
The Roles of Street Kids In South Sudan

By David Lony Majak:


Street Children in Rumbek(Photo: via Sudan Face.com)
Street Children in Rumbek(Photo: via Sudan Face.com)

July 21, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — In today article (21/07/2014), its augment is about the important roles played by our innocents’ kids living in the streets. To get the full concept of the topic, street kids are the infants living in the streets without the support from their parents but surviving narrowly with God’s help, they sleep in dirty places, dark corners of the town. The introduction explained above will let you understand the point to its expectation. Here in south Sudan of today, the new blessed born nation.

The international NGOs operating in South Sudan are just focusing in government affairs forgetting what they should be doing to help the kids living in the streets of the country. Our beloved Children which are sometimes called the foundation of nationhood are disserting their homes due to some challengeable and uncontrollable reasons best known to them. Kids living in cool streets of South Sudan are the dangerous enemies to country’s insecurity and crimes because there are also “pull” factors that can help make the street attractive to a child although these played a much smaller role in leading children into street situations. Lack of family bringing up and support, mistreatment from steps mothers, lack of family norms/regulations, lack of education, death of parents, divorcing of their parents, street kids do play the following roles; they play wall kid, scripts, play games for kids, playing football in the street, kids playing basketball in street, they graphed people’s hands bags in the streets, they embarrassed buyers in the markets, they present bad image to the none citizens of south Sudan, they beg at the road side, they caused jam while crossing the streets. When I carry out this research in the main markets of juba, I found it out that women who always goose for shopping in the markets are the most victimized one.

Therefore; kids living in the streets of the market pull women’s small hand-bags and ran away with them and no one could run after the children who graphed such a women’s bags. The only mean for the women is just shake tears and crying loudly thinking that the loudly voice air out will help her and brings back the bag. The question that anybody sound mind person should ask is, where do you think these children will survive from without practicing such a market behaviors and in other hand, our mothers, the women are also right because women worldwide are so prestige in carrying their hands bags at hand, not like men who keeps their small coins in the pocket where it took time for a thief to put his/her hands inside the pocket.

Randomly to change the negative attitude of the society towards street children. Therefore; as we continue leaving our kids in the streets growing in such a manners, it will also increased the market insecurity where by each and every person in the market or in town shall be so much scared of their small monies being graphed from them by thieves when reaching markets. In another scenario, some of rich people consider street children as victims not criminals, we need to build the capacity of the personnel working in the field of child rights and orphanages organizations in the republic of south Sudan in order to give a full support where they can be able to open up orphanages centers inclusive with schools, churches, playing grounds, dormitories for kid’s accommodation.

The government of the republic of south Sudan can also establish a database system to mobilize financial resources in programs related to the field of street kid’s projects. In a simple conclusion, I suggest that, the government and humanitarian organizations could develop a program of removing the children from the streets and build their capacities to be better integrated in the societies of south Sudan.

The author is a writer of kids’ issues and can be reached at delonymajak@yahoo.com

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1 comment

akoondit July 21, 2014 at 4:03 am

Reblogged this on Lino Akoon Angok and commented:
It’s true that when there is no stability in the Country, many things will not go well. South Sudan government is putting no attention to the children of the Country. they forget that these are the future of the Country.
the articular was originally posted in Nyamile.com


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