Opinion Peter Gai

Why World should take Leadership of South Sudan?

By Peter Gai Manyuon,

The United Nations General Assembly building. Panorama of the UNGA..
The United Nations General Assembly building. Panorama of the UNGA..

April 25, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — In world context, a failed state is perceived as having failed at some of the basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government based on international politics. Absolutely; if a country loss control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein, Erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions, inability to provide public services and inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community is regarded as failed state in International arena.

Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control over much of its territory; non-provision of public services; widespread corruption and criminality like what is happening in Juba; refugees and involuntary movement of populations; and sharp economic decline. All those are what are constituted to a failed state base on International System on how geo-political and global politics are evaluated.

“Practically South Sudan as the country is at the stage of collapsing due to ideology of primitiveness among the leaders who assumed being in leadership is to get access to wealth and properties. A Country that inflation is high, corruption is high, primitiveness is high, nepotism is high and tribalism is objective of the government; deserves an emergency action from global leaders that knows the important of human being and democracy…”

The current stage where South Sudan is now needs good intervention from international community to impose sanctions to the individuals that are becoming obstacles to peace in the Country. Where globally will you find Country resources goes to individuals pockets? All the seventy five (75) corrupt officials within the former detainees, Juba regime culprits and opposition culprits deserve questions from the international community.

Hence, both the government officials and oppositions elements deserve sanctions from the regional community and international community as well.

Most of the South Sudanese people have been dying since 2013 up to date due to one man-made catastrophe that was design by hopeless and political sycophants that always focus on what should be put in the stomach for personal food. Who will bring peace when all took country resources abroad for individuality?

However, the current inflation in the country where households could not afford buying food items is the reason that will force the President of South Sudan to think beyond his selfish interest or resign for people safety.

Since the originality of the current crisis in South Sudan in 2013 to date; most of people within the government of President Kiir Mayardit begin collecting public money for missions that are good known to them. Good houses have been build in East Africa Countries using the country money that are supposed to be use for building hospitals, infrastructures and public Universities where citizens could enjoy the privileges of having the government or State.

The Author could be reach on independentjournalist@gmail.com.

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GatNor April 25, 2015 at 4:16 pm

Basically we have another Somalia in Africa and that is South Sudan. Those who are not yet acknowledging this fact are in denials.

Wed Aljunub April 26, 2015 at 12:09 am

I respect your view mr. GatNor but South Sudan conflict can not be compared with Somalia, there is no Islamic fundamental conflict in South Sudan such as Al- quida. Machar and Salva are cousins, one day this war will vanish and life will go back to normal.

GatNor April 26, 2015 at 6:54 am

In terms of the what factor in the level of anarchy yes it is different from Somalia. but from the scope of the amount of warlords cropping up in parts of South Sudan is neck & neck with that of Somalia once you add in the level of destruction plus lawlessness

AGUMUT April 26, 2015 at 12:24 am

Only Leech and Louse Nuer moment will be like Somalia.

Wed Aljunub April 25, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Mr.Peter Gai:-
Giving your own view is a good mirror. I have my point of view also on your article’s title. If you are seeking South Sudan to be a failed state, it is still not yet to be marked as a failed state and it may not happen but why you desiring world to take leadership in South Sudan, Is it because of Riek Machar rebellion? Your article title not only reflect lack of nationalism, it is has shown also lack of loyalties. I don’t think South Sudan is a nation for sale.
I could assumed that you and your people that you belong contributed nothing to freedom of South Sudan that is why you don’t care. South Sudan has not lost control of its territory as you have stated, Yes there are some areas controlled by rebels in Greater Upper Nile but controlling some areas does not give credit by allowing or invited foreigner power to occupy your father land.
Lastly, I totally agree with you about the issue of corruption but don’t favored Dr Riek Machar and his group there in opposition, they are part of corruption too better to have a mirror seeing your face first.

Dakmajuet April 26, 2015 at 2:26 am

Wic side are you dealing with are u support stupid drunkernes guy wic is do.nt minde for new born country.

James Diar April 26, 2015 at 1:55 am

what a disgraceful article!

Dakmajuet April 26, 2015 at 2:16 am

We are scatter due to afoolish president who is nothing in is minde .kirr know only to kill nuer ,stealing country resource to east africa wic is place to her husband to enjoy sex with yuorseven?

Deng II April 26, 2015 at 5:06 am

The Author thought when a war foothold in your area, you things that SS is failing State. You are wrong, it is only one tribe area where one tribe carrying out criminality act to her neighborhood or near by tribes. Nuer rebellion can’t let the other peaceful States be call failing States.

Gueto April 26, 2015 at 7:01 am


“Foreign Leadership” You think like non-patriotic, crazy and madman. Shame at you, this will never happen.You are misusing your pen.

GatNor April 26, 2015 at 7:51 am

The so called [ born-to-rule] don’t want to be ruled by the United Nations, perhaps is the reason they all flocks to the article in disagreement with the failed state facts stated. May I remind you cowards that it is your own doing that the country is in a civil war mess consequently you failed to rule ending up with a failed country. It is not a wish of anyone who speak the truth that South Sudan is a failed state. You should blame your own miscalculations on how you went about ruling because the end result determines your success and failure in the claim. South Sudan is a failed state by definition and in the hands of the so called born to loot looters.

mading April 26, 2015 at 9:51 am

The country should be given to Garang’s boys (G10) because their hands are clean with blood of South Sudanese.

John China April 26, 2015 at 11:00 am

Peter Gai Manyuon,
Why South Sudan should disowns 90% of Nuer Tribe simply because of your traitorous, power-greediness, one way traffic mindset, encouragement of slavery, degrading yourselves to be Western puppets and lack of nationalism and patriotism and the list is endless.

Kirro April 26, 2015 at 11:37 am

Mr Peter Gai.

Thanks for this great article. South Sudan is a failed state, according to me too, South Sudan should to be handed over to the World for safety of its citizens. I don,t believe in anyone wheather in the Gov’ment , Opposition or among G10 because they are/were in the Gov’ment before yet they did nothing to the people of South Sudan. “Tell the truths and let devil get ashamed.”

Marxist April 26, 2015 at 11:51 am

The problem with us south Sudanese is that we always try to bury the truth but unfortunately enough u cannot bury it because it never dies..we are a failed state as a result of dinka domination, mismanagement and selfishness. Period!!!

ater April 26, 2015 at 10:28 pm

It is so unfortunate that put your country on display for sale to foreigners,which can never happen. The mindset you have is typical of saboteurs and a sale out from Northern Sudan, given your line of thinking.We must keep this piece of opinion you posted against your name for future reference,in case you need a public job in your state, which we know very well then will you face tough time and humiliations.


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