
Those Who Beat The Drums of War and Do No Go to War Themselves

By Duop Nyidar*.

James Kok Ruei, negotiator for Salva Kiir's government, with Gordon Buay Malek, going to Washington to prepare ways for Salva Kiir(Photo: file)
James Kok Ruei, negotiator for Salva Kiir’s government, with Gordon Buay Malek, going to Washington to prepare ways for Salva Kiir(Photo: file)

Feb 21, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Politics can be dirty, alright, but it can also be instrumental in the leadership development of a politician. Politics is dirty because a politician can be unpredictable as the weather in the tropical forests. I chose this topic because we tend to forget what one said yesterday and will go at length today to destroy the very ideas he advocated yesterday. We are all agreed in the beginning of President Kiir’s tenure, despite our tribal/ethnic backgrounds, that he is not the right person to lead us.  The mistakes, in fact crimes, that Kiir had committed, convinced us that we had erred to choose Kiir as our leader. The irony in this story is that the very people who first realized that Kiir was not the “chosen one” are at our throats now defending Salva as the legitimate leader. Without much ado, let us read what our politicians said about Kiir’s regime. These statements were taken verbatim on December 13th 2012 in the residence of Bior Ajang Duot (Bior Asuat) during the memorial service of the slain brave, passionate and young journalist Isaiah Abraham.

The majority of those who talked were from greater Bor politicians. They talked at the top of their voices and if you reflect back at what they are doing now in betrayal to their brother and son Isaiah, you conclude that politics is really dirty.

Please read some of the extracts from their speeches:

Hon. Deng Dau Malek, MP, Twic East:

“…………….what are we doing in the government if the government is killing our people?”

Oyay Deng Ajak, Minister for National Security:

“…….I do not want people from Bor to resign from government. If it is confirmed that it is the national security who killed Isaiah I will resign from government. If the government is killing our people we will fight the government. We shouldn’t resign. In revolutionary school we were not taught to resign, we were taught to fight for reform”.

Dr. Majak Agoot, Deputy Minister for Defence:
“……quoting a Twic East paramount chief Dr. Agoot said “if a cow does not nurture its young one, it is sold ………or killed.”

Hon. James Kok Ruea, MP, Fangak:

“………..This country is being robbed………..The culture of murdering people by night is not Nilotic…………This is the government of Tiger, can Tiger kill a Tiger? Who is this government that is killing people? We in Jonglei cannot tolerate this!”

Despite their boastful and outraged speeches, none of the above rendered their resignations in protest of the heinous crime committed against their relative.  Instead, they served under President Kiir as if nothing happened and kept singing the songs of praise to him. The killers of their loved one are never apprehended till today! What do these politicians say to poor Isaiah Abraham who died in order to protect their human rights and to shape a South Sudan informed by the rule of law, justice and equality? A South Sudan where children go to school, have medication and have food to eat.

But the most painful thing with this episode is that when President Kiir went berserk on December 15th 2013 and went about like the Biblical Pariah in Egypt killing Nuer and their children, some of these politicians applauded Kiir’s criminal act.  It is to be mentioned that some of these politicians were arrested and released through the pressure of the SPLM/A –IO. They latter betrayed us and said they cannot support violence implying that they cannot join us (SPLM/A –IO) in the fight to remove President Kiir!

This is the type of politics we should reject in South Sudan, the politics of opportunism. Kiir cannot be removed by throwing chocolate at him. He has to be confronted militarily. The death of the innocent Nuer people and the death of innocent Isaiah Abraham are interconnected. They are orchestrated by a dictator who wants to enslave and starve us to death while he rules over our graves forever.  Unless we unite we will be like the three bulls story told to us in Bonga by the late Dr. John Garang de Mabior.

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Mawien Magol February 21, 2015 at 6:03 pm

I am absolutely disagree with Mr. Duop Nyidar because we have to solve our problems like others African does their own conflicts. On the other hand is not a good leader I will not deny that however, the former vice president is not a good leader too therefore, if our people were educated citizens like any others nation then, we should have tells frankly that, we do not want you both Dr. Riek Machar Teny and Salva Kiir Mayardit period.

The second thing which the citizens can do is by voting leaders out office, if we were to adopted the democracy system of the government then, we must have to avoid the creation of rebellion, because it does brought too killing innocents people and destruction of the properties in the young nation. I belief strongly that, Voting in the Box wouldn’t cost us a single life but it is become more and more powerful tool in the democratic societies from around the world so why are you desperately on war when there are many ways to change government through voting element. Also we have acknowledge that, those war advocacy in the name of the SPLA IO are a sider world in another word, they are formally exiles Southern Sudanese people including yourself and you guys don’t real know the situation on the ground back home which your relatives are facing day light and night but if you support war than peace then, why not coming here to South Sudan to joins SPLA IO and you will smell it the battlefield before reaching your home probably. If you are a warmonger advocacy please, keep singing about blaming SPLM G10 for not joining rebellion but in the end of the day, you will realizing that, the SPLM G10 were too smarter human being than you think

Yousif South Sudan February 22, 2015 at 11:45 pm

Mawien you are right the good is to say kiir must go and DR. riek must go finish other South Sudanese will be capable to lead the country instated of taking our time on kiir and riek

Mawien Magol February 21, 2015 at 6:18 pm

For correction, from the first line, it was supposed to Salva Kiir Mayardit is not a good leader and the second line, I do mean the rebellion has brought too many killing innocent and same second line at the middle, I was trying to show down by saying that, those supporting war in the name of SPLA IO are out sider Southern Sudanese and I want to thanks Readers while accepted my apology. I am always hurry in the middle of some thing.

GatNor February 21, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Dictators do not relinquishes power peacefully that means only the language of bullets a dictator will understand. A dictator can live fore ever and would also rule fore ever unless told to step a side only in the language he understands.

Bentiu Home February 21, 2015 at 8:22 pm

The so call Mawien Magol needs to shut up for his nonsense he always preaches us. we always face this kind of tragedy from your leadership. it’s the same thing happened between John Garang and Gai Tut also Peter Gatkouth and Abil Alier see nothing is new who denounce dinka leadership always face a consequences by any mean. Always you are talking bout Nuer will be vanish in earth it is okay when you finish us. I think it will be a great opportunity for you to lead the South Sudan for ever. For what I see not single tribe will confront for your wrong doing.
Son of Bentiu

Mawien Magol February 21, 2015 at 9:58 pm

Go ahead

Eastern February 21, 2015 at 9:49 pm

Dear All,

Ending Kiir’s tenure at J1 must not be left to SPLM-iO alone, all South Sudanese of sound minds must take part.

Those in Juba having four-course meals as if there is no war in the country must rudely awoken yo this fact. Kiir must leave power after July 9,2015. The attempt by the national legislative assembly to hand him two more years on silver platter is an illegality fir which the members of the rubber stamp house under the stewardship of the ever sleepy Rundial will be held responsible by South Sudanese.

Kiir came to power through an accident and later maintained his position because of the sympathy vote South Sudanese gave him to safeguard the referendum.

Let’s get Kiir and cohorts out the way, folks!

Mawien Magol February 21, 2015 at 11:16 pm

I would like to ask Eastern question, who do you want to relace Salva Kiir Mayardit? The current president has said that, election must be held and the oppositions parties and the rebels leader Dr. Riek Machar disagree too. There is a word say, you can not serve two masters at one. The next election is going to watchful by the world because our citizens will have choice to elected new leader in the office, this two years there is no short cut to power. Below, I will give you the list and give me the person you like to be elected.

Dr. Lam Akol
Dr. Riak Gai Kok
Dr. Riek Machar Teny
Dr. Marial Benjamin
Dr. Mading Deng Kuol
6.Dr. Boan Mawal Madut
7.Dr. Majak Agoot Atem
8.Dr. Mawien Makol Ariik
9.hon, Nhial Deng Nhial
10 hon, Pagan Amum
hon, Awet Akot Thou
James Wani
Salva Kiir Mayardit
Kuel Aguer Kuel
Anei Kueidit
Atem Deng Garang
17.Former Sudanese VP George Kongor Arop
18.Former Sudanese VP Joseph Ladu
19.Rubin Marial Benjamin
20.Joseph Bagast bakosro
Who do you chose to become the next president after two years? Please keep singing about short cut in to the power but that dream wouldn’t work for sure.

GatNor February 22, 2015 at 6:16 am

The government of South Sudan came out and had their own reasons on why the election should not take place.

Never heard Kiir mentioning the oppositions even acknowledge in agreement that SPLM-Pagaak’s leadership is right that election should not take place as Machar suggested.

Lack of funds was one of these issues preventing the election according to the government of South Sudan. Since when have you become a believer that Kiir actually listens to Machar? Remember it was a suggestion and Kiir could have gone ahead with his election if he had the capacity.

Maybe to support your shallow excuse of reasoning for cancellation of the election. The ones serving two masters are those under Kiir and those under the influence of petro dollars.

The list you have provide is irrelevant at this point and time because reunification and peace are yet to be realised. You are a way too far ahead of your self Mr. Maggot.

John Jal Kuach February 22, 2015 at 2:52 am

Dear all, a general observation seems I be against the Bor and Shilluk but am not , we are S.Sudanese Nilotic second hand we are River Nilotic, as christians all my priests are chilluk but for my knowledge those two communities i lost hope to them when were in Bor on 18 -23 Dec. i use to said being remained in UNMISS in bor it n’tsafe among S.S. again release civilians shilluk be come disease. there was politician was cry becoz of documents while people lost lovely. don’t compared pple interest.

man of the people February 22, 2015 at 6:41 am

Non of the above. Recycled stuff is never good.

Gatluak Nyuot February 23, 2015 at 4:01 am

These two traitors are not Nuer in origin: Gordon Buay Malek is Nyadieng Anuok(Biar) and he is trying to replace those Anuok who had been killed by Nuer long time ago for destroying Nuer culture through Dinkas power. Coward James Kok Ruei, his mother came from Shilluk Area, he have the same mentality like Buay for destroying Nuer History and promoting Leo’s culture through Dinkas power. They all
know me very well and they will face me soon. I don’t know about Lul Ruei Koang, He let our spirit, culture, dead fathers & mothers down for his own interest, our Lou God will see that move. No peace at all if Salva Kiir still in power plus his Nuer traitors. Eat that Nuer bloods money and you will die soon, you Dinkas trash groups.


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