Press Release

An Open Letter to Government Officials

By Rev. Jahim Buli Gore,

Fear .....
Fear ….. Dreamatico.com

Feb 17, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The true God, the Creator of Universe, the Creator of every living thing, designed and created everything with a plan and a purpose.  God has a unique and specific plan for each and every one on this planet, even government leaders who struggle to know the right path and plan that can and will lead our messed up country out of their poverty of thought, poverty of hope, poverty of will, and poverty of life. When the Creator’s purpose and plan are ignored, whether by choice, ignorance or cultural influences, everything – yes everything – breaks down.

This colossal breakdown in our country and in your personal lives is why you wake up each day agitated, uneasy, angry, and fearful, with negative health issues and so many more negative emotions and feelings. There was a truth written long, long ago that says, “…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and sound mind.”  You know, far better than even we know, how dysfunctional our country and culture currently is.  There is great fear everywhere. You may not want to admit it in public, but fear of being exposed, fear of loss of power, fear of loss of control, fear of those who might take you down, and many other fears grip you deep down inside when you sit alone or as you lay down at night.

Please allow me to tell you this. You were never intended to carry such fear.

Notice that God, the one that created you, who has a special plan for you, said that He did not give the spirit of fear. He never, never intended for you experience this dreadful emotional bondage – yes bondage – called fear. He did intend, He did create you, to experience Godly power, Godly love and Godly sound mind.

Please consider what God clearly spoke, what He committed to, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.”  This promise is yours, if you will humble yourself and take it.

You see, mankind is infected with a deadly disease. Yes, even you are affected with this deadly disease. This disease is called sin. Sin is doing anything that is apart from God’s way. Man always messes things up. Even when we start out wanting to do right, our best efforts fall so very short.

our ministry and partners are all about bringing the cure for this disease to our country. We have been cured, and we want you and all our suffering people to experience the same life changing cure. Please will you take a chance and ask us about this cure?

We want you and all our people to find real life. Real life without fear. Without bondage. We have seen other countries and cultures completely healed from their destruction and poverty. We have seen people who were gripped with intense fear freed and given unbelievable peace and rest. We have seen the lives and futures completely reverse for the good. We have seen people who were already dead in their many, many sins, be given a new life.

We could ask you to fear not what our ministry and partners are doing in and within our borders, but we know that you are currently and completely incapable of not fearing. It is part of the disease that you are stricken with. What we can ask is that if you come to the place that you no longer want to be consumed with this disease, we can gladly share with you where you can find a cure.

In His Service

Rev. Jahim Buli Gore

Contact: available upon request!

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kerjok February 17, 2015 at 3:53 am

Official has forget about God because somebody who align with God know shame! but doesn’t in south sudan Govnt Official.

Mary Pal February 17, 2015 at 1:26 pm

Not all leaders who forgotten the created, the leaders call themselves government are forgot the creator God, because what they did to killing one tribe in the County is unwanted this leaders are evil because they never tell truths. The victim are fighting government not the leaders.

Nyaluak Lual February 18, 2015 at 4:05 am

Rev. Jahim Buli Gore,
I have read your letter to government officials very carefully and you seem like you are a genuine person. Let me begin by saying that the war we are fighting today was brewed and nurtured in the churches in Juba by pastors and church leaders of the Nuer and Dinka community. If you ever attended church service by these two groups, you will find that all they talk about is politics…either they are insulting Salva or Riek or Nuer or Dinka. They has been the sermon. They allow politicians to come and talk politics in their churches especially Catholic church allows people like Salva, Wani Igga, etc to talk politics there, The Presbyterian church allows people like Riek, Lam Akol,etc to talk in their church. I remember Riekd being in the Presbyterian church as the President of South Sudan, just after his removal as Vice President by Nuer pastor.
As far as I am concerned, reformation and spiritual revival must start with our pastors. If you see now who is fighting in the white army, they are Nuer pastors and elders mobilizing people to go and die. You will also find that many pastors are in the National Assembly of south Sudan and some are in the executive..do you know what they do there? They are the ones encouraging war, social corruption in the form of polygamy, etc.
I agree that we need to have the wisdom of God and live as free people, but please preach and re-ordain and re-baptize your colleagues in the pulpit. Nyaluak


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