Press Release

Communique: Intra-SPLM Dialogue, Arusha II (Phase I)

Updated at 1:21Am, Dec 25, 2014(PT)

Duer-AkolDec 24, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — We the delegates to the Intra-SPLM Dialogue met in Arusha, Tanzania from December 23 – 24, 2014 UNDER THE auspices of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) facilitated by the former Vice Chairman of CCM, Dr. John Samuel Malecela have this communique:

Having reconvened for the resumption of the Intra-SPLM Dialogue in the letter and spirit of the Framework Document and the Communique signed on October 20, 2014.

Mindful of our collective Responsibility for the crisis that engulf the Republic of South Sudan;

Convinced that the Intra-SPLM Dialogue can contribute effectively to resolving the current war;

Encouraged by the positive steps made by the delegation to continue with the Dialogue;

Recognizing that any sustainable peace ultimately must be owned by the people of South Sudan who have borne the brunt of the suffering.

Recommit ourselves once more to the Intra-SPLM Dialogue as a means to ending the suffering of our people.

Decide to adjourn this session today December 24, 2014 and have agreed to reconvene again in Arusha, Tanzania on January 5, 2015 to advance the agenda set forth in the Framework Document and the Communique;

Express our gratitude and appreciation to the sisterly Party CCM under the chairmanship of Ndugu Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and the support of Crisis Management Initiative (CMI).

Signed by:

Cde Akol Paul Kordit – SPLM-Juba

Cde Duer Tut Duer – SPLM-IO

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