to maintain relations with the recognized Sudanese government in Khartoum and ignore the rebel movement. D’Silva received a phone call from an official instructing him that no meetings should be arranged on any government-owned or -leased property.

Without wasting time to explain how deep this man has been brainwashed, his daily writing can speak by itself.

Besides being brainwashed and to make the batter worse, Eric Reeves was in a deep financial crisis and saw opportunities working with U.S government secretly. This didn’t come to light until 2004. Stay tune for more

Phase One to be continue

Gatluke Chuol Reat

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Mateo Ruiz de la Torre October 16, 2015 at 4:17 pm

My name is Mateo Ruiz de la Torre. I am an 8th student working on a Model-UN project on South Sudan, and I saw that there was an article about Eric Reeves. I have seen his work on South Sudan’s crisis and realized that he would be a perfect expert on my project. I have been trying to contact him for a pretty long time but I cant find his email. Would you possibly know his email? If you do that would really help a lot. Thank you!

Niko Gonzales May 17, 2016 at 7:22 am

Interesting article, but difficult to read with so many spelling mistakes.


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