By David Gatkek Tap ,

July 9, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Ladies and gentlemen, in this historical and political phases, I seize this opportunity to salute all our fallen martyrs, heroes and heroines in South Sudan and Unity State (Bentiu) in particular, those who cemented their precious blood for our national struggle for peace, democracy and the right of self-determination that led to full independence from Muslims_ Arabs North (9 July 2011).
Therefore, we must remember their sacrifices, hardships and struggles during those ugliest days of SPLA/M (1983_2005), Anya Anya One (1955-1972),Anya Anya Two (1975-1983) and beyond during South Sudanese Civilian Resistance Movement led by Nuer and Zande against slave Trade business and invasion policy of Turko-Egyptian and Anglo-Egyptian regimes of (1821_1955).
Moreover, we have to remember their exerted efforts which watering the tree of peace that gives us freedom from foreign oppression, brutal exploitation, racial and religious persecutions, massacres and ultimately genocide, liberty and joy today.
Those heroes and heroines led by our late:
1. Dr. John Garang De Mabior the former Chairman of SPLA/M, VP of Sudan, President of GoSS and former Chairman of National Democratic Alliance
2. Keribino Kuanyin Bol the former Deputy Chairman of SPLA/M and prominent member of PMHC
3. Arok Thon Arok the field commander of SPLA and prominent member of Political Military High Command (PMHC)
4. William Nyuon Bany Machar the former General Chief of Staff of SPLA and prominent member of PMHC
5. John Kulang Pout Wiew the former prominent member of (PMHC)
6. Nyichigak Nyishilluk the former prominent member of (PMHC)
7. Galerio Modi Hurinyang the former prominent member of (PMHC)
8. Yusif Kuk El Mekki the former prominent member of (PMHC)
9. Joseph Oduho Senior politician and prominent member of (PMHC)
10. Molana Martin Majer Gai Akuany prominent member of legal affairs SPLA/M
11. Samuel Abu John Senior Commander of SPLA
12. Dr. Samson Kwaji the former Spokesman of SPLA/M
13. Samuel Gai Tut Yang the Senior Commander of Anya Anya One/Two
14. Akuot Atem de Mayen the proposed Chairman of Anya Anya Two
15. William Chuol Deng Luth (Abdullah Chuol) Anya Anya Two Senior Cdr
16. Molana Lakurnyang Lado of Anya Anya Two Senior Commander
17. Elijah Hon Top Senior Field Commander of SPLA
18. Lt Gen Dominic Dim Deng former Minister of SPLA affairs
19. Dr. Justin Yach Senior politician of SPLM and member of National Liberation Council
20. Comrade Marom Dut Keat (SPLA Radio broadcaster Arabic & Nuer Services)
21. Comrade Mayung Dut Shaw (SPLA Radio broadcaster Arabic Services)
22. Comrade Cletto Joseph Oduho ( SPLA Radio broadcaster English Services)
23. Bishop Surunino Luhure the first Chairman of Anya Anya One in Torit 1955
24. William Deng Nhial of Anya Anya One Senior Commander and prominent member of SSLM/A
25. Aggregan Jeda the Senior Politician in Anya Anya One and member of SSLM/A
26. John Buth Diu Kuoth a senior politician in South Sudan and a founder of federal system in Sudan
27. Gordon Mayen Martuot the Chairman of Anya Anya One in Bhar el Ghazal
28. James Jock Kueth Senior Politician of Anya Anya One
29. Comrade Bol Khuor of Anya Anya Two
30. Philip Pidak Lieth Senior Politician of Anya Anya One
31. Philip Obong Senior Politician of Anya Anya One
32. Leopard Chief Guek Ngundeng Bong who was killed by Anglo British Forces in 1928
33. Mathew Obour Ayak the Anya Anya One senior politician and member of SSLM/A.
34. Nyang Rundial the Senior Officer of Anya Anya One
35. Commander Riir Pouk of SPLA
36. Samuel Arow Bol Senior SPLM politician (known as Bany Agaar)
37. Commander Gatluok Riek Nyak of SPLA
38. Commander Kuac Kang (known as Gatnyawok) of SPLA
39. Commander Manyal Kueth Riek Makuei SPLA
40. Major Bona Bang Dhol SPLA
41. Commander Makur Alew of SPLA
42. Joseph Kiir Tang of SSLM/A
43. Commander James Gatwich Kuany of SPLA
44. Commander Bol Nyathony of SPLA
45. Commander Michael Top Yai of SPLA
46. Major Paul Gatnor Gaw of SPLA
47. Commander Pouk Pal (known as Borthora)
48. Commander Koang Bany Piny (known as Toung Gumut)
49. Commander Duol Chuol of SPLA
50. Major General Kuol Amum
51. Commander Martin Makhor Alew
52. Dr. Tongyiik Tut the Upper Nile former Governor
53. Ali Batali of Anya Anya One
54. Dr. Francis Ngor of SPLA
55. Dr. Garang Akok of SPLA
56. Peter Gatkuoth Gual of USAP
57. General Pio Kuan –the Upper Nile former Governor
58. Joshua Dei Wang Khor the leader of former Federal Party in old Sudan
59. Captain Thon Ayii Jok of SPLA
60. Major General George Athor Deng Dut of SPLA
61. Rt Major .Gen Gatluak Deng Garang Tem
62. Moses Kuac Nyoat the first Nuer Pastor who translated English Bible into Nuer Language in 1963.
Unity State heroes and heroines led by late:
1. Lt. General Vincent Kuany Latjor( Known as Kuany Tutjiok Raan)- the founder of Anya Anya Two and Bilpham Military Training Centre
2. Paulino Matip Nhial Nyak the former Chairman of South Sudan Defence Forces before Juba Declaration Agreement in 2006, the First Lt General and Deputy Chairman South Sudan Army( SPLA) from (2006_2012)
3. Dr. Gattiel Machar Teny Dhurgon the big politician and Dr Machar’s younger brother who got killed in 1984 by Khartoum Nimeiri‘s brutal regime.
4. Charles Kuot Chatim the first Commissioner of Unity Province in 1984
5. Molana Lewis Lambah of SPLA
6. Banak Riek Dong Ruei the senior politician and Field Officer of Anya Anya One
7. John Wicyuak Tour Senior Field Officer of Anya Anya One
8. Utaz Paul Bol Ruac Jang the politician
9. Father Thomas Kume Kan the politician
10. Father Wathkak Dador the politician
11. Comrade Daniel Wuor Dador of SPLA
12. Commander James Koang Ruac Gatluak of SPLA
13. Commander Thoara Gatkhuor of SPLA
14. Commander Koang Tut Doh (known as Young Commander of SPLA)
15. Commander Makuol Ruot Nuan of SPLA
16. Commander Paul Thong Ruac of SPLA
17. Commander Malith Koang Rialthin
18. Commander Peter Gatkuoth Choul Makuac (Maraic) of SPLA
19. Commander Dhoor Dong (Ox’s name Dhor Reangnyang)
20. Commander Mathew Khor Gatluak of SPLA
21. Commander Khor Puok Wechkai Lueng
22. Commander Gaatcham Duop
23. Commander Goah Mathiang Kuanyyow
24. Commander Peter Nyiir Gatluak Lony
25. Commander Magay Karac Gai
26. General Philip Bipan Machar of SPLA
27. Commander Mayiel Thank Tuil of SPLA
28. Commander Gatluak Gai Gatwech Kuai
29. Commander Dhiel Changas Gaw
30. Commander Kolchara Nyang
31. Lt Major Shay Nyirbang Deng
32. Major James Chany Rer Dak of SPLA
33. Major Lok Liah Wal of SPLA
34. Paul Luth Tai (known as Young Politician of SPLA/M)
35. Captain Bol Nyawan of SPLA
36. Captain Makew Kueth Geer
37. Captain Diu Chuol Chang Kuony my cousin
38. Lt. Faustino Puok Majiok Bakam
39. Lt. Major John Jal Bidoi Kuac (known as African One) of SPLA
40. Lewis Keah Madut former Minister of Engineering and Housing in Unity State
41. Engineering Gattiel Kujiek Mut
42. Ist Lt Kuac Gatwech Pan SPLA Officer
43. Khom Gatkuoth Banak SPLA Officer
44. Captain Char Makuei Ruei
45. Major Marco Khan Ruot
46. Bahtei Wargak Peet of SPLA
47. Luany Bipal Ruac Nen of SPLA
48. Captain Maliny Khaway
49. Ist Lt Liah Manyuon Liah of SPLA’
50. Ist Lt Gatluok Riir of SPLA
51. Captain Guek Guek Koang Chiliny of SPLA
52. Lt Gatluok Latjor Madeang Kier’
53. Captain Yiey Malual Dak of SPLA
54. Major Gatdor Biel Biliew
55. Captain Paul Gatyiel Pouk Balang Kueth
56. Major Isaac Tap Shang ( Cuba Trainee) my brother
57. Chuol Ruei Ging of Any Anya One
58. Liah Nyaloy of Anya Anya one
59. Captain Kuony Tuel Kuet of SPLA
60. Paljor Wicyuak
61. Nurse Chop Jal Madeang Kier
62. Major Duai Tai Tai of Anya Anya Two
63. Rev Jeremiah Pan Madeang Kier the second Pastor after Moses Kuac Nyoat among the Nuer who translated Bible into Nuer in 1963.
64. Moderator of Presbyterian Church Rev. John Gatluok Chuol Kuong
65. Rev William Gatjuong Lam Wial of SPLA New Sudan Council of Churches.
66. Joseph Pal Mut Khuon the Catechist of New Sudan Catholic Churches in Leer
67. Mary Chol Mai Geer Women Representative in Unity State who got killed by SAF
68. Gatkek Jiek known as Kuel Jiek ( killed by Anglo_ Egyptian Forces)
69. Paramount Chief Chath Hook Bang, Buom Diu,Riek Dong Ruei Koch and Tap Liep Ruot of Dok Nuer
70. Paramount Chief Malual Wuon Kuoth, Danhier Gatluak Nyak and Ruei Kuong of Nyuong Nuer
71. Paramount Chief Kulang Ket,Kong Kuol Kulang and Magei Reet of Jagei Nuer
72. Paramount Chief Chol Geah , Monytuil Wicjang and Luk Gatluak of Bul Nuer
73. Paramount Chief Yarkew Juol , Kerlual Nyinyar and Deng Jaak of Leek Nuer
74. Paramount Chief Gatkek Lop of W.Jikany Nuer
75. Paramount Chief Chuol Nyakuiny ,Gai Jal and Gatluok Dak of Haak Naath Nuer
76. Paramount Chief Makuei Bil Kuei and Jaw Jill of Panarur Dinka
Plus uncountable officers and non-commissioned officers of SPLA, Anya Anya One, Two and beyond who died for our liberty, equality and dignity.
Therefore, my fellow South Sudanese, Unity State siblings, dads and mums, I have listed the above late comrades because they left their beloved families and fully participated in South Sudan national struggles since SPLA/M, Anya Anya One, two and beyond. Hence, we shall not mind whether they met their deaths from hands of siblings, friends, and comrades or from the hands of our main enemies of tyrant successive Khartoum clique regimes.
Hence, we have to protect their legacy and sacrifices whereby we have to remember their martyrdoms, efforts, struggles, sufferings and hardships by wandered in bushes for 17 years in Anya Anya One (1955_1972) and 21 years during SPLA/M (1983_2005) and beyond (1821_1955) equally my Country fellows and state’s mates.
Furthermore,those who lost their precious lives whether by fatal diseases/disaster like Kalazar/HIV, or those stung by insects, bitten by snakes, eaten by wild animals (e.g. Gai Guok, Gatluak Manguel and likes) plus those who died with droughts, floods and disastrous starvations like that of 1988 known as Run Nyakujuok in Nuer have to be categorized under national struggle in South Sudan equally. Cheers!
David Gatkek Tap Shang, the author, can be reached at