Press Release

Congratulatory Message to the Youth of South Sudan

By Puot Kang Chol

South Sudanese Jonglei youth declare their support for federalism(photo: file)
South Sudanese celebrating Independent of South Sudan(photo: file)

Dear Comrades and Compatriots,

August 13, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Revolutionary Greetings, first and foremost the entire leadership of SPLM Youth League(SPLMYL) extends its gratitude to our revolutionary youth across the world who took up sticks, stones, shovels and spears  to shield the country from the tyranny who killed, displaced the citizens and threatening the country to face the worse famine the world has ever see in 21st century. It’s unfortunate that this scenario is happening to our young nation but with your support we will prevail.

Yesterday was the world Youth International Day. We congratulated South Sudanese youth across the world that may have take discern of this youthful day and commemorate it. For those who couldn’t make it due to the struggle and the crisis in our country imposed on us by someone interested to rule with an iron pist. We can assure you that by God willing next year you will celebrate this day in a Federal Republic of South Sudan free from dictatorship. We congratulated you for the patriotic stand for our country. You are the freedom fighters of our generation and the generations to come.

Albert Einstein once said “the effort to strive for truth has to precede all other efforts”. We are fighting a Just war and so all other efforts must be preceded by the struggle for Justice and total freedom.  Therefore, we salute the Diaspora Youth in USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, Israel, and Middle East for an imaginable contribution, those Youth across east Africa and those in the field. It’s our solitary responsibility to make this happen and liberate our nation from the yoke of dictatorship for the future of the next generations. This is the time and we take this opportunity to congratulate you once more for the untiring contribution to the struggle.

We are almost to that country. A Country where Isaiah Abraham will not be kills because of speaking the truth against weak government. Where Gatkuoth and Garang seat in the same table and when December comes none will be targeted. Where civil society leader will not be assassinated on his way home because of representing the civil populace’s voiceless. A Country where Machar or Lado will not be discriminated simply because of his name or the traditional marks. That Country which Malong or Gatdet cultivate his farm in Nasir because he is South Sudanese. It’s this Country which now you are fighting to liberate. We must precede all other efforts for this dream Country. That country which will accommodate every single citizens of this magnificent nation freely born associate, express and dream without being intimidated.

As the Chairman of the SPLM Youth League on perform of the entire leadership. We take this moment to congratulate our great leader Dr. Riek Machar for the successful completion of his tour across the IGAD countries to enlighten their leadership on the current crisis in our Country. Congratulation Comrade, the Youth of the SPLM/SPLA and of this Great Nation South Sudan are behind you.

His endeavor to reach out to the Igad head of states is welcomed by the leadership of the SPLMYL and we appreciate his hard work to strive for Justice to bring everlasting peace to our Country. He was welcome by more than 21,000 South Sudanese across South Sudan currently in Khartoum and tepidity did by other countries. This show that South Sudanese are awakens by this revolution to fight against dictatorship imposing war on us. We trust that, the man who championed for the South Sudanese self-determination will set straight another record of federalism that will helps develops this nation and bring equity to all south Sudanese ethnicities.

We therefore, call up on the people of South Sudan in Diaspora and home to joins the resistant and fight for a free South Sudan from any form of autocracy. We believe through you a Peaceful, Federal, Democratic and a prosperous South Sudan shall be realized.

“I say to you with all the fervor of my soul that God intended men to be free and rebellion against tyranny is a righteous cause. It is an enormous evil for any man to be enslaved to any system contrary to his own will.”- Ezra Taft Benson





Yours in the Struggle

  1. Puot Kang Chol

Chairman of SPLM Youth League

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