Press Release

Australia :- Boos On Salva Kiir For Failing to Sign The Most Needed Peace Agreement On The Dateline

By Thalage Wal | Chairperson,

President Salva Kiir wiping his face with no handkerchief during a hard talk on Al Jazeera in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: extracted from youtube)
President Salva Kiir wiping his face with no handkerchief during a hard talk on Al Jazeera in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: extracted from youtube)

August 20, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — We, Nuer community in Australia express our strongest condemnation and protest against Salva Kiir and his regime in Juba for failing to sign the IGAD-PLUS compromise Peace Proposal Agreement to bring the conflict in South Sudan to an end.

The people of South Sudan at home and around the world where waiting for 17th August 2015 that would be the day which could end the suffering of people South Sudan, instead Salva Kiir chose not to sign the Peace Agreement.

Since 17 August 2015, we know that Salva Kiir will not bring peace to South Sudan, but only to initiate for war to prolong the killing of innocent people including children women, and elderly persons.

On the other hand, we congratulate the Chairman of the SPLM/A-IO Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon for showing a true leadership by signing the IGAD-PLUS compromise peace deal. This demonstrates the commitment of the SPLM/A-IO leadership to end the suffering of all South Sudanese people and to restore peace, stability and development in the new country. But Salva Kiir chooses to continue with his brutal and deadly tactics by requesting more time to continue killing more innocent civilians.

Therefore, we call on the IGAD-PLUS, Regional leaders, the United Nations and the international communities to immediately put pressure and sanctions on Juba’s regime because its leader Salva Kiir has ignored and rejected the calls of South Sudanese and the international communities to sign the Peace Agreement on 17th August 2015 to end the war and the suffering of South Sudanese.

We also call upon South Sudanese all over the world to support the peace signed by the Dr. Riek Machar and to come out to condemn Salva Kiir for putting his own interest first, instead of considering the grievances and sufferings of South Sudanese people for the last 19 months.

Signed by

  1. Thalage W. Goch: Nuer Youth Association of Australia Inc
  2. Gatwang B. Manguat: Liech Nuer Community Association of Australia Inc
  3. Marnath William Ruei: Greater Fangak Community – Victoria, Australia Inc
  4. Musa Abraham Gatluak: Lou Nuer Community – Victoria, Australia Inc
  5. Tut K. Nyuon: Eastern Jikany Nuer Community – Victoria, Australia

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1 comment

Ghol Chot August 20, 2015 at 3:23 pm

Many South Sudanese people are just making too much noises that Salva Kiir should sign that rubbish being crafted in hotels, brothels and bars of Adis Ababa, but they do not know the greatest sinister game and scheme being played here on our country and our people by the most evilest of all evil people in the world and our own region.

Before the Sudan independence from Britain in 1955, Southern Sudan were given a chance to remain autonomous, but the Southern Sudan chiefs including my own uncle opted that Southern Sudan would be better off with the so-called arabs of the North Sudan, see what happened even before Sudan independence in 1956? We all know it. The war broke out in Nzara and Torit in 1947 that lasted until 1972 for Southern Sudan autonomy, which was abrogated by Jaffer Neimeri ten years later and another war broke out in 1983.

Fellows, open your damn eyes and see. Riek Machar and Pagan Amuom are the new South Sudan chiefs who signed out our hard won independence to the NEW WORLD ORDER experiment that is being experimented in our country by some evil people with some SINISTER PROJECT on our country and our people.

Be warned fellows, follow the Nuers at your own risk. Riek Machar and Pagan Amuom do not viscerally understand what they just signed and are asking Salva Kiir to do the same, but that is not going to happen under the sun as long as we are still here. Salva Kiir must not even go back to that damn ethiopia again.

Our country is being slyly re-united with the people with hate to death, the so-called cloned arabs of North Sudan by the likes of Pagan Amuom, Riek Machar and the so-called troika countries of the US, the UK and Norway, but this is not going to happen even in million years fellows.Let the greatest charlatan called Barrack Obama barks his damn sanctions, travel bans, asset freezes to even Salva Kiir, but his evil project in our country is long since been spotted and it is not going to fly in our country as far as we are concerned.

His Riek Machar puppet/stooge is not even welcomed back to South Sudan let alone being allowed to have anything closer to power in our country.


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