Press Release

A Message To All Those Supporting Kiir’s Murderous and Corrupt Regime!

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor,” Destmond Tutu

By Timothy Tot Chol,

Former MP National Legislative Assembly and;

Chairman of Federalism and Good Governance,

National Leadership Council, SPLM/A – IO

South Sudan demonstrating against Unity by force(Photo: file)
South Sudan demonstrating against Unity by force(Photo: file)

Jan 8, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — God has created very clear colors in the universe and unless your vision is impaired you should see them very clearly. Similarly, political messages and colors become clear when they are translated into programs. If you fail to do that then you must be suffering from political blindness.

The recruitment, training and arming of “Gelbany and Dudbany” under the disguise that they were for the defence of Higlij, was a very clever ploy by Kiir to execute his Nuer genocidal killing plot between 15th and 18th of December 2013. Our problem was we had an idiot commanding idiotic members of General Staff Council who did not know why they were in the staff Council in the first place. Some of these semi-illiterates might have known Kirr’s program but kept quiet in solidarity with the bigger picture – the Dinka solidarity. For how on earth can the president of a state order the recruitment, training and arming of a particular section of a tribe and call them bodyguards without an approved budget by Parliament for their salaries and equipments? Is it not only in South Sudan that such things go unquestioned? The idiot commanding the army could not protest and resign and latter these tribal auxiliries were passed out by the Commander of the Republican Guards.

Now Kiir had his personna lloyal army whom he can trust and can send into action without question. Kiir was not sure whether Bilpam and Tiger would be unanimous in his support in the event of confrontation with Dr. Riek and his group in the SPLM Political Bereau. So he hired Museveni’s private army, the UPDF who came to Juba 7 to 9 days before the conflict erupted and were deployed in J1, Kiir’ Resort at Lori and Juba Airport. After Kiir became confident based on preparations he opened the SPLM Liberation Council at Nyakuron and read out a very arrogant, intimidating, threatening, aggresive and unstateman’s speech. A speech that a leader that came to office through votes can not make. Some of us who knew Kiir’s incompetence and lack of charisma were happy that the “tiger has at last shown his red teeth”. It was only the Catholic Church Archbishop Lokudu who realised the impending danger and appealed to the two SPLM leaders not to take our people to war again and that our people must be allowed to celebrate Christmas in peace.

Kiir by his speech was ready to lauch an attack on his unsuspecting Nuer whom he considered as Dr. Riek’s base of support. Kiir intention was to crash the Nuer, kill their leaders including Dr.Riek and bring their survivors under his forceful control. What Kiir did not know is that things do not always work as planned by an evil planner. It is only God who knows the time of birth and the time of death. The humble Murle people have a very strong way of encouraging themseves when they are face with danger, they say, “it is not the end of your life when you see your enemy”. Despite Kiir’s plots against Dr. Riek, he survived. Although Kiir killed thousands of Nuers in cold blood, they also have some seeds who remained and who can be planted next season.

Strangely enough Kiir has lost memory and still believes there was a coup planned by Dr. Riek despite the court ruling to the contrary and because of this the 10 or so FDs were released. The 4 months declared by his Chief of staff to defeat the “socalled” rebels have evaporated and it is now going to one year plus since then. His hired mercenaries, the UPDF,  the JEM and the SPLM North have all failed to defeat us. Kiir’s home grown mercenaries, the “Gelbany and the Dodkubeny” have run to their cattle camps and are longer in combat.
The message I want to give to those still supporting Kiir is this: Do you genuinely believe Kiir did not commit genocide against the Nuer despite all evidences? Do you genuinely believe Kiir’s regime is not murderous, immoral and corrupt despite the published evidences and murders in Juba and the corrupt cases amounting to 40 billion US $? Is support to Kiir based on money, position or cowardice? And who said money and positions will end if Kiir goes? Remember the above quoted proverb by Desmont Tutu. If you continue with Kiir you have betrayed your people because you have denied that they have been killed innocently and you will tell them how you can represent them when you have denied them during the time of their difficulties. You have chosen to be with their oppressor. When Kiir is defeated finally you can rest assure that your blood stained money and your blood stained position will be gone for good.

Kiir has deprived our people of the proceeds of their struggle. Through corruption Kiir has mismanaged our peoples resources meant for development and our people have become poor, sick, hungry and destitutes in their own country. If you are a Zande, a Lotuho, a Kakwa, a Dinka, a Nuer, a Shilluk a Fertit, a Didinga, a Taposa or any South Sudanese for that matter, we want you to satnd with us to kick out this cancerous regime that has infected our societysince 2005 under the disabled leadership of this illiterate, murderous, immoral and corrupt Salva Kiir.As for fake friend we know how to deal with him.

Museveni has made his intervention as a project to illegally exploit our natural resources in Western, Central and Eastern Equatoria states. Museveni is doing illegal logging of our Tick and Mohagony and mining our Gold, copper and diamond resort on the pretexts that they looking for Konyi. Museveni is also preparing t curve our large chunks of fertile land in Acholi area to use for planting Maize to sell to South Sudan.

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W.O.K January 10, 2015 at 7:14 pm

hey Tot,are you up to your sense?were you sleep when Keer was after the Yau Yau and his tribe and when the dinka crushed into the shuluk land,and you nuers were saying you not going to fight for anybody! what do you think Tot Chol!?

Nathaniel Maral January 12, 2015 at 12:51 am

Mr. Tot, we need to be optimistic and accept the truth, government of the republic of South Sudan was composed with all the tribes not Dinkas or Nuer alone. fragile speaking you will not denied that Nuer were not having intention to fight on December 2013. Second failure should not be accounted on one side, failure you be counting on Kiir, Riak and including you.

Government has three forces, Executives, Legislative and Judiciary, how comes Kiir has his own force and his own budget. Yes, I accept corruption is there and all you have mentioned, but that should be national transformation from the citizen of the country, not Nuers alone work or fight for freedom or transformation.

In your article you called all the tribes to support your movement, what is your movement about? Yes you have a good objectives, vision, and so on, but I don’t take it has for all but for Nuers only as you stated on your article ” You stand with us”.

You’re finishing young and venerable Nuers who will not be participating later.

Thank about it.

John Riar March 31, 2015 at 8:50 am

When and where do think the current situation was base on tribe ,if you done know the root cause of what had happened then you should not open your mouth of throught the many word on air. Meanwhile you are not with in the nation or sidetaken.my dear brother and sister one people one nation is in our hand .


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