Press Release

Arrow Boys – South Sudan Peoples Patriotic Front (SSPPF) – Commemorate Dec 15

Commemorating December 15 and the Way Forward

By Eng. Charles Barnaba Kisanga

Hon. Charles Kisanga, the new chairman and C-in-C of SSPF, the arrow boys of Western Equatoria(Photo: file)
Hon. Charles Kisanga, the new chairman and C-in-C of SSPF, the arrow boys of Western Equatoria(Photo: file)

Dec 16, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- Three years ago, on December 15 2013 fighting broke out in Juba. That day is the dark day of the history of South Sudan when brewing political tension sparked a clash in the Presidential guards triggering an ethnic war which was mostly directed towards the Nuer community in Juba in which thousands died. Soon it spread to other places especially Greater Upper Nile and today there are no proper count of those losing their lives though it could be in range of 50,000. We in the Peoples Patriotic Front commemorate this day with great sudden and with dismay at the Failure of the IGAD and the International Community in brining really peace to the country and the conflict are set to worsen despite spending millions of dollars on talks that never materialised peace.

Looking at the IGAD peace process and the way the so called Compromise Peace was brokered, it is clear that the Peace process was more interested in solving the problem of two men rather than looking at the root causes of the problem that led to the spark of violence. South Sudan was sliding towards totalitarian tribal regime from the time we lost hero Dr. John Garang and Salva Kiir succeeded him . It was clear the Government formed after death of DR. Garang by Kiir was corrupt, tribal and incompetent. Yet the Western countries ignored all warnings and continued to support

the marginalisation and domination of the majority of the people of South Sudan. We as a new fighting force originating with WES Arrow Boys and now SSPPF believe that the SPLM dream died with Dr. John Garang and the defunct success to the SPLM , tribal corrupt and clique SPLM cannot be the one to build a peaceful and prosperous nation after ten years failure. So for us it is time to say South Sudan lost a visionary leader and the instrument he coined for us to achieve dependent, which we achieved. We lost him and so did we lose the SPLM. SPLM was never greater than the founder and if it was hijacked and spoiled beyond repair we can say rest in peace and we start a new vision for building the nation fresh. Sometimes a sword helps you to win a battle but one day you lose that sword but you can still get another sword to continue with. This new dream is the Peoples Patriotic Front (PPF) which is now interested in building a democratic nation based on respect for human rights, good governance, and inclusion of the South Sudanese diversity, transparent and delivering of really services to the people.

The People’s Patriotic Front is here to achieve this via armed struggle or mediation or any other means that returns power to the people of South Sudan to rule themselves in a just way rather than by tribal clique regime. We consider the Compromise deal as a dead thing which can only continue to prolong the suffering of the people of South Sudan because it only tried to solve problem of two men and problem of two tribes. In the peace deal the power is supposed to be shared between only two tribes while the rest will be servants who have to bow to the two principle tribes in order to try to serve their people.

That means marginalisation of especially Equatorians and other minority tribes will continue. As a leadership from Equatoria we reject this and call upon all the people of Equatoria to unite under one armed struggle and political force rather sitting on the side-lines and then crying fox when the cake is finished from them.

Seeing the current suffering of the people of Equatoria and predicted suffering if the Compromise deal goes ahead in its form I decided to lead the progressive people of South Sudan into fighting against clique systems so that we solve the problem of South Sudan once for all because the Peace Agreement is a piece meal deal. It is not about fixing the root causes of the Problem of South Sudan and the issue of satisfying two individuals or two tribes will not solve the problem but aggravate the whole situation. “You can easily tell what part of speech a word is by the work it does”.

For us in PPF we have forged good permanent solution. For example when Obama was elected as first black President of the United States he did not say he must appoint majority of ministers black but appointed majority of white ministers because majority in America are white and so he appointed white ministers as majority. The same will be the solution of the PPF. If it is Dinka who are majority, then yes more minsters from the Dinka but this time anybody can get any position based on competent and no ministry specially reserved for one tribe , e.g. Defence, Finance, Central Bank and other key ministries.

As a fighting force we are allied to SPLM-IO in trying to remove one dictator but not merged with SPLM-IO though we had initiated talks , the SSPPF Arrow Boys as well as other Forces in Equatoria will continue as Independent Force until we conclude meaningful and well balanced agreement on conditions of uniting our forces with SPLM-IO though we doubt their name with SPLM. Currently if the Government observes the IGAD brokered cease fire we do likewise but if they attack our bases anywhere in Equatoria we will strike back with ferocity as we did in the last few days in Yambio.

Last but not least, I’m calling on the National and WES Government to free all the detainees from among our elders, politicians and youth immediately. Without doing that we shall strike Yambio city any time again and we have the right to block all roads to and from Western Equatoria and other major roads in South Sudan.

Signed by:

Eng. Charles Barnaba Kisanga
Chairman and commander In Chief of SSPPF-Arrow Boys.
E-mail: cbkisanga@yahoo.co.uk

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Beek December 16, 2015 at 2:03 am

Those people in picture have no financial problems,they are corrupt and thieves who wanted to be allow to live free from state resources. They should be line up and gas them with out court ruling like the so-called ISIS.They have to be force to buy piece of land and pay tax in everything they own. That land is for the Government and not for Zenda,Nuer or Dinka. 64 tribes are South Sudanese who settle in Government land.Land have to be protected from corrupt people.

Tolio December 16, 2015 at 8:04 pm

When Charles was a minister, he never said the government was currupt. After he was dismissed, he revolted and accused the government of corruption. This is a disgruntlement from his being unemployed.

Tribalism is favoring of your own tribe. Charles and his vigilantes are from the same tribe. This is the opposite of the national army which has many tribes aboard compare to his. If he wants to fight tribalism, he should fight Chollos and SPLMIO because their armies are tribal like his.

Incompetency is when your abilities failed you to performed your duties well. Charles lost his job as a result of his inabilities to do his job well as a minister.

Barrack Obama wasn’t elected by black or white people because he was black. He was elected because his campaign promises and messages appealed to all Americans regardless of their races and other cultural backgrounds. He was simply elected because people believed he could be a solution to problems they had at the time and so were other people in his party appointed for the same reason regardless of their either being racially majority or minority.

The peace has already been signed to solve the cause of 2013’s conflict. If charles wanted to fight,he should have done it then,not now after this peace was signed . The aim of this peace is to stop prolonging the civil war and his new rebellion is the opposite of not protracting the war. The refugees in the IDPs and the world don’t want the continuation of war.

Just as charles say they can overthrow the regime,so does the regime believe it can subdue the rebels of charles and others,should the war continue. There is no guarantee to that as witnessed so far. It just means massive displacements,killings and destructions without a quick end. He is better off accepting what the international community,IGAD,IDPs and civil society want so far or else risk sanctions like every other rebel or government commander believed to be fueling the violence.

Beek December 17, 2015 at 12:56 am

Who control big people in Kiir government because many big people in the world these days are Drugs Dealers.They have to control them because it is easy for them to travel anywhere,they have to control them since rebellion become common things among them.


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