By Mr. Rambang Deng Gach
Khartoum, Sudan.

Oct 28, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- With the cliché’s origin deeply rooted in the history of Scythians who roamed the earth and thrives in anarchy and war more than seven thousand years before The Christ; tells a lot about how outdated the concept and its people. This confirm that the concept cannot be resuscitated and applied in this age and time, only a moron can argue to justify its relevance. As South Sudanese, It is important we dialogue on the aspects of the ‘born to rule’ mentality; ray some light on how this controversial and violent cliché finds its way into our peaceful, obliging and God loving communities.
An exchange about such issue is important for us in order to understand the complexity of the origin of the cliché and how it influenced and consumed the psychic of the entire community. Born to rule has a lot to do with domination and marginalization amongst others, which are the salient features of the rejected old Sudan’s policy of suppression and trepidation. Military dictators (Abuod, Numeri & El Basheer) who frequently usurped power under the pretext of preserving the unity of the country, dominated the political space in the old Sudan, as such, inspired and contributed in the reconstruction and reintroduction of this social vice and helped resurrect the so-called “born to rule” cliché.
After the successful revolt in Torit 1955, the mutineers were ubiquitously spitting poisonous venom in the deep jungles of the south. In the corridors of power in Khartoum, the ruling elites were getting impatient and irritated by the surging number of this ragtag group. The ensuing fighting was fierce and rampant, forcing Garang, Gatluak and Ladu to leave their villages and relocate to Khartoum in search of security and peace. They arrived Khartoum safely and immediately pledged to support one another in such an alien terrain, reassuring themselves “united we stand”, to comfort and strengthen their brotherhood. To keep up with the latest news, the trio agreed to regularly meet and discuss how they could overcome difficulties of Khartoum’s busy life as well as follow the developments in the jungles and how they could render a hand.
Employment opportunities were getting a bit scarce and Garang was petrified of becoming a hobo, he was soon domesticated and became a “house Negro”, a job only reserved to the very few who are willing to sacrifice their life for the ‘Massa’ and his family. Ladu preferred to take a hike and be humiliated by Kenyans and Ugandans; hoping to procure more poison that could boost Lago and company. Gatluak on the other hand, was suspicious of Garang’s movements and eventual tied involvement with Mohamed, he accepted to endure humiliation and stayed put to keep an eye on him, and document while taking a labor job in the booming construction industry nearby.
Garang’s decision to stay put proved beneficial as notable changes gradually started to appear on his skin (shedding those dead flakes), physical structure (belly protruded) and the way he carries himself (observes social customs); now in clover, Garang spectacularly transformed as he copycat all aspects of Mohamed’s lifestyle including his religion. The exemplary loyalty and dedication earned him the trust and love of Mohamed. As a result, the domestic helper gained recognition, status and soon entered into smelly deals with Mohamed to contain the spread of poison in the jungle. Now, the domestic helper turned politician, and with financial and organizational backing from Mohamed, evolved and quickly learned the tricks of Mohamed who groomed him to represent the 63.
In lieu of loyalty and adoration, Mohamed instilled in Garang the arts of manipulation, corruption and the theories of ‘divide and rule’. Garang’s confidence to lead grew and dangerously consumed his psychic, inducing uncontrollable passion to manipulate the system in order to lead forever. Mohamed practiced the Machiavellian game repeatedly with Garang and advised him at his graduation, to always “tamper and manipulate the ball”, to keep the folks in disarray, instead Garang incorporated to the game, his new method of “hide the ball” to keep the folks baffled. Mohamed was impressed and commended Garang’s ingenious technique of ball hiding patting him on the back and with a smile “you’re born to rule”. Hence, the emergence of ‘born to rule’ cliché in the Sudanese vocabulary.
Mohamed wants his prodigy (Garang) to learn high level organizational skills and therefore, introduced Garang to the El-Mahadeiyah and El-Khatimeiyah religious sects (these religious sects are among the well-established political powerhouses in the Sudan that survived military suppression over the years). Garang’s fascination and growing obsession with power took him to every Mosque in the triangle capital to study Islamic secrets of manipulation and control. Armed with knowledge and blessings from the Sheikhs and Mullahs, and to the amazement of the faithful, Garang was able to successfully hide the ball from everyone including El Sadiq El Mahdi and Mohamed El Marghani.
Garang’s imitation of the two religious sects helped made him a well-recognized political household name, and the viceroy who dictate the terms when it comes to the politics of South Sudan. Any group or individual who exhibited leadership aspirations in South Sudan is perceived to be a threat to the Garang’s interest and hence, a non grata in any political discourse as he/she becomes the target of sinister campaign and accusations by Garang’s establishment, portraying that group or individual as enemy and traitor hired by the Arabs.
In spite of Garang’s proximity to the source of power (Arabs) more than anybody else in the south, and his well-established connection with ruling elites, Garang look with extreme suspicion and raised eyebrows to any group or individual who venture close enough to rub shoulders with the dominant ruling elites. The generally expected and acceptable standard from all South Sudanese, is to voluntarily relinquish any leadership aspirations and accept that Garang is the only credible link between the ruling elites and South Sudanese, he who wants to go to the ruling elites must first seeks endorsement and blessings from the anointed prodigy.
Garang believed that any other South Sudanese citizens are incapable or informed enough to manage the relations with the ruling elites as they could be used, cheated or blackmailed. The anointed one would not hesitate to describe as ‘Nyagat’ any group or individual who defy the blanket ban on all South Sudanese to engage in national politics. Ladu once confided in Gatluak that, the connection between Mohamed and Garang is rumored in some circle to have been knotted before Sudan’s independent as such they stood the test of time in spite of recent ambitious attempt by Dr. Lam Akol from tiny Chollo community, whose challenge for the leadership was deemed a grand conspiracy with far reaching external arms.
Garang remained the most trusted ally of the ruling elites and throughout their long commitment, Garang’s establishment was rewarded generously with three Vice President Positions (Abel Alier, George Kongor and Prof. Machar) and Deputy Prime (Aldo Ajou) in addition to numerous ministerial posts. Only Gen. Joseph Lago, from Equatoria was able to out-smart the anointed one and managed to maneuver his way to Vice President’s office. A move that confounded Garang’s machine to this very day. Owing to Garang’s proximity to the system, he indeed established himself as a force with regional and international connections that apparently availed to him enormous educational, economic and political advantages over other South Sudanese. Being a stooge and apprentice of the master manipulator for many years helped Garang perfect the game of trickery and conspiracies to control and abuse the innocent and God fearing people of South Sudan.
Luckily enough, Garang miscalculated the resolve of South Sudanese people who fought passionately to defeat the Arabs policy of marginalization, domination and unbalanced development. As the saying goes “the best prediction of future behaviors is past relevant patterns”, Garang had exposed his agenda and narcissistic egomaniac attitude; he is running out of both luck and options. For the records, the only trick up Garang’s sleeves, is bribery, and with the dwindling cash flow and deteriorating economy, Garang’s days are indeed numbered.
The end!
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