Contributor's Opinion

Welcoming The Chairman and Commander In Chief of SPLA/M-IO. Dr. Riek Machar Teny From USA.

By Moses Khamis Abdullatif,

Mr. Chairman,

Oct 18, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — It is a pleasure to welcome your return to Africa after a long journey, all the way from the United States of Americas knowing that you worked tirelessly together with the team every day without taking holidays for a better and democratic South Sudan. May God bless you! We are all behind you because of the revolution and the change in our country, not because of anything else.

Unlike the SPLMs in juba, who are rallying after a dictator who does whatever he feels like, violating the peace accord and the constitution for that matter as if he is the only man among his party in creation or a king.

We the people of S. Sudan had suffered since Arab dictatorship time until today when we discovered that we ourselves had elected another dictator or Arab part-II in the Republic of S. Sudan.

I strongly believe what is needed in S. Sudan is one thing and that is peace. All political parties and the citizens need peace in the country, which is why the leadership of SPLM (IO) sign peace accord first to end the suffering of the people and we should all work for it till the end despite that this peace was signed with reservations by president Kiir and continued to violate the peace accord which had been condemn by the regional bloc and international community.

I want to use this opportunity as one of those youths who are concern about peace and change in our country and also as SPLA/M (IO) member to share my personal opinion that the leadership under Dr. Machar should sign the security arrangement since we happened to sign peace accord with only two governors and 15% in other states which shows the commitment of (IO) to the whole world not because it’s good for us but because it is intended to end the suffering of S. Sudanese. I see its wiser for us to sign it too and move swiftly with the time stipulated in the agreement accord.

President Kiir must be isolated by the regional bloc for proofing himself to be a threat to S. Sudan and the region or change his actions. All what he wants with his group is either rule or destroy S. Sudan because we will loose the country if this signed peace fails due to his actions.

Otherwise, the country will be taken by UN and we loose the sovereignty which is better for me than loosing lives of the people who are dying from the genesis of S. Sudan crisis to date.

This message goes to all political parties in Juba and citizens including warring parties that we should not take pride of the war and selfish leadership but let us be proud of our national anthem and equality that all men were created equal; not killing others and others should deserve live or certain classes should live better when others are made to suffer.

A government of unity that we can trust and a party that we can trust, the police, courts that we can trust without paying bribes, a country that holds elections and all votes are counted without violation or fear from death of citizens is all that we aspire to create!

Last but not the least, your Excellency chairman and commander in chief of SPLA/ (IO) forces, I believe you are the one to lead us to reach such successful future and to establish a movement that will be known as a nationalists [SPLA/M (IO)] leaders’ party that has brought peace to our people by signing the peace accord first, together with political detainees led by Pagan Amum and others stakeholders. Its recorded as a good legacy to us because the continuation of war will not bring change in S. Sudan and neither would creation of 28 states bring any change to the situation; but only reaching a peace agreement in spirit and love.

Best of luck!

Yours faithfully,
Moses Khamis Abdullatif.

You can reach the author at moseskhamis.mk@gmail.com

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gatdarwich October 18, 2015 at 6:04 pm

Go to hell, Moses Khamis. Security arrangements is uncompromised matter period. You fake SPLA-IO supporters, and true killer Kiir’s agents stay away from it.

GatNor October 19, 2015 at 10:14 am

The former VP Dr. Machar, now the designated VP has been advised to start taking on the role of 1st VP; part of that role is to be the initiative principal of reforms.

Whether, the two leaders namely Kiir and Machar are worned in or not, the implementation will not initiate itself into being without major initiative announcements.

The idea that the world waits on Juba goons to be ready for implementing the peace agreement is good but we could wait forever.

As enthusiastic and optimistic as he Machar seem and sounds, about the CPA his productivity should not be confined to pointing out the Juba warlord’s violation of the CPA II but should also make decisive moves on his end that encourages a greater dialogue between the peace partners.

Dr Machar should also consider a follow up with the signatories to the agreement as to reaffirmed the commitment of the parties or stakeholders and to reddress, revisit any commitments and datelines, or any other pre-ptoject by the parties that might currently not be upto for 1 reason or the other be upto speed as demanded by the CPA II agreement.

Tolio October 19, 2015 at 11:59 am

There is no proof that President Kiir is a dictator.

As was anticipated,no pesidential democratic elections were given a chance to end the transitional terms after the CPA and the independence which separated us from the former whole Sudan.

Failure for holding those elections as was planned,are simply blamable on those who were trying to challenge their boss from a top leadership through an unconstitutional caucus.

If all the impatient challengers had waited until the transitional terms were over and the president deliberately refused to let those elections go ahead as stipulated,then it should be fair to call him a dictator but that didn’t happened.

Should the elections marking the end of the transitional terms had gone ahead as were planned, but the president rigged them when it was all clear he had lost those elections, then there should have been no doubt South Sudanese President, Salva Kiir is a dictator. This didn’t happened, either.

Lack of all the evidences that are mentioned in three paragraphs above,should leave no room for calling President Kiir a dictator when there is no proof he is.

This is like calling a real yellow bird a red bird in a broad daylight.

As for the peace,no South Sudanese does not like peace. It brings stability and development to South Sudan where every one on its soil or residing abroad with some blood or work connections with this nation,can enjoy them.

The only party people should blame now for creating disunity among South Sudanese citizens is igad. It imposed the disuniting power sharing scheme on the parties to the conflict which were at one point members of the same organisation but were meant to be united according to Arusha’s initiative for reunification of all the SPLM factions.

Natural resources such as oil belongs to all South Sudanese citizens,no matter which ones of all South Sudanese tribes have it in their own gardens.

Igad privileged that oil resource to a faction that is 99% Nuer tribe,depriving other remaining 63 tribes which are entitled to have their shares of it. This is a fact that should not be overlooked before any objections to creation of 28 states that will ultimately be receiving their fair financial budgets from the oil revenue under a federal system catered to all South Sudanese citizens according to their demand by the president of the republic.

GatNor October 19, 2015 at 7:23 pm

The meaning of the word dictator according to you must be different from that of an English language dictionary or the online wikkipedia.

The unconstitutional caucus that you are claiming to have challenged the so called president is the same SPLM PARTY structures in which the president himself is the flag bearer. Amazingly you seem to find them unconstitutional including the president or the flag bearer himself is a parcel of that caucus..correct?

What you left out was the SPLMs leaders peacefully calling for reforms, restructuring of their party with respect to their party guidelines and you really cant get any more constitutional and democratic than that…or can you Tolio? There and then the flag bearer of the party Kiir the so called president himself responded to these calls for reforms with violent outrage. He then ordered the genocide and the unconstitutional arrest of his party leaders as a response.

Your president from from that incident became the criminal needing to face justice before any proceedings and that is where the citizens have to draw the line.

The proof I have here is that the whole drama made it to South Sudan supreme court and it was thrown out with member of the caucus that were arrested cleared of all charges against them. In the real world the arrest, the genocide and the claims that there been a spoil coup is illegal, criminal. unconstitutional, and it a behavior punishable by law should a counter claim be made at the same court against the real culprits in which the president would be named plantif #1 would trickled down to all the heads of his criminal institutions involved in the Juba genocide of Dec/2013.

“I will always be the president of that country”[South Sudan] this was Kiir’s statement in Ethiopia.
It is obvious here that Kiir as the real muscles of the ruling JCE has decided on a reckless path of dictatorship and silencing his challengers by unleashing violent destructive path of actions.

Bar El Gazhal has the same arrogant theme and tone as I quoted above. There Kiir’s leadership was endorsed by a few that are now without a shadow of a doubt truthfully revealing themselves as the JCE. In that conference years ago, they endorsed Kiir’s leadership from there to what would have 2015 national election and beyond. I personally concludedo then the man Kiir has become a nasty dictator seeking to stay in power forever by design architects of the JCE.

Tolio, I find you pathetically assertive referencing the constitution at your decretion and not acknowledging that it is rendered useless by the illegal decrees from the so called president. You agenda is clear and it is contrary to that of most citizens including myself and that is the agenda of peace. I must remind you again that it will prevailed regardless of what you and the council of Jaang Elders work days and nights to throw at it.


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