By Lual Magok,

April 19, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The fresh disturbing developments in the Shilluk kingdom is another treacherous warning sign and the world should work hard to deter the recurrence of the Shilluk ethnic cleansing by the Juba regime pro-government militias as they did in aftermath of the insurgence of Gen Johnson Olong in 2010-2013. The up to date observations on the security development in the Upper Nile State signify that, the pro-government militia from the Dinka Apadang is planning to undertake deadly military offensive against the Shilluk civilians and this is believe to post potential security threat to the Shilluk Kingdom and outskirt of Malakal town.
The informal investigation conducted in Upper Nile State revealed that, Shilluk population who were living in Melut, Renk, Gerger, Akoka and Joda were either killed or fled to West Bank for their safety in the hand of pro-government militia from the Dinka Apadang. The investigations also revealed that General James Bwogo and other senior Shilluk officers were killed in coordinated ambush which was officially organized by the SPLA Military Intelligence under overall supervision of the Upper Nile State Government. The studies acknowledged that at least Three (3) UNWFP AID workers from Shilluk tribes were targeted by the pro-government militia from the Dinka Apadang while on official mission to Akoka and government is not trying an effort to rescue them because they are from Shilluk tribe.
The investigation revealed that, the Shilluk ethnicity who were working in the oil fields were forced to relocate to Juba out fear for ethnic target killing by the pro-government militias from the Dinka Apadang Colleagues and its believe that many casual workers from the Shilluk have lost their lives in the hand of the pro-government militias from the Dinka Apadang in the Northern Upper Nile State. The reliable sources within Juba regime disclosed that all prominent political leaders from the Shilluk are under tied security surveillance and it was confirmed that Dr. Lam Akol, the Chairman of the SPLM-DC is put under a house arrest and his passport is confiscated by the security agents in Juba.
The informal investigations finding stated that, the pro-government army militias from the Dinka Apadang and the SPLA forces are committing crimes against humanity and war crimes against the Shilluk innocent civilians who fled to the Dinka areas before the eruption of conflict between the two communities. The observation is that, the State and National governments are supporting the Dinka Apadang Militias with heavy weapons and ammunitions to commit gross human rights violations in the Shilluk Kingdom.
The Dinka at the present divided the Malakal town into Baliet and Akoka Counties. The report from Malakal point out that Commissioner of Baliet County annexed Nagdiar, Ahmed Ajak, Dengershufu , Jallaba and Hai television to Baliet County while the Commissioner of Akoka County annexed Kor Lul, Hai Mattar , Mulukia , Luakat and Rei el musri to Akoka County by force. The State and National government remains silence and cannot discipline the two commissioners because they are implementing the Dinka land grab scheme.
The Shilluk community had been exposed to inhumane and hardship living condition owing to rampant ethnic target killing, massive forced displacement, raiding of cattle, destruction of properties, disappearance and deprivation from political participation by the Juba genocidal regime since 2010 because of the General Johnson Olony insurgence . The rebellion of General Johnson Olony was primarily aimed to liberate the Shilluk land from the Dinka occupation and land grab which became daily threat to the Shilluk residents in the Malakal town.
The persistence of the General Johnson Olony insurgence forced the Shilluk citizens to relocate to Malakal town as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) and some crossed to the Sudan and became refugees out fear of target ethnic killing committed by the SPLA Forces in the Shilluk Kingdom. The repressive security law, lack political freedom and freedom expression put all SPLM –DC members at impending risk from regime security apparatus and the prominent political leaders fled outside of the country and live in exile as asylum seekers because their life and safety was at jeopardy in the hand of tribal military intelligence under Juba tyranny and totalitarian regime.
The Shilluk militias decided to act in response to amnesty announced by President Kiir in 2013 to pardon the entire insurgence factions who were fighting against the regime and the decision was motivated by political agenda to reduce the scale of hostility in the Greater Upper Nile Region. The Shilluk militias to chosen to at least put to an end the elongated anguish and atrocious living condition that their community was exposed in the Republic of South Sudan.
The positive respond of the Shilluk militias to the Juba regime Amnesty also paved the way for recognition of SPLM-DC political participation and this encourage some prominent political leaders from Shilluk society to return to Juba to work as political and military allies to the regime of President Salva Kiir until the eruption of ongoing civil strife in December 2015.
The experiences from previous General Johnson Olony insurgence denoted that civilians from the Shilluk ethnicity became soft target in search for rebels and there is fear that a situation is repeating itself. The Shilluk quest for their ancestors land and freedom is thrown to the dustbin by genocidal regime and they nowadays planning to assassinate the Shilluk Senior Military officers including Johnson Olony and influential political leaders like Dr Lam Akol Ajawin who had been under house arrest without trial and the life of Gen Johnson Olony is at immense risk?, The Shilluk civilians were forced to flee to UNMISS for their safety in the hand of Pro-government militias. The Shilluk worldwide and world at large needs to give an attention to substandard situation of minority group in South Sudan. The Shilluk cry for security and ancestor land is rights.
The writer is concern South Sudanese Activist and can be reached via
You poor tribalistic Lual Magok, don’t keep confusing South Sudanese based on tribal line so that your tribal rebelion get support, you now want to take advantage of the recent fighting between Shilluk and Dinkas so that the Shilluk join your useless rebelion. who wrongly informed you that Lam Akol is under house arrest???, Lam Akol is a free man in Juba making public statements, participating in Political gathering, who told you the aid workers in upper nile were killed by Dinka Militias, its your illiterate Nuer white armies who killed them.
Please stop tribal politics, you were last time confusing people of Equatoria and found that Equatorians are very smart in Mind and couldn’t easly be lured to tribal politics, now turning to Shilluk by fabricating nonsence so that Shilluk join you, shame on Nuers supporters of Riek, your rebelion has terribly failed, you started it and so don’t lure others to Nuer rebelion.
Sorry my brother Riek Koang , I am not tribalist and i have no intention to take that path and only contribution is to at least educate people from harmful practices . The shilluk are south Sudanese and protection like the Dinka Apadang . We should turn our back from the people who need help. Please join me on fight against the harmful practices in south sudan
Excellent Comment fom LualMagok, this is what we should be practising but not confusing people to continue killing themselves, am always not happy when Naymile post articals full of hatred against particular tribe in South Sudan, where do you think will such tribe go in South Sudan, South Sudanese especially those in Abroad or in Refugee camps within South Sudan and outside are found of writting articals that fuel the current tribal fighting in South Sudan, why are the supporters of Riek always against Dinkas though Am not Dinka but is very unfair, if you don’t want Kiir as an individual then Don’t generalise all Dinkas.
There is time for every thing, Kiir is president today and tomorrow will be some body else, why killing yourselves as Southerners because of power or because Riek want to rule this country, why destroying this counrty because Nuer must rule-Riek???,
Riek is the causer of this current fighting and NOT Kiir, why I say so, when fighting broke out in Juba, Riek immediately declaredd himself to be Rebel leader started capturing major towns from Government. Now who has started Military solution in this case, was that Kiir or Riek himself, please South Sudanese tell the truth so that it set you free, we shouldn’t always hide the truth here, any way continue decieving your self and only hating Kiir for no reason, I think only God knows who has done worse in South Sudan between Kiir and Riek, they will soon be judged by God himself so that South Sudanese come back to their senses.
God rescue South Sudan from Power hungry skeleton and illiterate warlords of South Sudan.
Riek Koang,
You and Nyaluak Lual are useless Nuer on the planet. Tell us what Riek had done that caused the conflict? Is it a crime for someone to declare himself or herself to be a candidate for the presidency?
Anyway enjoy your bribe money. Patriot Nuer will still change this genocidal regime. Your master Kiir must be brought to book no matter how much you tribe to cover the untold crimes he committed.
please Riek koang stop calling your self like this because you are not are liar man, conflict is started by Salva kiir not Dr foolished Dinka your power has already decline just look for the country you will be exilted to.
Riek Koang, when we generalize or we says Jiengs, we mean the only bad Jieng, not the good Jiengs.
It is not good with Generals,most of them will run to exile,but i think it is not the best thing for them. They have to avoid Riek Machar and stay in the South Sudan even with jobs. They are going to die of Hearts attack because they have lost everything. It was John Garang’ mistake when generals were given many access,they have many wives and many children and now a nightmare.
All Government in general and particularly president kiir have to talk to Generals. It is shame for South Sudan,they are going to die in exile because no countries will accept them as refugees.They are very expensive and scary.
“The Shilluk Killed and Fled to UNMISS, Gen.James Bwogo Killed, Dr.Lam Akol Arrested and where is Gen. Johnson Olony?” — And where is Dr James Okuk?
Mr. GatNor,
“The Shilluk Killed and Fled to UNMISS, Gen.James Bwogo Killed, Dr.Lam Akol Arrested and where is Gen. Johnson Olony?” — “And where is Dr James Okuk?” In addition to those questions where is Edward?
Johnson Olony and Dr. James Okuk are making money in Juba at the expenses of Shilluk people. After the killing of Shilluk Defense force prominent General Buogo Oliew, General Olony told the investigation team from Juba that the killing of Buogo Oliew was a mistake. General Olony told the media that the Dinka Apadang were targeting only Shilluk civilians, but not Shilluk Generals. Gen. Olony made this remark after receiving $1.5 million in bribes from the investigation team from Juba to keep him in the government.
Thus, the Chollo community members who support the genocidal regime must not blame Dinka Apadang who killed their General nor Salva Kiir who heavily armed Dinka Apadang. The Shilluk Defense Forces, civilians, and politicians who believe Kiir is legitimate president for them must blame only US Dollars and SSP that being paid to them to keep innocent Shilluk fight the war they do not understand.
Thank you B.R for the update. This sad situation indeed. Chilluks kingdom in this case would, or should two messages to their high profile army generals, politicians, intellectual and the capable youths to reconsider their alliances with the murderous ethnic regime of jaang or forget coming home and stay in Juba. The Chilluks community also have the right to make alliance as a tribe with those other tribe that are not showing any sign of aggression towards them. They also can make it clear that they will stay neutral down play the ethnic tensions between them and the Jaang and politically put their support as a community of South Sudanese behind the oppositions that is fighting for change and at the end its a win-win situation for them as they will be under the protection of a greater alliance by territorial and number of man power to deter any aggression and this should be an easy mathematic equation for a temporal solution of applying survival methods instinctively. If they let their well informed high profile sons continue to put the interest of their community at risk for personal gains they will be the ultimate losers.
The Shilluk people need to make up their minds very quickly before it is too late. Dr. Lam Akol and Dr. James Okuk plus those generals in Shilluk kingdom needs to forgive themselves and choose between us the SPLA-IO and Salva Kiir and M7 of Uganda who have imposed this war on our nation. the Shilluk civilians are victims of Kiir and M7 war so they have to make up their minds and choose between the two.
To the those confused people like the so call riek konag or what ever you call yourself, This imposed war of Salva kiir and M7 of Uganda will be won by us the SPLA-IO with out any doubt, just wait and watch the game. You will join us unknowningly very soon or you will just kill yourself when the Freedom fighter take over the nation at any time soon.
stop your nonsense! they malitias (lam, olony, bwogo) you are reaping what they sow. Lam engineered 1991 massacre in bor-1st rebellion of rieak machar and olony, bwogo want cleanse dinka tha is why the rebelled and bwogo has just reaped his reward. once a traiter remains a traiter. they all go like that. shilluk have been confusing other tribes and no one will trust them again. pagan and oyai used dinka to become leaders during our struggle as we all know there were no single battalions made up of shilluk during our war with arab. shame on you nyageet!!!
You are a former Mengistu servitude who frustrated & shamelessly obstructed the road to South Sudan independence. Please shut up with that nonsense word traitor because the real traitor would be you.
Deng stop writer oldshit when did Dr. Lam massacred dinka? Dr.Garang start to play game with Nuer tribe since 1984,1991 and 1996, propaganda will not save you, Dr. Lam Akol is safe person during that war even now, just support your mudured president don’t jum more
Tell kiir to steps aside and give peace a chance! or listen to a voice of ”LET MY PEOPLE GO” project
Chollos, the masses are left alone like sheep without shepherd. Oyai and Pagan Amum in G10, Lam Akol under house arrest, Johnson Olony is running after money, and their spiritual man, the king fled to Khartoum. The mass chollos do not have good weapons to defence themselves from the Dinka militias Apadang.Therefore, Chollos young men should organize themselves and join SPLM-IO immediately. It’s a test to Shilluk people.
Is real Mr. Lual Magok educated from tribalism school?
I am doubting he is not understanding anything than having generating more conflicts and more tribalism and I want to tell him if the Southern Sudanese behave this way like yours clearly, there will be no need for us to call ourselves as Southerners Sudanese.Your two articles have shocking the entire of the Readers who always visiting at this website and I think you need to make apologize because this is absolutely dangerous and dirty politics. This war is not a tribal war put in mind even though the rebels are dominated by one ethnic which is Nuer tribe is not a war between Shilluk with Nuers, is not a war between Dinka with Nuer and it is not a conflict that, make anyone to generated his own hateful rather than leaving this wrongdoing on two leaders to explains to the world what happen.
The real question to Mr. Lual Magok is that, where were you in those days when major general was killed in Lul between Akoka and the Malakal town? I would like to tell you my friend, the majority of our Readers here sees you as a trouble maker guy simply, because why going back to brought what had gone last Month and I have never seen you post article in the past period than this rubbish article. This conflict will be maintains sooner for sure and our population of the civilians should not be taught on how to hate each other or kills each others this is a dangerous thing to do if you are stupid person. Try to think positively so that, we can stop this senseless war and move on for others thing as a nation. I belief the time by itself is against both leaders Salva Kiir Mayardit and his former vice president who turned rebels leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny. These two leaders are sicken to survived more years leading Southern Sudanese people, these 2 leaders are getting Old to be in power forever if you may agree with me and these two leaders are all bad leaders who have had brought this disaster on Southern Sudanese so my second question, what make you interesting to add gas to the fuel? Please keep generated conflict but God wouldn’t allow such a hatred in your heart and it can only back fire in the judgement days.
Sorry Comrade Magol, I am not interested on tribalism and i only believe on protection of minority group rights in South Sudan . The South Sudan need our diversity as people and it will silly to allow ethnic cleansing against minority to happen on daylight. We need to educate people and confront the regime in Juba to at least rescue the situation before it blow up. The Shilluk are really at terrible situation today and we need to alert the Juba regime before it become to late . The Juba genocide happened because we did not alert the leadership about the danger and we are all today affected by the imposed conflict by the regime . Please accept my appeal to join the activism group to make south Sudan a safe place for all of us .Talk to Salva Kiir to return the shilluk ancestors land and enforce the law to prevent Dinka to cross to Shilluk area to cause genocide . Thanks
Why not talking about 100 of Shilluk young men that were killed by rebels in the villages last year. In fact that, all people in Upper Nile regions are all wild human beings unlikely to others regions in part of South Sudan and there is no one tribe is good on the other anyway, you must stop posting articles which will generating the hateful and eventually would add gas to the fire this is not how politics are playing in the worldwide. The president will not involved in land disputed, because there is a State’s government and the Local government such as county leaders to resolved it. Remember, the major general late James Bwogo left Malakal town to joins fighting in the community and he was not killed in Ambushed but he died in front of Youths Shilluk while he was fighting together with civilians that were attacking Dinkas Apadang Ngok. Please you must understand what lacking in South Sudan’s leadership is the person that will united all 64 tribes and not taking side like Dr. Riek Machar Teny who always run away and associated himself with Nuers people.
Mawien magol
If you talk a loud with a deaf person, the deaf person would fight you thinking that you might insult him. The same think with this guy called Lual magok.To respond to him would legitimates him as you see him right now waiting to response to whoever objecting his unfounded claimed. I never commented on his craps he spewing on public. He himself know it, he made up this history by himself. Who is the source he claimed he heard from? How do he (Lual) so sure that the land is an ancestor land of Chollo?
If you from Chollo, how do the reader trust you since always there is other side of the coin?
What happened now Lual Magok? Your last month, or before last month article which stated that “Chollo and Murle liberated their land from Dinka and Nuer, that war brought both positive and negative”.Positives to Murle and Chollo because they liberated their land. I would guess that you did know indeed what was cooking in the mind of two Generals from Chollo ( Johnson and James Bwogo ) plans to liberate their what they perceived their land within the war between two SPLA. Which mean the chollo were the one who started the war with Dinka Apadang. So why you crying now? When did the Dinka Apadang take back the land been liberated by Chollo two Generals?
In your previous article, you said Chollo and Murle liberated their lands, why are you calling the world for now?
To be honest, I don’t like Riek because he killed so many people from my bloodline relatives during we facing our black Africa master called Arab, according to what they(Arab) claimed. Do I want to revenge them by harm Machar? Big No. Do I wish Riek to be a leader? Hell No. Do I like kiir as a president? No, but he better than Riek due he is a corrupting patriot including visionless patriot, which are all better than Big traitor cowardly called Riek, when we have no choices but to choose the least evil.
You want to hear an apology? I will spell it out for you.. Sorry moron(Mawien Magol) but the judgment is clearly against you.
We the truth tellers (Nuer & other 62tribes) in S. Sudan will evensually educates you liars(Dinkas) though you don’t want truth or truth-tellers like Dr. Riak Machar for example. And some year to come S. Sudan will be free from Ebola-dinka’s rule that doesn’s want any co-existence of other 63tribes.