
When we compromise without judgments, we are ruining our future.

By Chuol Chot Puoch


Dr. Riek Machar Teny and Salva Kiir Mayardiit (photo: past file)

May 5, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — When the going gets hot people always succumb to infringement and unnecessary “pardoning” as they call it. A simple example is the recent release of the former [also current] SPLM detainees known as G4 when they were finally and even previously found not guilty of any crimes what so ever. It was a public and international demand for the four politicians to be released. However, one of the appreciations that the people of South Sudan would give to the Judiciary of South Sudan is the openness of the hearing and attendance by all the concerned people both national and international citizen.

The question that I want to put across in this article is; will the face-to-face meeting of President Kirr and the leader of the SPLM/A-IO Dr Riek Machar bring the needed peace to South Sudan the way we want it and not the way they want it? I would not elaborate more explanation on that but I will possibly explain my personal argument to it.

Back before the signing of the CPA when the western world and the region press the two leaders (John Garang and Riek Machar) to sort out their differences and inter into a comprehensive peace which was the only solution to the long Sudanese civil war. In 2002, individuals rather than movements or communal reconciliation was done and the two came together. As a result, those people who were fighting alongside Dr Riek were given the name “Nyegat” (Nuer word meaning looters or criminals). Riek at the end became to struggle for his own position from the second man of Garang’s after the death of Garang. Due to that useless compromise and reconciliation, Nuer community were openly said to be the suspect of the failure of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). It was however, a move to weaken the political endeavor of Nuer politicians and gave the Dinka brothers a chance to occupy the government’s public positions, grab the land of other civilians, take the laws into their own hands, divert the public funds into their personal bank accounts and the list goes on.

Realistically, rushing into compromises and reconciliations without proper judgment, investigation and accountability is in fact an act of ruining the future of our Country and put it into unrest for couples of decades to come. It’s no wonder what the two leaders would try to discuss and agree upon in their proposed face to face talk in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. It’s not quite clear what will be the main outcome (s) of their meeting but the public have got some predictions on the outcome of their meeting; that is to say they want to reconcile and compromise their differences, and look into ways that they want to lead the Republic of South Sudan.

In fact, no matter what the outcomes of their meeting will be; there will be no room for accountability after the two reconcile. What is very important now is to bring back the people of Republic of South Sudan in a good faith and make them reconcile not necessarily a reconciliation of two which will soon or latter result into another marginalization, corruption, domination of one tribe by another or other tribes by one tribe as it has been since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement but a reconciliation that will, once a for all, lead the people of South Sudan to a true democracy, equality in the governance,  and achieving the rule of law and political transformation.

We do not need one tribes suspecting another tribe (s) anything to do with war  because it brings tension and worsen the political and social relationship among the communities.

The crises management committee that was formed right after the onset of war has failed to implement it duties. In frankly speaking, the members of this committee are also the members of parliament who can generously bring peace back to the Country once they are given a chance like that. To make the situation worse, that body in my own observation is indeed fueling the war. They are not longer legitimate to be carrying on. However, I would propose on behalf of the wellbeing of our Country and the citizen that, we need a commission for the affairs of the victims which will rightly be called National Commission for Victims Affairs that will reconcile, reunite, assist and resettle the victims of this conflict.

Instead of these two leaders to meet, we need the formation of the interim government to be done quickly and transparently to safe thousands more life from both sides of the conflict.

The writer is a South Sudanese upcoming political figure, believing in social justice, democratic political transformation, rule of law and can be reached via email chuolchotson@gmail.com


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