
We Will Leave No Stone Unturned!

By Kuoth Deng Bayak,


South Sudan SPLA rebel factions posting for the newly acquired/captured weapons and ammunition in Upper State(Photo: supplied)
South Sudan SPLA rebel factions posting for the newly acquired/captured weapons and ammunition in Upper State(Photo: supplied)

Dec 11, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — The message is for those already got their lion shares in the Republic of South Sudan that it is not that easy for any those type of elements looted our resources without even a bit of development instead they fill up their bellies in few and get away with it and going to be held accountable and mean while the majority are in desperately in need to feed and more.

Let it be bribery, corruption,nepotism,tribalism,unconstitutional,undemocratic in the country not even reaching couples years from it birth and only visualized and ringing we always have is dictatorship rules of decrees at every corner of the country, right after referendum and independence “ that in the presidential decrees such so,so,so number is issued and this is done. I thought we were separate from Sudan as South Sudanese due to the fact that we were marginalized by Khartoum regime as we label ourselves African, non-Muslims, and Christian and now our interjection is Wow!! Killing, and war without a cause that dead day of 12/15/2013 at Gudale, Juba South Sudan

We have shut the mouth of lion with piece chunk meat to be silent, and here is not true, we had many brothers and sisters left without telling them goodbye we are going to the other side of the land and these are Nubians, Darfurians, and blue Nile region people who are still carry the flag of our struggle and the tricky name called SPLA/M existing both sides for struggle.

Being Non-Muslim cannot let you be left out from the society there are so many countries mixed Islam, Christian and none of those religions exist and that may not cause them to be a separate state.

Now we have Muslims in South Sudan who are much more follow the doctrines of Islam as their religions and I guess they were among the first people who consented that South Sudan should be separate State while carrying their faith in Islam so what is that meant to us now?

And if so Christians that means we are Christ followers we should be judging people through their deeds not their culture,tribe,but by what they do or action, then this is one issue that separate us from being one Sudan but two now. So we are opposite to ourselves whereas the “saying is different from action” and thinking that we are doing so to confine others but still you will be in that mess either way for you are not escaping to anywhere we are in this together till we turn those stones to the other side.

Some South Sudanese leaders, think they run away from Sudan for separate state South Sudan while the oil flow through Sudan pipe lines day and night to me its seem like exchange of oil for statehood and Sudan is still silent for that is the piece of chunk of meat given to the roaring lion to keep quiet for a while and not to be disturbed on and off every now and then and if not so we could be at war with Sudan even now and instead we are at war ourselves and what is the reasons behind the close doors.

I mention this many times and no hear catch it that corruption is South Sudan is too much corrupted even that bring our country to level number four during referendum and independence time to currents time it is too soon to collapses the infant state of South Sudan and for my advice to any of those now corrupted leave the government not the country and let others who were not, do their job right before it is too late for the sake of this nation so we need to turn any stone unturned.

I have informed you that nepotism is not doing well in the state of South Sudan for this is a democratic country established by elected president by vote,governors,commissioners and more that mean we are equal on the eye of broken constitutions president when he give out some amnesty to those who want to be back but unfortunately somewhere killed, imprisoned and others are denied, and give positions to kins men and women seemed they were the ones once voted for president while it is the whole South Sudanese went to the pool at that day for in their favor president by all tribes and that is democratic,federalism,constitutional.

Bribery is making others see you that you are unable to reach out somewhere and by giving bribe they can do the work for you why the regime of Salva Kiir turned the blind eyes on those who even voted for him to rule and killed them with weapons bought to fight our enemy whoever might be and I am sure all generals in South Sudan some where retired and others where bribe from the Nuer, so that the Massacre of the Nuer will flow like their blood in Juba and around any corner of the country.

There is a saying “no man is on Island alone” that means no country is stable without peace,people,politics,so in the country we need people to function in their daily activities and develop more to make viable and sustainable life in their state, as well as we need peace in the country people from different background feel comfortable anywhere in the country guard by the principles of the rule of constitutions not individuals ideas proven in the papers, don’t throw away papers they keep a good records of any thing happened and lastly but not least is politics, we are all South Sudanese sons and daughters of this nation because nation started from family, homestead, segements,clans,tribe,and then nation and that is how human being grows into country and my warning is don’t kill that nation either anyone of those I mention above even though you disagree with someone from the any of the above I mentioned should not be interfered with that community affairs due to the fact that you may be playing with fire of the said community instantly and cannot be quenched soon as you may imagine so far.This is the case of why you must avoid to do likewise,there were a political struggle among the members of the SPLM party in the country which brought the chaos into one single community the Nuer,while in politics there were various community members from the others ethnics background involved but nothing touch their innocents members as well as their politicians and not pain like the targeted community alike. So the SPLM must stop being the lead party in the country, stop the lead military in the country, and let the others parties exercise their point of views, let the South Sudan take over the lead of its military as South Sudan national army, South Sudan military force, south Sudan navy, south Sudan reinforcement junta, the list goes on.

Get out of the way ,move we don’t need old and new clothes sew together,because we are not tolerating any type of those nepotism,corrupt,bribery,tribalism,unconstitutional,undemocratic, and the like so when these things are not on our way we have a peace, people and politics that are exercise in a mature manners in which families,homesteads,segements,clans,tribes and nation are getting relief from bondage of being dictate without a cause and unless otherwise you break the law of the country or so well to have a stable country, and I think you forgot the South Sudan national anthem that sing “Oh God……………….” So why you guys mentioned “God” in your song and I thought it was for God enjoying praise by any one of us and love any one of us and also to love one another and is fair enough to make it effective and as well we have the website called “gurtongtrust.com”so in Nilotic languages’ “gur” mean make blunt in in English and tong as well is in English is spear so then gur tong =blunt spear so we have made that statement while preparing for sharpening spears to slaughter “Wunlit covenant” between Nuer and Dinka and with that we thoughtfully of peace for the whole two tribes as well as South Sudan was organized ever side felt in need of halting in engaging battles simply because of greed, but this covenant slipped out of our hands and we remain with bars hands why? We say something that we don’t do and do something we don’t say. That is one thing I don’t like to yes and I mean no at the same time and if you say yes let the thing germinate itself for others to enjoy being God children. What are we going to do now, keep the war or election? If you know already you have the money, powers please give other a chance for their contribution in ideas and other means your time is up and take the back seat.

Many are in suffering that need some help or assistance desperately in UNMISS, Refugee camps and in country food, medicines, shelters, security and water to mention few.

Kuoth Deng Bayak can be reach bkuothdeng@yahoo.com

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