By Kueth Yul Dieu,

June 13, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The aftermath of December 15,2013 has creates permanent dissembling and sophistry habit for South Sudan’s entire population. All South Sudanese whether a politician or ordinary citizens continue to act diabolically in misconstrue manner. A nature that majority perceived as politic, but in reality, it is the practice of counterfeit and abhorrence behaviors. A duplicitous group like those of G10 is a great example of this nature.
During the commotion in the nation on December, 2013, especially at the time the 11 potential political figures were heard to have accuse and incarcerated for allegedly ( ” & “) participating in the government’s fabricated coup attempt and charged with treasons, all concern citizens with common sensation on their deplorable situation quit sleeping, and chose to pray to God, and advocates for an immediate release of these fellow countrymen.
Some visionary leaders such as Dr. Adwok Nyaba, Rebecca Nyandeng Mabior, and Dr. Riek Machar were primarily concerned and publicly aware the international community of whereabouts the eleven political icons might be confined. Dr. Machar, the primary target of the event, and a potential party leader who narrowly escaped the death in Juba, have talk in his hidden location and asked the international human right-wings to intervene and monitor the situation of these 11 individuals in their confined cells. Dr. Machar was also able to control the juggernaut white army forces, whom their mission was to reach Juba in late December2013, or early January 2014.
Machar’s intention for redirecting the white army forces back to their barracks was to prevent foul play that the government might used to torture or murdered the G11. Dr. Riek at that time had unanimously appointed the then Party’s general secretary Pagan Amum Okech, to lead the peace initiative in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He was confident that the team will join him after they’re released, and would continue their political ambition together at the rebel camp.
Nonetheless upon their release, the group has shockingly declare its position as G11, and intentionally abandoned the mass majority of South Sudan’s population, who were chanting for their release and their safety for months of their confinement. One of this group member had later decided to join Dr.Machar’s camp, leaving 10 of his colleagues in limbo status. The remaining disingenuous members of G10 were ruminating for nearly 15 months, giving people hope to perhaps helped resolve the situation in South Sudan, while their cryptic agenda was to either attempting to create multilateral government, or hankering for the country’s leadership opportunity.
Ideologically, the ramification behind G10’s returning to the government has its cause; and as such, the group have temporarily procrastinated their plan with intention to palter or bamboozle Kiir’s government in order to access their freezes bank accounts in Juba and elsewhere. The G10 is a racketeering group of outlaw individuals with parallel principles. Their goal to return to Juba was nothing than attempting to gain access to millions of embezzled dollars, that the government freezes during their incarceration for treasons crime.
The South Sudan’s population in its entirely should keep their eyes on these racketeering group of G10; their secret plan will one day aggravate the situation in South Sudan. Their mission is to ensure that they leave No South Sudan behind them after they’re gone. They will either take Kiir with them, or completely destroy this Young Nation.
The author is a South Sudan concern citizen, studying a Degree in Jurisprudence at Loyola University, school of Law. He can be reached at
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Kueth Yul Dieu
Iam extremely sorry for you,it is first time in its kind to read such an English written by somebody,purporting as law student which completely lack grammatical articulation and precision.Compulsorily a law student must have strong foundation of literature in English,which is a mastery of that language.How did you dodge literature in English,that seriously exposes your nakedness in your would be profession.Tenses,prepositions etc ,all confused and not well considered,if this is what you people studying in the West call advanced education,then we have lost hope in you, very humiliating.
Mr. Ater, Oops! YOUR SENTENCE, “Iam extremely sorry for you,it is first time in its kind to read such an English written by somebody,purporting as law student which completely lack grammatical articulation and precision” IS ALL INCORRECT AND NEED A COMPLETE STRUCTURE.
ALSO YOUR SENTENCE “Compulsorily a law student must have strong foundation of literature in English,which is a mastery of that language” HAS MANY GRAMMATICAL ERRORS.
YOU STARTED THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE WITH QUESTION, BUT YOU FORGOT TO PLACE THE (?) AT THE END OF THE SENTENCE. “How did you dodge literature in English,that seriously exposes your nakedness in your would be profession”.
YOUR LAST SENTENCE “Tenses,prepositions etc ,all confused and not well considered,if this is what you people studying in the West call advanced education,then we have lost hope in you, very humiliating” DOESNOT MAKE A CLEAR CONCLUSION.
Notice: In the future if you plan to criticize someone’s writing, try to be precise yourself in your own written critique note. Otherwise, best of lack in your learning endeavors.
Kueth Yul
Diabolical and Think Tanks are responsible for Nuer misery at UNMISS Camps. They were chased by unknown aliens until they reach that stage.I blamed some Nuer of their behavior.I think Nuer will change for good in future if they come out from that Nightmare.It is the in Iraq and Syria because people have been chase away by the ISIS while ISIL itself is not exist. Oh dear Grmlin little said Looney Tunes.