Why Equatorians Should Not Support Illigetimate President Salva Kiir Mayardiit, Cabinet Minister Martin Elia Lomoro And Lt. General Isaac Obuto Mamur Mete And Three Governors Of Six States Of The Greater Equatoria Region In The Federal Republic Of South Sudan.
By Charles Pioneson,

SPLM/SPLA, Deputy Representative to Canada
SPLM/SPLA Canada, sitting with Dr. Riek Machar in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Photo: Charles/Nyamilepedia)
March, 19, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Yesterday March 18, 2015 was a worst day for Equatorians under the genocidal regime and the best day for us in the SPLM/SPLA Resistance Movement under the Visionary Leader of Comrade Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA.
Salva Kiir, the illegitimate South Sudan President come out proudly in a rally of over 1, 000 concerned citizens of South Sudan at Dr. John Garang De Mabior Freedom Cemetery to openly inform the people of South Sudan and the international community that he carried the Nuer genocide in revenge of Dinka Bor citizens whose case was resolved and completed with the peace and reunion of the SPLM/SPLA Torit faction and SPLM/SPLA Nasir Faction that took arms to correct undemocratic practices and union of Sudan ideology promoted by later Dr. John Garang De Mabior. Then Chairman and the Commander in Chief of Nasir Faction then Comrade Dr. Riek Machar Teny who happened today to be the Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA Resistance Movement took arms in August 21, 1991 to fight for Self Determination for the people of South Sudan and that bravery move resulted into Self-Determination inclusion in CPA final agreement of January 09, 2005 was a great achievement that Dr. Riek dreamed for the people of South Sudan and that dream was later enforced and achieved on January 09, 2011 Referendum which led to the people of South Sudan to have and own their Country of the Republic of South Sudan and called the Federal Republic of South Sudan.
Genocidal President Salva Kiir should have known that during the 1991 war and his boss late Dr. John Garang De Mabior committed war crimes against the Nuer first the Gaajak massacre of 1985, again Nuer SPLM/SPLA across SPLM/SPLA Torit Faction liberated areas of South Sudan were massacred in cold blood because of Nasir Faction formation, those crimes Salva and Dr. John Garang De Mabior never accounted for but were forgiven because of the liberation of South Sudan from our colonial power Sudan and due to the final 2002 reconciliation of Dr. John Garang De Mabior and Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon. The question is why is Salva Kiir keeps the past resolved issues?
Illegitimate Salva Kiir must know that he was a President of South Sudan and still a President of the country that he oversaw and directed the Nuer tribe genocide in December 2013 now you are bragging off and stating clearly that he will never compensate any of the victims of Juba genocide. Salva shame on you, now every citizen of the Federal Republic of South Sudan know that the Juba killing by SPLA and your tribal militias from Greater Bahr Ghazal states of Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap are proof of your participation in Nuer genocide as it is evidence in your speech of March 18, 2015. Salva Kiir and your cohorts you missed the point and now you have no more chance for leadership at all and you will never again get any support from the remnants of citizens who were still having hope on you and your speech plus leadership. For us in SPLM/SPLA we knew that your speech will be of hate and intimidation, criminal and war crimes advocacy against the innocent people of South Sudan and not telling the people of South Sudan about the peace talks that you failed to sign because you defended your stomach and those who carried the genocide against the Nuer people. You would have stated and convinced the audiences of why you did not sign the March 5, 2015 hopeful agreement.
Your outdated speech Salva and message against our Chairman and Commander in Chief Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon did not draw any attention from the citizens of South Sudan and does not add any volume of water because they knew from day one Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon always stood for the rights of the majority of South Sudanese citizens, South Sudan to have competent institutions and a government for all the tribes of South Sudan. If Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon was given a chance to rule or take South Sudan to independence after late Dr. John Garang De Mabior plane crash or after elections in Sudan which combined Southern Sudan in April 2010, Nuer and other tribes in South Sudan would have not been killed daily example in Lakes States, Fertit and Balanda protestors would have not been shot at by SPLA, Abyei region would have been free by now, Didinga people of Imotong state would have not been killed by SPLA, 3 Equatoria Police Officers killed in Yambio in November 2007 would not been killed, and justice denied for their families and states men and women who are now asked not to raise any questions about the criminals sponsored by the government in Juba, Bari lands would have not been grabbed by the corrupt tribal army and one tribe dominated government, freedom of the press would have prevail and nationalist and freedom fighter like Major Isaiah Abraham would have not been assassinated by the government national security agents, the Chollo people would have not been slaughtered and chased from their land and genocidal supporter Major General Johnson Olony would have not rebelled against the government, democracy and freedom of choice would have prevail in the Politico bureau and all SPLM Secretariats across the country and Comrade Lt. General George Athor Deng would have not rebelled against the new Republic of South Sudan and Dr. Riek Machar would have not allowed or assassinated him because of his positive or negative criticisms, taking arms against the government and using Uganda President Yoweri Museveni government to assassinate Athor and dumped his body in clean clothes at the border of Morobo inside South Sudan, Murle People would have not been slaughter by the government they brought to power as Dr. Riek Machar shows that leadership by risking his live to go to Pibor to stop the Lou Nuer that I named South Sudan Police 911 to stop marching and attacks against innocent Murle through violence but Dr. Riek approached and advised the Lou Nuer to use government channels to address their grievances with murle people, this was because you Salva Kiir failed and you sent a man you believe have quality leadership and conflict resolutions skills, because the citizens of South Sudan have trust on him as opposed to you and your poor tribal leadership skills that supported the massacre against Murle people by Former Gov.
Kuol Manyang Juuk leading to Pastor David Yau Yau to rebel against your government in Jongolei state, it was your failure Yaa Salva that make Joseph Kony Lord Resistance Army to prey on the people of Western Equatoria state and if it was not the bravery of the people of Western Equatoria your policy of Equatoria population elimination and reduction plan would have succeeded but because of nepotism and addiction to alcohols dragged you to favor Juma Nunu Kumba selection to be SPLM Governor candidate in Western Equatoria helped the freedom fighters in Western Equatoria to stand firm behind Brigadier Joseph Bagasi Bakasoro who won the selection but was dumped by you for the reasons you best know, Bakasoro who then later helped his people in fighting and defeating the rebels of Joseph Kony who did not give peace to the people of Western Equatoria after independence again covers you in your genocidal crimes in Juba. Yaa Salva Kiir it is your greediness and jealousy with Dr. John Garang De Mabior that let to the disappearance of many Equatorians leaders among them late Joseph Oduho Haworu whom you captured and slaughtered in Kasagor in Jongolei state and many activists during the movement and after the independence of South Sudan. You committed many other crimes including money launderings and disappearance of four billions USA Dollars from South Sudanese citizens treasury which you gave to your genocidal team without accountability and fear.
You have recognized the purity of our Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon position in the failed peace talks of March 05, 2015 and his position in the talks represent the voices and the reforms call by the citizens of South Sudan both in government iron fist controlled towns and in our free liberated towns of the Federal Republic of South Sudan.
Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon stood and will continue to stand firm together with the people of South Sudan because he was empowered to represent their voices in the peace talks and in the SPLM/SPLA Resistance Movement agenda which includes some of the below items;
- Federalism as a system of governance in South Sudan
- Two separate armies during the interim period
- Accountability and justice
- Power and economic sharing ratios
- Reforms in all sectors of private and government institutions including organized forces
- Constitutional reform
- Election commission reform and UN Monitoring
- Permanent Cease-fire agreement
- Petroleum act
- Debts issues
The above are some of the major demands from the citizens of the Federal Republic of South Sudan whom Comrade Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon represented in IGAD failed peace talks in March 05, 2015 after you Salva Kiir arrogantly refused to accept. You must be held responsible for Juba genocide as President of the Republic of South Sudan and you are directly responsible to bring those who carried out genocide against innocent Nuer tribe members to face justice in the Hague and you must compensate them without any arguments.
Yesterday you proof your rejection of peace and your thirst to hunt for more genocide victims may be this time your dish will be in Greater Equatoria Six States. My question to you and those following you is that how safe would been our SPLM/SPLA Resistance Movement if Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon accepted your 3 months policy of your genocidal forces and our freedom fighters army integration, what would have now happened to our forces really after listening and reading your speech after the genocide, while we lost trust in your capability to lead one united army during the TGNU after you broke the trust vested on you after independence of July 09, 2011 by breaking and shooting all Nuer and hunting them from door to door in December 2013 and continued to plan to eliminate them again in IDPs camps protected by UNMISS example Bor massacre of April 17, 2014 in IDPs Jongolei (now Bor State).
Thanks God Dr. Riek Machar stood firm and represented the Pagak Conference resolutions, endorsement and promise not to led our people of South Sudan down. He is a true leader who will never be intimidated by illegitimate leader like you whose hands are full of blood. The people of South Sudan expected you to apologize to them for imposing war against their will and for killing their children for your interests, survival of your tribal government and council of elders with the few collaboration from Equatorians who lacked support from Equatoria six states citizens but also use your methods of intimidation and killing to keep their leadership. Time has come that Equatorians will not sleep and wake up to support illegitimate President Salva Kiir and his team of genocide like Lt. Isaac Obuto Mamur Mete, Martin Elia Lomoro, James Wani Igga, three governors and few parliamentarians who survived through the blood money advocacy of Salva Kiir legitimacy to keep them and their families happy in expenses of the majority poor who contributed a lot in the liberation struggle.
Salva Kiir came openly insulting Equatorians as sleeping dogs who never wake up to eat food yet they are hungry. Equatorians did not sleep as you can see Equatorians stood firm and stand side by side with Nuer victims of genocide and standing firm against your dictatorship. We have many Equatorians soldiers defecting to our movement and will continue to rise up arms against your regime until you are out of power. Lt.General Isaac Obuto Mamur and those of James Wani Igga plus Martin Elia will not save your leadership from collapse, Equatorians will continue to rise until you exit South Sudan presidency and face justice in the Hague to answer questions from the prosecutor in International Criminal Court (ICC).
Those bodies of Nuer lying in Equatoria land and their shaded blood will continue to remind Equatorians that one day Salva Kiir will commit genocide against Equatorians and they the victims of genocide will not be blamed for Equatorians not standing up with the victims against such genocidal regime and President that killed innocent voters and citizens of South Sudan after appearing in military uniform and started extermination of Nuer tribe men, women and those pregnant, students, Pastors, Lawyers, persons with disabilities and worst Nuer were cooked and relatives forced to eat their own biological relatives if they refused then they are killed. Salva Kiir your speech alone have withdraw the confused Equatorians or sleeping Equatorians to wake up and fight your regime with soaring energy. The land that you grabbed and distributed to your tribal armies and people will make Equatorians to stand firm like Robert Mugabe, their land will be returned by all means and Federalism in South Sudan will be implemented without you and that Federal system will free every subjected Equatorian’s land and South Sudanese citizen that you intimidated or which fellow Equatorians subjected for your benefits and your cohorts survival.
Dr. Riek Machar is a leader for the people and for the Federal Republic of South Sudan hence he will work through the system not like you who worked through the oppressive and poisonous Council of elders that put the country into war and occupation by foreigners like Ugandans. There will be one day Equatorians will rise up in a supremely move that will shake your power in South Sudan and shock your Equatorians collaborators who betray their own citizens in favor of your forceful retention into office that no South Sudanese citizen want you to lead them again after the Juba genocide.
Your cohorts like Martin Elia Lomoro and the rest will soon see themselves in exile or within our SPLM/SPLA Resistance Movement civil courts for been a compliances and for the military officers we will bring them to our Military courts to answer their genocide participation and their financial, material support to finance Salva Kiir genocide. Equatorians human loss in Greater Upper Nile massacred by Kiir tribal army and others made to die for Kiir leadership to save Equatorians Generals like Mamur, Igga, and other leaders having positions in the dictatorial government. Those Equatorians died for nothing, without military identification and compensation, died for no justified cause.
We the 52 Greater Equatorians SPLM/SPLA Resistance Movement leaders across South Sudan and in Diaspora who met in Pagak stood firm and committed ourselves to fight this war until justice is down to those who committed genocide against innocent voters and citizens of South Sudan in Juba and until there is no dictatorship in the South Sudan and a Federal system is installed with our visionary leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon carrying the banner. We will never surrender as opportunists and money minded individuals like my former Comrade Brigadier Lul Ruai Koang who surprised me, all the movement leaders, members, supporters and our sympathizers to defect back to genocidal regime that he fought fiercely through the media. Lul quest for blood money led him to abandon this people’s cause, the genocide committed against the Nuer citizens and dictatorial regime in Juba. Brigadier Lul defection has no impact to our movement because we are a free and democratic movement not that alone Lul went alone and will never convince any Nuer nationalist to join him in Juba.
In conclusion I to enlighten Salva Kiir that, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon had never and will never led our people down. Dr. Riek had never asked to be the Vice President or Prime Minister unless the people of South Sudan tells him to do so or take the position but we in the SPLM/SPLA Resistance Movement endorsed him as the sole bearer of Leadership and in the top position. Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon has no specialty in Vice President but he is a capable leader and has the highest qualification to be the President of the Federal Republic of South Sudan which he is now leading and you Salva should be replaced as Vice President of Federal Republic of South Sudan because you are not qualified and competent to lead our nation. Leave Dr. Riek Machar Teny- Dhurgon lead the country to bring peace, reconciliation and healing, democracy, freedom of the press, association, fair justice system, equality before law and equality in all resources sharing, constitutional reform, Security reform, development for all, and rule of law among others.
It is time for you to exit or be evicted by all means if you failed to take the best peaceful option and we the people in the Resistance Movement will be forced to take necessary methods to install our South Sudanese values and rights that you have robbed from our citizens. For your information President Salva Kiir there is no revenge space in 21st Century and there no way you can manipulate the evidences of your genocide against the Nuer and sleeping Equatorians.This why Equatorians will not support illegitimate President Salva Kiir, Cabinet Minister Mr. Martin Elia Lomoro, Lt. General Isaac Obuto Mamur Mete, and three Governors of Greater Equatoria region Colonel General Joseph Bagasi Bakasoro, Brigadier General Louis Lobong Lojore and Major General Clement Wani Konga for denying Equatorians popular demand of Federalism in the Federal Republic of South Sudan during their position paper to IGAD in Addis Ababa. We in SPLM/SPLA will continue to represent the views and aspirations of Equatorians in the peace talks through our able and visionary leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, Vice Chairman General Alfred Lado Gore and our SPLM/SPLA Chief Negotiator General Taban Deng Gai.
Struggle Continues and Victory is Certain.
Charles Pioneson
SPLM/SPLA, Deputy Representative to Canada
SPLM/SPLA Canada, Head of Delegation to SPLM/SPLA Pagak Conference.
Former SPLM/SPLA in Opposition, Canada Representative
Email: cpioneson@yahoo.ca
Maybe Equatorian will read and wake up as you indicated
You need to know that people of Equatoria have their voices, so we advised you not to compaign for them
Uguak Anyau,
You are not representing Equatorians so shut up your dirty mouth.
We fear no one but God whether you are nuer or equatorian nothing new you have not done to us, we will continue teaching you the language you understand better. You are insects I know you will not manage to fight for five years but we managed 21 years . nonsense
Cowards always bragged but when it comes to reality,they ran to UGANDA for help!!! 21 years of war was fought on Equatoria backyard while your own home has been occupied by the Arabs,now tell who’s a really coward?? Without the sons and daughters of Equatorians,SPLA/M would have been history by now,it would have disappeared like UNITA in Angola. This is fact not fiction! I hope you can let yourself learn by tell the truth,I know truth is always hard to swallow…
I do not understand Dinka with Cow who was the first born because Human Dinka behaves like a cow which is an animal