Press Release

Commemorating the Massacre of 20,000 Nuer Civilians in cold-blood on December 15th, 2013 by President Salva Kiir Mayardit of South Sudan

By James Nguen,


Dec 14th, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Tomorrow marks the 2nd anniversary of Dec. 15th, when 20,000 innocent Nuer civilians including women, elderly and children were summarily executed by their President, in cold blood. My own mother died too in this conflict. She was innocently and had to die because she was denied access to medical attention. My uncles and nephews summarily executed simply because they were Nuer

They were considered enemy of the State because of their ethnicity. The African Union’s Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan’s Conflict Report rightly put it that the massacre of 20,000 Nuer civilians was a “state policy” sanctioned to erase one ethnic group the map of South Sudan.

Because of this poorly thought out policy, my people, people of South Sudan were ruthlessly murdered in their houses on a door –to –door search killing sphere in Juba and across South Sudan. They died bravely and with humility because they were not armed and did no provocation or had no political agenda but had to be executed because they were Nuer.

Their killers foolishly thought destroying their souls was an affliction on the Nuer Nation. Yes, immediately it was and as a result I will never see my uncles, nephews and mother again. However, because of this twisted foresight thinking and exhortation of righteousness, South Sudan went in flame. Across this young nation, almost everyone is in anguish of sort.

As a result, the foundation of our nation is now challenged, wobbly to the core risking free fall at any time. On a personal note, at the onset of this conflict, I promised my nation and my people that “I’ m alive not dead.” I promised I will use my talents to reverse the course of these horrific crimes.

I promised my dead mother that I will write about your innocent demise to ensure that your blood and spirits will not go in vain. My goal was to expose and hold those who committed these crimes to account and do away with impunity. Others and I took this noble task with humility. We have written articles to inform the world that you were innocently murdered, with no apparent cause.

To some extent, we have made a head way given the African Union’s Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan’s Conflict Report, but I must state that there is must more to be done, which still required our collective actions.

President Salva Kiir and his thugs, militia allies from Bul Nuer, Darfur and SPLA -North rebels have committed horrific atrocities across Nuer Nation against innocent civilians. Crimes punishable by death when one is found alive or dead!

Therefore, I need not to remind you that Nuer women, young girls and elderly women were raped and burned alive after rape. I need not to mention that young Nuer boys were castrated and young Nuer girls had their breasts cut off and left for dead. And I need not to say to you that elderly men in Unity State and Juba were forced to eat and drink the blood of their dead relatives and killed afterward. Finally, with gruesome brutalities, Nuer women were subjected to jump on fire for show and gang raped with sharp objects and allowed to blood to death. These are heinous crimes committed by South Sudanese against their own fellow citizens.

It’s true that the scene of everlasting tragedy is set. To ease this tragic precedent, I call on all South Sudanese both at home and in Diaspora to commemorate December 15th of the Nuer massacre together as one people and condemn the wrong and those who took part committing these heinous crimes against our nation and our fellow countrymen and men.

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Beek December 15, 2015 at 12:24 am

Nuer were the one who killed themselves. Actually who will allow people in the government to play with national networks?

Gat.darwich December 15, 2015 at 6:13 pm

Beek, Amen, and Chol

It is too early to celebrate the December 2013 massacred of Nuer women, children, elderly, and the sick by your kinsmen pals.

You and your tribesmen are within and will always be within reached period.

The mercenaries your tribal chief, Killer NyanKiir hired for your protection will and shall imminently abandons you in the mercy of the NaathNation.

Maybe their(mercenaries) departure will occurred within 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50, or 100 years from now.

They will definitely leave you, the cowards-Jiengs, alone period

AMEN December 15, 2015 at 6:41 am

You Nuer rebels don,t joke if you want 20,000 to die in your community than God will accept your request event if they are not gonig to be killed by gun than diseases will break out in Nuer areas and kill 20,000 without rescue.
don,t preach useless and unfound information

AMEN December 15, 2015 at 6:48 am

You started the war and same time you claim that you were killed YES what ever you do in this world there is consquences. it is good if 20,000 were really dead in juba so that you will never forget as you said.
Riek machar will led you into total darkness,

deng gatluak riek lual December 15, 2015 at 8:10 am

yeah we never forget the dark day

chol y December 15, 2015 at 10:52 am

The nuers were not targeted in juba or anywhere else , so stop lying about 20 000 Nuers killed. Not enough Nuers were killed.

Gatdar.wich December 15, 2015 at 12:01 pm


It is exactly two years today without justice since the Killer NyanKiir and the Jiengs council of Evils murdered over 20,000 Nuer children, women, elderly, and the sicks in Juba.

I, Gatdarwich constantly and wholeheartedly begs, and you(NaathNation) should and must constantly and wholeheartedly beg the almighty God and Ngundeng to keep the murderers of our women, children, elderly, and the sicks within our reach period.

Gat.darwich December 15, 2015 at 6:08 pm


It is exactly two years today without justice since the Killer NyanKiir and the Jiengs council of Evils murdered over 20,000 Nuer children, women, elderly, and the sicks in Juba.

I, Gatdarwich constantly and wholeheartedly begs, and you(NaathNation) should and must constantly and wholeheartedly beg the almighty God and Ngundeng to keep the murderers of our women, children, elderly, and the sicks, be within our reach period.



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