Opinion Sirir Gabriel


By Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut,


Sirir Gab
Sirir Gabriel ..

July 09, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — My name is Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut, I am an African who by God’s design, was born here in south Sudan so that after I am gone, this place will be a better place because I have lived. After all that is true leadership.
I therefore, must share with you my idea of south Sudan. It is not what I see today.

We must revive our economy as a matter of urgency, but more important, we must tell a new story about our beautiful country. We must invest a new narrative, a new paradigm so that out of our bosom may be born a new beginning where all south Sudanese regardless of which tribe. Can live up to their full potential.

We must hurry and be gripped by the creation of those circumstances we desire most without being cowered or being afraid. After all, fear is a mental construct.

We must create a country where all are free to pursue their dreams without limit; a country whose unimaginable wealth can be utilized to eradicate poverty and lack; a country whose resources are applied to the benefit of all and not to benefit a few men and women simply because they have access to arms of power.

My Ideas and inspiration in creating a new south Sudan are based on one undeniable truth, that any nation that does not create freedom, unity and prosperity for it citizens to live up to their full potential will in turn, never attain its own full potential. The people must come first and their happiness and development must, therefore, be nourished; protected and preserved so that our country can truly become what we imagine it to be.

The dignity, security and prosperity of every south Sudanese enshrined in our constitution were not fashioned to be applied at the whim of our leaders, but these are non negotiable rights for everyone born a south Sudanese. It is a non negotiable instrument that cannot be returned to senders. We must demand that this government meets its obligations.

In my opinion, no economic print no matter how clever and intelligent it may sound can ever create the condition, necessary for progress until the values of those that lead us change. Economic blue prints hardly excite me simply because we have had so many of them. Let us therefore, be careful and not be complacent because the days are dangerous.

To our politicians; I do not car how many degrees you may have; how many doctorates and academic accolades you may lay claim on if I see young south Sudanese girls in East Africans countries and with in the capital Juba becoming prostitutes to make a living so that they may feed their children back home.

Went I see small burnt children at hospitals that don’t received treatment because there are no medicines, I don’t care what car you drive.

When I hear that south Sudanese are fighting off animals for fruits so that they may have something to eat, I do not care where you live or what designer suit you are wearing.

I care less for the sophisticated English words you may use in justifying your entitlement to power went I know that my brothers and sisters in the diaspora must take three jobs so that they may survive and also look after their siblings at home. Went pensioners who worked for half of their lifetime can not buy food or I am not impressed by way you walk or talk.
I care less for the balance in your bank account went I hear that a large number of young mothers are dying from labor pain or that three million south Sudanese will be in verge of dying for hunger this season. When I see desperate youths wonder how each day will turn out because they are not employed.

What used are your degrees in public health, military science, mining, medicine and politics if those degrees lead to wide spread poverty, depression and hopelessness? What use are they when we know we in south Sudan have some of the largest minerals wealth on earth including vast fertile soil yet we are facing an economic calamity? They are useless.
Never, in my opinion, has so much been owed by so few to so many the South Sudan I seek to create will have none of this.

Unfortunately I do not see this south Sudan I dream of coming tomorrow I know, however, that it is buried deep down within my soul and it was born the day I was born in Uror County. God willing, it will surely come to pass in my life time.
All we need now is hope and a strong belief of potential, but this hope must underpinned by action; action to do what we can from where we are with what we haven to create the circumstances we deserve. We must accelerate the creation of a new Federal Republic of south Sudan that is not limited by the imagination of these that only seek personal benefit, but a south Sudan of unlimited potential underpinned and fashioned by the free spirit of the people of Federal Republic of south Sudan.

It will take a while, but I am convinced that one fine day, in the steal of the night it will come
Don’t give up!

The author is a student of political science living in Cairo- Egypt, He can easily be reached through his Email: sirirgabrielyiei3@gmail.com or my Tel: +201115133229

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