
The Solution To South Sudan Conflict is Federal System and The International Community Must Not Walk Away !

By Dr. Tugul Nyak Diew,

9C3A5117-E262-4E4C-9824-3FBDE8E0994E_mw1024_s_nApril 9, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — If the international community follows President Salva’s Kirr speeches and the comments he been making, they should realize this man does not want peace to prevail in South Sudan whatsoever; and if I may add he may have deep hatred to Dr. Machar, if not the entire Nuer, and he cannot let it go for the good of the people he claims to be suffering as a result of this crisis.

Quite frankly, I am sadden and sickening when I read his address to the people of South Sudanese on April 5, 2015, referring to the current conflict as senseless war and uncalled for, and, in his view, it was provoked by power greedy individuals who do not have regard for human life. Statements like these are insults to the victims of this war and obstacles to peace. If Dr. Riek Machar really hungry for power, ones should ask himself/herself how come he did not declare war when he was sacked from his position as a vice president in July, 2013?

The truth is Salva Kirr is the only person who need to explain to the people of South Sudan the root cause of conflict, which resulted in the loss of many innocents’ lives. If Dr. Machar was, indeed, the instigator of the war why then Uganda forces were in South Sudan soul on December 13, 2013, way before the war broke out on December 13? And why the so called Mathiang Anyor who committed the horrific massacre in the history of South Sudan were deployed to Juba in November 2013?

Moreover, If Dr. Machar was the problem why he did not go after him alone, instead of turning his guns to his own citizens, the very people who elected him into office? These questions cannot be answer by anyone else other than President Salva Kirr himself. He must stop blaming others for his deliberated act against the people of South Sudan and accept the responsibility.

The people of South Sudan want peace in order for them to live in harmony, build a better future for their children, but this current governance system, which is being ran based on tribal domination, will take time for peace to come in South Sudan unless there is a complete overhaul of the entire government system.

A multi-ethnic society such as South Sudan need a system which recognize the right of every ethnic group and accommodate all of them equally. Therefore, Federalism introduced by Dr. Machar is the only solution to end the current crisis in South Sudan. As we have seen from multi-cultural countries like United States, federalism is designed to accommodate ethnic diversity while at the same time maintaining national unity.

It help to keep States function well and allow citizens to have equal access to national government policies. If the international community wants to solve the political conflict, which claimed the lives of thousands and displaced many more in South Sudan they must embrace Dr. Machar’s idea of federalism and make it a priority in the upcoming AU, IGAD plus mediated peace process between the SPLM/IO and the SPLM/A Juba.

The author is the General Secretary of newly created Adar (Northeast Upper Nile) State. He can be reached at tuguldiewn@gmail.com

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Kerker Stephen April 9, 2015 at 9:36 pm

Everybody who have been following S. Sudan’s activities since 2009 know that the concrete problem of S. Sudanese is Mr. Kiir Museveni and only his tribal-mind-set followers can deplore this fact. So, for Sudan Sudan to be called a Country of it’s people, Mr. Kiir need to be remove urgently such that South Sudanese’s government should be installed once, and for-all!

Wilson Wal April 9, 2015 at 10:18 pm

In 1980s, Nuer were running after the rank of captain; they presumed it to be the highest echelon in military system .

In 1990s to the beginning of 2000s, they found that rank of captain was low and they shifted to major general.

In the middle of 2000s -present , they heard the word ” PhD” as a respected academic position internationally,and every Nuer rewarded him / herself with a title ” Dr” even somebody who does not know English Alphabet.

I remembered, my friend told me two years ago , Paulino Matip asked Salva Kiir to promote him to the rank of Doctor ( PhD), that is to be Dr. Paulino Matip, and Salva told him that position is not given in military, you can get it in school.
And that is why this primitive ( the author of this article ) called himself a Doctor, is that English for PhD holder?
Nuer culture is a culture of monkeys who claim any corn/ maize close to their locations..

Mawien Magol April 9, 2015 at 10:21 pm

Dr. Tugul Nyak Dieu, you are a liar to cover up the former vice president while he was the root caused. He did called his boss a dictatorship and the president was in French for foreign relationship what that mean exactly, if your vice president is calling you a dictator leader? After when he had dismissed from his VP position immediately, the former vice president held a numbers of meeting with his generals from his ethnic Nuer. The phone system shown all his records that, he was calling on all generals from Nuers to be ready at any time and also the former vice did called on Sudanese government to back them up his generals should anything happen in Juba he said. Please keep singing about taking side to cover up the former vice president as your tribal man but you must understand that, this is a 21st century whereby the technology is growing very aggressive and everything has to be recorded base on the event for evidence.

Manut Atem April 9, 2015 at 11:53 pm

Mawien Magul Thanks s lot, you have mention many point that touch my heart, Actually these people so-called tribalism they did not understand the reason we took up gun and fought for new sudan which led to our separation.

otherwise they could not things of planing coup against their own country, we if come back during beginning of revolution when southerners who were not happy from dictator regime in Khartoum , they were on the way attacking our forces going to Ethiopia and on our way back to fight enemy, we did not rebel because of Nuer.

They killed many people on the process looking for leadership which they do not know the meaning of it.

but we overcome them. i had mention last time , Those of Gai Tut, Abdallah Chuol, and Akuot Atem. they have tried to stop the movement, but the couldn`t manage.

In 1990th Stupid DR RIAK , TOOK HIS ARMY against struggle and killed many soldiers and he when back to support enemy , he fail, he couldn`t defeat SPLA/SPLM with his dirty politics.

When the CPA was almost to be sign he run from enemy because he knew there will be no change for him later, he join. we welcome him as son of the nation. but the stupid man was still having bad heart. he come to be vice president, who we consider as nation if president is not in country is the one who can run the duty of president.

And Again he was assigned by president to work with community leader at least to settle down the tribalism among the tribe of south sudan. but his mission was to mobilize and lobbying to citizen about him to a president.

He had forgotten his record are still bad on the eyes southerns .

Raik is not a leader for all southerners, if you want to rule this country as we know , we Democratic country , look for other people, people like DR Raik Gai, is the man who can manage to rule the country.

You Nure do not need advise from others people, you thinks for what have come to mind implemented , But let prove to you that Raik Macher will not ever, ever rule South Sudan people forget it.

you better to seeking for reconciliation with south sudan, Raik give your community bad image among other tribe in south sudan.

long live SPLA/SPLM
long live people of south sudan.
long live president of south sudan.

SPLA Oyeeeeee

Pawil April 10, 2015 at 12:35 am

Hahahahahahahahahah food lover you got no way keep talking bull chit kiirdit will be and will be up to we get our new dinka leader . SPLA oyeeeeee dinka oyeeeeeee. There is nothing call dinka is monjung oyeeeeeee

majok deng April 10, 2015 at 3:48 am

i,am telling you my people there is nothing like that all of us we are south sudanese we have 64 tribe in south sudan, so all of them they participate during sudan war so there is no undermind, of tribe but for us we are not support wrong person like Dr Riek Machar i don’t know which kind of Doctor doing such a thing. iam south sudan’s student of International Health Science University IHSU.

wilson wal April 10, 2015 at 6:54 am

Can anyone explain to me; why Nuer are always rebelled against establised among 64 tribes?

GatNor April 10, 2015 at 7:09 am

The orange-red marks the scale of threat facing the ethnic Jaang in a given area of location. The orange or redness drastically reduces as you move to The region of Equatoria and further west on the map to Bar El Gazhal. The devile lies in the detail a part from what is being conveyed here. Since this threat is likely to magnify as awr continue and the regime is losing more control the warning is given as alert to save the endanger but important than the other in the shaded areas of the map.

Goweng Torbaar April 10, 2015 at 9:55 am

Manut Atem, you are highly welcomed to this forum, you are a true Dinka. Your sentance which said ”Actually these people so-called tribalism they did not understand the reason we took up gun and fought for new sudan which led to our separation.” Many Dinka drop why they took up arm, thank for mentioning that Dinka took arm to fight for new Sudan. The question is where is your vision of new Sudan?


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