By Malek Cook-Dwach,

April 09, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- We tried in our simple way to lead our life in a manner that may make a difference to those of others…what counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead…real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people…Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity… If I had my time over I would do the same again. So would any man who dares call himself a man…many people in this country have paid the price before me and many will pay the price after me—Assortments of quotes from Nelson Mandela.
I found it interesting as concern citizen to analyze the possible effects will come out from Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) when formed. In my humble opinion piece of writing, I am going to shed more light on how the ordinary citizens perceived the government of the day and the forthcoming government (Transitional government of national Unity) in connection to the basic services provision.
In the pre-independent and post-independent of the Republic of South Sudan, citizens have less or not benefited in services delivery from their governments. The dynamics behind the failure of getting these services delivered constitute my basic argument.
When the flag of the Republic of South Sudan raised at Garang Mausoleum in the presence of international community, regional head of states and Diplomatic corps representative on 9/July/2011, South Sudanese people were overwhelmed and over joyed in celebrating their hard won freedom that they were denied for decades by successful Khartoum regimes considering the fact that their suffering will come into an end. In contrary as the famous quote says ‘’the end results justifies the means’’. Their expectations get lost in the air.
The country went into civil war on 15/December/2015, which brought destruction to few existing infrastructures and claimed thousands of human lives in the whole country on what some analysts called power struggle within the SPLM leadership in which on the other hand could be so contradictory within the context of how the fighting was conducted. The dimension indicates that there was an imposition of an identity into economic, political, social and cultural South Sudan atmosphere by some tribes.
As was mentioned in African Union report of inquiries on South Sudan that, the factors behind the eruption of war were instigated by hatred and overdue unresolved tribal tensions among communities as such this fragile existing relations between tribes and frustrations from youth were exploited by politicians to advance and maintain their political power.
Coming back to the main question of this topic; will the expected transitional government of National Unity impact changes to ordinary citizens ‘life in term of service provisions?
The answer is ultimately No. I based my reasons why the Transitional Government of National Unity will not impact any change in an ordinary citizens ‘life in term of service delivery because the nature of the deal that brought the two rivals parties together doesn’t addresses the root cause of the problem. The composition of would be the Transitional Government of National Unity is the same people who were in the system since the birth of Republic of South Sudan. They share the same blames of Dura saga, 75 corrupted officials and other related similar cases.
Hence, silencing of guns and free movement of citizens across states in the Republic of South Sudan will be positive part and the realization of peace in the country.
What comes into my mind always is that, this great Country called Republic of South Sudan will one day rises to it helm and every tribe, clan and sub-clan will be accorded due respect and find their rightful place in it regardless of these temporary messes.
Hitherto, services delivery is what is mostly needed by the traumatized and broken society of South Sudan. The role of the Government is to build Schools, Health care centers, power supply and roads. If those mentioned services prioritized, the development phase will see the light in this Country.
This article is a wake-up call to open doors where the Government explore the possible ways on how to offer these needed developmental amenity.
The Author is a South Sudanese Concern Citizen in Juba, South Sudan, reachable at
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