Press Release

Condemnations of targeted Killing Of Intellectuals In Akobo East County

By Gatwech Koak Nyuon,

Peace Ambassador

Puok James (Pow James),  a journalist who has been corresponding for Nyamilepedia, and other media houses from Greater Akobo who innocently targeted in the recent tribal feud in Akobo East Count(Photo: file)
Puok James (Pow James), a journalist who has been corresponding for Nyamilepedia, and other media houses from Greater Akobo who innocently targeted in the recent tribal feud in Akobo East Count(Photo: file)

May 20, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- I’m deeply sorry for what happened in Akobo County today (Wednesday May 20, 15), the killing of two highly intellectual young men by civilians because of inter-clans revenge among Akobo’s citizens.

To be honest, I’m deeply dismayed by the tragedy death of both Mr. Yohannes Pal Kuek and Mr. Puok James (Pow James) who is also a very well known journalist. Pow James has been actively reporting on Radio Tamazuj from Akobo. This incident on them is a crime against Humanity and this must be highly investigated.

It’s not the first time; the clans in Akobo have been targeting the intellectuals who are far from the clans’ skirmishes. Civilians used to fight among themselves, but revenged their love ones by killing an intellectual instead of the killer who killed the person.

Pal and Puok had nothing to do with this conflict between Chie-tot and Chie-Majoak of Akobo East. Of course, Yohannes Pal is from Chie-tot, but he knew nothing about the conflict. He was just an innocent intellectual who went to Akobo for Data Collection on his Master’s Degree Thesis. Mr. Puok James was innocently killed because he walked with his friend – Pal. They both were killed while visiting some NGOs’ vicinity in order to access Internet.

I therefore urge the authority in Greater Akobo particularly Akobo East County to intervene and quickly hold an emergency meeting with civilians to decide whether the intellectuals are no longer needed in society so that they can evacuate the County.

Masters' student,Yohannes Pal Kurk, gathering data for his thesis in his home area in Greater Akobo(Photo: profiles)
Masters’ student,Yohannes Pal Kurk, gathering data for his thesis in his home area in Greater Akobo(Photo: profiles)

Intellectuals are our doctors, teachers, administrators…etc. There is no way at all to target them in such useless and nonsense conflict. I want the Greater Akobo in Abroad and at Home to quickly dispatch a team on the ground and address this issue.

Yohannes Pal held Diploma in Accounting from Queen College in Addis Ababa, Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance from Ethiopia Adventist College and Master Degree in Economics in Unity University in Ethiopia while Puok James with Bachelor in Journalism and Communication.

Once again! I strongly condemn the incident in the strongest term possible as Peace Ambassador and I strongly appeal to Authority in Akobo to critically look into situation so that civilians are aware of the importance of an educated person.

Civilians need to refrain from such acts otherwise a possible evacuation of intellectuals caused by fear will be imminent in Akobo County.

I extend my heartfelt and condolences to the deceased family to leave everything’s to God.

As an actor, I met Puok James during 2010 General Election in Akobo and we talked about how we should act a movie to curb such crimes that include the clans’ skirmishes in Greater Akobo. This was after I released my Movie in 2009.

Puok was a great and talented young man who openly talks to people while Yohannes Pal Kuek was my mentor who taught me Science subjects in Class Eight (8). Pal repeatedly taught me Introduction to Economic during my First Year in University and recently guided me on my Research paper early this year.

Mr. Pal is my role model and I must say that I learn so much from him.

I will always remember these two gentlemen as brothers, charismatic leaders and visionaries!! I believe a Foundation will be one-day build for them by Akobo Community to honor their roles.

I pray for God to comfort their family.

Let them rest in peace, Amen!!

Gatwech Koak Nyuon

Peace Ambassador

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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A. Editor


Goweng Torbar May 20, 2015 at 7:20 pm

I strongly condemn this act of cowardliness killing! why Akobo and Rumbek never learn they keep on clan revenge killing? I hope Nuer and Dinka could rise awareness among their clans on this revenge killing otherwise God’s wrath will continue.

AGUMUT May 20, 2015 at 7:30 pm

Rebels themselves can kill them in order to spoil government.Report,but don’t live there because rebels control areas are very dangerous and not safe. Rebels are jobless and have no hope,they can dump them because of jealousy.

GatNor May 20, 2015 at 8:03 pm

Usually taugh societal laws deters such a brutal culture. R.I.P.

Mawien Magol May 20, 2015 at 8:15 pm

I blamed those dead Students who returned to lawless areas instead,of going to others safer countries to collected their thesis for their doctoral study. It is true that, our civilians in South Sudan are more wild arms special youths are dangerous this time and they don’t know the important of education this is they took law in to their own hands and kills these two doctoral Students. The Southern Sudanese people are lacking many things particular, when it come to talk about peaceful coexistence and good understanding. It had happened in Lake State since the CPA, this week alone, the two communities of Tonj South county are fighting each others because of land dispute on the other hand, Agok communities of Gogrial West county and Apuk Giir Thiik communities of Gogrial East county are also fighting for cows issue this show that, there is something in the minds of Southern Sudanese people politically, culturally and traditionally and it is only God to rescue us otherwise, it is just become a hopelessness this young nation.

Chuare Dual May 20, 2015 at 10:52 pm

Agumut, you talk like child, you don’t know what to say. Is Rumbek and Warap are rebel areas? Why they kill their qualifies and even their leaders? Our community still not changed unless Khir change, there is no different between Salva Khir and these villagers the same mine they have. Salva is the Gokrial villager that is why he kill his people by saying that ” Nuer want this seat of Dinka” he doesn’t think about good leadership. If I were Khir I could resign if see these community killing each other because of me. And also the SPLA killing the civilians if it is not me order them to kill the civilians.

AGUMUT May 21, 2015 at 4:30 am

You are a rebels and you don’t even know how to spell Kiir,Gogrial or Warrap.

AGUMUT May 21, 2015 at 5:23 am

Your writing is very LOUSY and so-called GatNor liked your comments.

Stephen Bang Bidit. May 21, 2015 at 12:06 am

its very wrongest work from those who done bad work for their brothers.

Madong Kuoth May 21, 2015 at 12:19 am

Very Very sadness indeed to hear this news. I knew this boy back 15 year ago were in school together in Uganda. He was smart boy. I am very very heartless. May Almighty put his soul in the right hand.

thoncamkepeelen May 21, 2015 at 1:38 am

I thought the headline would read “condemning Nuer-wew for killing young intellectuals in Akobo” and the message should contain “Salva Kiir instigated this fight”. May their souls rest in peace.

Owang Sino May 21, 2015 at 5:07 am

good riddance, part of rebels clearance.

Gambella Lual May 21, 2015 at 5:30 am

Very sadness news, Pal was one of our Nuer elder group in Ethipian Adventist College (EAC), he was one among those having vision for nation, country and the world. local leaders need to understand what is happening for coming generation.
R.I.P but Greater Akobo, Great Upper Nile and Youngest Nation (S.Sudan) need to solve situation to not be repeated through out the country.

KOCH GATKUOTH May 21, 2015 at 6:24 am

this is really bad news from the people of AKobo. why we Nuer still kill our selves while south sudanese people are fighting for their right and freedom? I personally conderm the killing of those good intellectual people from Akobo east.

Kai Doang May 21, 2015 at 10:01 am

Whether it’s a revenge or not, it’s a crime to revenge. The Akobo security must bring those youth including Chief of clan, and culprit must face death penalty if convicted, to avoid future crimes.


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