
Theological Reflections On Juba Nuer Massacre Of December 16-24, 2013:

A Reality That Matches The Biblical Accounts Of Historical Jesus!

By Kong Tut,


In attempt to kill baby Jesus, King Herod massacred the innocent(Rough first draft. Adding Fedor/Vitor/Bones/July 6th/more meanings to this next )
In attempt to kill baby Jesus, King Herod massacred the innocent(Rough first draft. Adding Fedor/Vitor/Bones/July 6th/more meanings to this next )

Historical highlights.

Dec 28, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — These are theological reflections on the massacre that took place in Juba between 16-24 December, 2013. It is true that we all celebrate the nativity our ourl Jesus Christ on 24 December annually in the years of the Lord. Jewish and Greco-Roman calendars have also given insights to this reality. Other accounts are related to Gospels such as the period of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, building of Jerusalem Temple and death of John the Baptist.

Other non-Christian sources of the calendar relating to the birth of our Lord are those of Josephus and Tacitus.
All in all, we don’t want to drag ourselves into these arguments. But the early Church of the Apostles and Church Fathers have all the kowledge on this matter and it is accredited to them. However, it is all our believe that the massacre of all infant boys carried out by Herod too place between 16-24 December.

Juba Massacre of 16-24 December, 2013 is analyzed Biblically in this reflection

Though years are always different, times and periods are one. This is meant to say that in near ancient times, Herod ordered the killing of infants between 16-24 December because he had wanted to kill the new born King.This reflects that between 16-24 December, 2013, Salva ordered the killing of all innocent Nuer civilians out of his hate for them and as another way to hunt down the democratic reformer of South Sudan, Riek Machar.
In the Bible it is written that the new born King Herod was about to behead, was sleeping in a poor farmer’s house. This reflects that democratic reformer, Riek Machar might have escaped in an humble car which has no magnificence like Mercedes or Escalade.

The Bible said again in Revelations that while the child was wandering in the desert, the beast sent his messenger to engulf him. But finally, said the Bible, the beast and his messenger were defeated. This reflects that the child refers to democratic reformer Riek Machar and while Salva takes the role of the beast, Musaveni is refered to as the messenger of doom. In this case, the desert is Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile.

The child will be taken to Egypt where he will be equipped there until the beast and his messenger are dead or arrested ( Gospels). In this reflection, Egypt refers to Ethiopia where Riek Machar with the help of IGAD and Human Right Organisations, was allowed chance to say his version of the roots causes of the conflict to the world.

In the versions of Matthews and Luke where Jesus begins his ministry by proclaiming the nearness of the Kingdom of God and getting rid of any kind of oppression, corruption, greed but only to to push for liberties and freedoms, reflections have it that Riek Machar’s address of Pagak Conference marks the road forward to the end.

The author can be reached at ybtk23@gmail.com

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1 comment

Santosnyayual December 29, 2014 at 3:22 am

We the nuer people we will never forgive a silva kirr who killed our people and what i want to said is that we will kill silva kiir bt all mean even if we will remain as rebel for many we will try do that.


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