Press Release

Collo Community Deserves an Apology to tip balance for Peace in South Sudan

By Gwado J. Ador

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Goweng Torbaar March 4, 2015 at 4:07 am

Dear Gwado, I hope you got your history from wrong person or you took from upper part not from root cause. I was in Malakal during Malakal incident until i left in Feb 2014 where some of problem between Nuer and Shuluk started. Yes i can not deny that shuluk were killed in Malakal but Shuluk were the one who started this problem if you don’t know. Nuer call this war as a war between Dinka and Nuer till now. recent Genesis of Shuluk Nuer Problem: During Dec 23 2013 fighting erupted in Owach and scalleted to Malakal on 25-12-2013 from there Malakal were captured by defectors who have no common commander till 27-12-2013 when Government troop captured the whole town. from there Shuluk whom were polices by then begins to betray their colleagues that this Nuer and That Nuer defected, Many got killed because of these Shuluk betrayal again they went searching for Nuer houses. Nuer got this news and when they captured the town in Jan 2014 they did not targeted Shuluk but some took revenge, when IO was flashed out again Johnson Olony came in and begins to mobilized Shuluk against Nuer which cause all the problems during the war in March there were a shuluk Battalion fighting SPLA IO. When IO captured the town, yes here Shuluk were target plus main target Dinka. The same istory went to Duk county in Jonglei and Khorflus plus Maban if they will be targeted latter on. What is important is that any government who succeeded in peace shall apology to all South Sudanese including Equatorial whom you think are neutral. Take example from Nun ostensibly who is a sister which suppose to be mother of all, now hate Angelina because she is a Nuer.

Gindowing March 4, 2015 at 7:25 am

If you (NUER) killed cholo people because you think that Olony was supporting Kiir. Why you did not kill Nuer people because Gony Below was supporting Kiir. Nuer are well known as people who relay on other people properties that why you looted people in Malakal but killing people who tried to not giving their things. We shall see who will suffer very much. chollo are know well armed and they have overrun Panjak.

Bentiu Ramaran March 4, 2015 at 1:31 pm


Shilluk have been heavily armed since before the war broke out in December 15, 2013 but are still being contained in their areas.

Second, Gony Believe is not operating in Nuer areas, but uses Shilluk areas too to launch attack on Nuer. Gony is from Akobo but since the war broke out in Juba he never been to Akobo. Shilluk are shielding Dinka because Dinka is paying Olony big money. Nuer are fighting for regime change. What Chollo are you fighting for?

Gindowing March 5, 2015 at 3:49 am

You Nuer (rebels only) are so primitive people. When Riak was VP you were totally engaged in looting the resource of South Sudan you were defending Kiir’s regime seriously. You supported Kiir by passing the evil current South Sudan constitution which is now being used against you. you were not talking about adopting the federal system in South Sudan. you were against any South Sudanese who thought of changing the regime because you were part of it. You are now fighting so that Kiir is forced to give you another chance of looting our resource. You and Kiir will removed from the power If kiir give you another chance to loot our resource. you deserved to live in Jangle. Go to the hell no mercy on you.

wau 7 March 4, 2015 at 6:53 am

Two fierce oxen can not lead the same flock peacefully, it’s dangerous. I GAD is preparing S,Sudan for a new Darfur..Dear collo men,take this wise proverb from the poultry;the lion is more merciful than the jackal

Bentiu Ramaran March 4, 2015 at 7:15 am

Gwado Ador

Hello Mr. Job seeker, if you join the opposition not knowing what were doing sorry. But do not seek employment from Kiir government using Nuer name.

This Catholic Nun is more evil and devil than Angelina Teny. The foolish Nun wants to bite Angelina Teny with teeth and tire her apart because she is a Nuer. Where is your love for God then? God said love all friends and enemy so you will be forgiven.

You see, the Nun favor the killing of Nuer else where in South Sudan, but strongly condemn Nuer for killing others. Shilluk commander Olony was the one who instigated the killing of Nuer in the Malakal and then Nuer began to kill Shilluk in the end. Government troops use Collo areas and routes to attack Nuer. How do you expect Nuer to leave you alone when you Shilluk and Dinka attack Nuer frequently using Shilluk areas?

If you the writer and your devil catholic Nun do not want Shilluk area to be a war zone, then do what David Yau Yau and Murle had done. Murle communities asked Salva Kiir not lunch attack on Nuer using Greater Pibor Areas. On the other hand, Nuer will not use Greater Pibor Area to attack government. As a result, now Murle communities are at peace with both Nuer and with Dinka. Collo did do that?

Therefore, you Shilluk people stop government using your communities to attack Nuer Communities and Shilluk must stop attacking Nuer as well. Nuer have no intention to attack Shilluk, but because Shilluk people are being controlled remotely by Kiir using them as tools against Nuer that is why Nuer are revenging against Shilluk too.

Be Independent. Stop hiding being Dinka.

Hoiloom March 4, 2015 at 11:38 am

Bentiu, great advise. I for once do not believe that the Nuer attacked and killed Shilluk without a reason. I do condemn the killing of the innocent civilians irrespective of their ethnic background. However, as you rightly put it, the Shilluk must stop their land and sons being used for the benefit of the regime..

Edward March 5, 2015 at 12:08 am

Mr. Gwado J. Ador, you are wrong!

The Nuer committed a grave mistake by targeting innocent civilians when they invaded Malakal. You can not argue that because president Salva Kiir killed Nuer tribesmen in Juba we have to excuse them when they did the same on other tribes. What happened in Juba in December 2013 was definitely wrong and every sound person should condemn it instantly.

But no Shilluk before that incident of Malakal ever though of fighting for this useless government and Nuer people know that well. then what has happened to see them doing the opposite???????

Gen. Johnson Olony, Gony Beliu, James Hoth and more other generals are fighting for Kiir and not for the Shilluk, therefore your reasoning a big zero not more.

Martin otiyalala March 5, 2015 at 3:29 am

Thanks for your great words of who supports Kiir and fight nuer and why ask others not to allow their area to be used for attacking Nuer. Surely who is a government according to you? Do you believe that the nuer must be a nation or the dinka must also be a nation? if South Sudan only think in terms of tribe and domination or imposing yourself by force, then whatever Certificates of learning you got, have never liberated you. Doctorate is not a grantee to rule others the way you like. If we talk of democracy and yet we ourselves are not democratic. what do you pretend to be!! Nuer leaders like riak rally all the nuer who don’t choose what is right from wrong, but to be chosen by Riak for them and just die for what you do not understand. If we want peace in South Sudan Nuer must accept dinka and dinka accept nuer and know that if we belief that we can built this nation by giving space for other tribes also. that will be the beginning of peace. but if you think that the oil of south sudan comes from the nuer land therefore a nuer must lead south sudan.It is a big nonsense. better south sudan to divide if others want to impose themselves to others. South Sudan can be good if it becomes three different countries. The oil can be found in all parts of south sudan with other resources to serve its people. divorce is better with people who do not reason yet they have minds and gone to school. why do we belief with our eyes than wha we have been told.

Riek Koang March 7, 2015 at 12:30 am

Riek is the most useless politician in South Sudan, he must be assasinated so that total peace come to South Sudan, if you go back to the time of War between Sudan Armed Forces and SPLA, what happened with Riek, Garang, Wani Igga, Salva Kiir plus other commanders were seriously fighting SAF while Fool Riek was busy confusing the movement with his Nuer Militias, SPLA were almost over running Juba to the extend of reaching Airport unfortunatly they were been attacked from the back by Riek Machar. its a big shame for Riek to say he struggled for the Independence of this Country, where?? Political prostitute of South Sudan and a political Orphan of Khartoum, wise people should abandon his useless rebelion and return to Government, Kiir is not permanet in this position after all, he was voted in this position by the South Sudanese and its the right of the south sudanese to Vote him out and bring some body of their choice, every body is well ware of the killing in Juba and not all Nuers, even Equatorians and Dinkas were killed in Juba, see what Riek and his illiterate white army did in Bor, Akobo when they forcefully entered to massacre the innocent Dinka Civilians who had taken refuge there, what Riek did in Malakal, killing every one including those in their beds in the hospitals, Catholic Sisters were being rapped in broad day light, what Riek did in Bentiu, James Koang going on air to Bentiu FM telling Nuers to Kill and rapped any woman who is believed to be a non Nuer: Riek has done more worse than Salva Kiir in this War, let alone his past Massacre of Dinka Bor. what is happending now is Riek wants to impose himself to be president because he very well know South Sudanese will never vote of him to be betrayed again, IGAD and African Union must standby the Government so that these Rebelion is crushed militarily for Fool Riek to go to exile fo good, Wise Nuer never join him because they know him being prostitute of Omar Albashir. These Rebelion if not ended militarily,it will turn like Boko Haram of Nigeria wait an see.

Breaking News: Members of Collo Community Defect SPLM-IO , Joint SPLM-Juba!! | Nyamilepedia March 6, 2015 at 4:49 am

[…] Read: Collo Community Deserves an Apology to tip balance for Peace in South Sudan, March 4, 2015. […]

Gatluak Jack March 11, 2015 at 12:48 pm

There are only two choicese Be with Salva Kiir or Dr Riek and let the fight continouse until the winner emerge from the battle field period.


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