By Gatweach Naath,

April 13, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- -In fact who is this corrupt Dinka militia General? Iam asking this question in surprise even if knowing him in person. Of course he is known by everybody in south Sudan and abroad, as the number one criminal in the young nation. He is not a national chief of general staff; he is only a tribal chief of general staff who executes the orders of disgraceful Dinka bad Elders Council. He is now trying to replace the elected weak president (according to his thinking) through this disgraceful council. He is planning to do something to get rid of the current president and Gatmachar. Some may think that he is only meaning Dr. Riek Machar.
As a hated Nuer leader, but the plan is exceeding Gatmachar to the replacement of the intelligent elected president? According to his impossible utopian wishes he said that, he is going to reduce through killing the population of Nuer tribe in the whole country to be 40% in total in order to let them drop to level 5 as the fifth bigger tribe instead of the first and stronger tribe in the country. Indeed he succeeded in doing this in western Nuer region through his illiterate followers from the local militias Generals who are also known to everybody in this war devastated country.
Any piece of writing is according to the situation which stirs up the writer’s emotions and moved him/her to a position of writing or commenting in regards to that situation. What moved me as an ordinary southerner who is yearning for lasting peace in our beloved country, is a situation created by the hateful utterances of this corrupt Dinka militia general.
What evoked my feelings is the situation of the weak leadership in south Sudan which allowed the situation of lawlessness to an extend that allowed criminals to propagate for destroying the long waited – achieved peace in the country. Anyone who is thinking and planning to abort this peace will be destroyed by the Almighty God because he is the creator of these innocent and valuable precious souls which are played by in vain by exploiting the absolute lawlessness and anarchy in the young nation of south Sudan.
The criminal Dinka militia general said: during a visit to his home village of Malualkon in Northern Bahr el Ghazal Awel on last Tuesday, before his private militia of about 3.600 poor Dinka youth who were later scattered and chased to Central Africa by courageous Pertiet fighters of Wau. That: he will ensure that Machar will not get chance to become president. Again he also said: the armed opposition leader, Riek Machar, will never become President of the new country in my presence.
This disgruntled tribal Dinka militia general is one of the senior government officials who are not happy with the peace agreement and its implementation.
According to Malong, there are issues which the president cannot decide on without consulting and agreeing with the First Vice President. Sudan tribune 8-4-2016
Are these issues according to the country’s constitution or JEC orders to the weak presidency of the young nation? According to his poor tribal thinking which is revealed in his utterances, he wants south Sudan to be an undeserved corrupted and failed Dinka Kingdom, and if not, it is better to lose this country if the ruler or the leader is not from Dinka Tribe. We the rest will not think of losing this country even if the current leader is from Dinka because it is his official constitution right as citizen of this country, he deserve to get this chance. It is for us all including wise Dinka, the matter is that, the tribal Dinka discriminative leadership must go when it’s time ended in order to allow its beneficiaries to rest anywhere in the world.
Who told the savage and bestial tribal general? That Dr. Gatmachar Teny will rule that Dr. Gatmachar Teny will rule that Dr. Gatmachar Teny will rule south Sudan during his unnecessary life time? Since he is still in choice to do anything fatal to the citizens of this country mainly Nuer, Shollo, Pertiet, Equatorians and Murle, he may die anytime this year if he doesn’t change his corrupt empty tribal mind to anything good for himself and his hateful tribe in the young nation. He can also be killed by an ant or by a poison in his food and drink or anything else.
If not retreating from starting the second phase of civil war in the country, please consider the following immediate unavoidable consequences which will occur immediately and swiftly and will not be irreversible forever in Future:-
1-There will be no Dinka and the south Sudan central government in south Sudan forever.
2-There will be no unity among the 64 tribes in the country unless without Dinka.
3-The humble respectable Dinka of the greater Upper Nile State who are related to all tribes in there mother state; will regretfully lose their ancestor’s lands.
If Iam wrong, please do a little home work by trying to know, where are Dinka of Kor Floss now before anything wrong could happen? And what will be the fate of Padang Dinka in future if you don’t reverse the matter of others lands grabbing?
4-The lucky among them (greater Upper Nile Dinka) will work hard to acquire Northern Sudan nationality.
In fact they are now forging this foreign nationality through Abye citizenship in Kosti and Rebbek in the White Nile state of Sudan.
5-The chance of leadership which you are now playing of, you the corrupt Dinka leaders through mismanagement will be the last chance for any Dinka failed collective leadership in south Sudan, because it will be determined later or any time by some wise Dinka who are still having the sense of feeling shame and the remaining 63 tries excluding Dinka criminals through democracy or barrel of a gun. Believe me there will be no Dinka or any tribe kingdom in south Sudan now and in future because the majority of southerners will not accept such a kingdom to prosper through corruption in the expense of other cheated and oppressed 63 tribes’.
In south Sudan there is only one kingdom of only one tribe of Chollo and were only allowed existing by the stake holders, the Chollo, according to their historical customs.
You are destroying this virgin country with your eyes towards Northern Sudan for Reunification. Who will accept you in the North after destroying the south? You can deceive your illiterate southerners but it will be difficult if not impossible to deceive your former masters of North Sudan because they are more cleaver than your corrupt tribal excellence.
Before going to North for reunification without referendum, for your tribal rescuing reunification, where are you going to leave your friends SPAM-North? Please learn from the lesson of closing the border and don’t be addicted to failure in managing internal affairs in foreign lands.
So, before attempting any mad and fatal behavior, please consider these unavoidable fatal consequences of any step you are going to take.
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The nuers population must be reduced to 30% by all means.
Chol Y,
Nothing is more valuable then a great idea thus you Jaang may stagnate the evolution procession of great ideas springing out from Nuer but ideas don’t dies but live on long after useless like you are turning to soil. Unrealistic United Sudan idea is long dead with its birther. Coward Jaang kingdom idea in coming to fruition in the present of South Sudanese is next to be burry. Take it from me. It’s not the number that matters but the greatness of ideals. A federal democratic South Sudan that you are sadly resisting due to your selfish idea such as Jaang domination of South Sudan is what will ultimately shamed you to the core of your beings.
Had Dr.Machar not fought for self determination that idiot Malong is now enjoying, there would be no conversation about Malong making absurd and inflammatory statements. Malong to date would be a typical agent of the oppressive regime of a United Sudan. Much like his forefathers back in the days of Anglo-Egyptian, Turkish and Britannia backed colonial rule of Arab Sudanese. Nothing is new hence the bold statements implies what Malong and his tribemates strongly beliefs in regards to other people’s human rights, constitutional rights, citizenry rights, and birth rights apart from… The question is who the hell does this insignificant waste of space, Malong thinks he is to be making statements like that.