Contributor's Opinion

The Noise Behind Angelina Teny’s ‘Surprising’ Appointment And Why It’s Worth Your Ears!!

By Gatgong Koang Thany,

SPLM/SPLA Chairman, Dr. Riek Machar Teny with part of his delegation in Addis Ababa early this year(Photo: file)
SPLM/SPLA Chairman, Dr. Riek Machar Teny with part of his delegation in Addis Ababa early this year(Photo: file)

Dec 14, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- Among other vital elements to define and measure Democracy are the degree of freedoms, especially the freedom of expression, when the governed are allowed to explicitly, independently and voluntarily talked their ‘heads’ consciously on matters affecting them without the fear of intimidations and reprimands, hearts are cleaned and grudges that arises as results of divergent opinions are settled through debates and Dialogues, because conversations brings not only understanding and consensus but also produces the very ideas upon which actions are based , however conversations of whatever kind, are never fruitful unless and until when the parties involved were sincere ‘here , YESs are put where they are necessary and so are NOs’ ,

An uproarious , even divisive and confrontational argument had ensued and is intensifying throughout all social forums following the revelations of the SPLM/A-IO commander-in-chief’s order which appointed Mrs. Angelina Jany Teny as the Chairperson in charge of the SPLM/A-IO’s Defend and security Committee, a portfolio equivalent to that of a Minister for Defend and National security by Government status;

Interestingly, unlike usual debates, this unique situation is fitting opposition supporters and sympathizers against each other, literally, the proponents and opponents of this surprising decision are none but mostly comrades of the same Party, its however noticeable that some opportunistic outside-propagandists are crowding-up and infiltrating the conversation, hoping this would provide them a scoring grounds; but why is this particular decision so important a topic for a debate? why must we even waste our time talking about this one-but-sensitive decision when there were others done at or around the same time by the Chairman?

Well It’s important that the decision is discussed thoroughly so that our divergent views on this regard are heard, but before I could declare my side on this interesting debate, let me first of all make a simplified and sketchy scrutiny and analysis upon which I would base my argument; this would be on two folds; professional/intellectual argument and Moral and culturally prospective;

Professional/intellectual Prospective; on this regards, lets us briefly examine Angelina Teny’s Professional and intellectual capacity in relation to the portfolio recently assigned to her by the Chairman who also double-up as her husband; British Educated, studied Nutrition, Diploma/degree I don’t know, State Minister for Mining in the Khartoum based Government of National Unity formed after the Comprehensive Peace agreement,

member of SPLM national Liberation Council (NLC), also served as member of some government commissions, notably the energy/mining commission before the crisis broke-out, currently we learnt; Angelina is member of SPLM/A-IO Military Command Council, National Liberation Council, Negotiation Team and others significant yet deserving assignments, a wonderful political profiles by African Standard I must admit, but note the conspicuous absent of Military link,

Moral and Cultural Prospective; in the ancient times, dynasties were the known and cherished system of governments; those old-good-days, one or few-sets of families and their linages would rule over their loyal subjects, century after another, the Royal-families were then regards as God-sent, they were unquestioned, they could do with the people and their nations as their wills and whims pleases, Kings/chiefs Queens, Princes and Princesses and their lords were the automatic rulers; none dare objects their Natural gift-to-rule, but that was then, today , most of the surviving Dynasties/kingdoms are more or less reduced to mere ceremonial symbols or completely modernized.

Time is a healer; thus as time passes, human civilization evolved and so are the systems of governances, revolutions cracked-up and demolished the cruel-old-governance-ways, modern system of governments were adapted, leading being the democracy to which South Sudan Nation falsely claims recognizant to; the government of the People as democracy is known thrives where majority owns shares in their own affairs, equity, fairness, justice, where merits, diversity find a place and minority voices are heard;

In conclusion; successful organizations are those who put the right person at the right place at the right time, however it’s necessary sometimes that a right person is put in the wrong place but at the right time, but whenever the right person is put at the wrong place at the wrong time, the results would be nothing but absolute dissatisfaction not only on the side of the affected person but also on the part of those he would incompetently try to serve;

According to the C-in-C’s order, Maan-teny would be in charge of the defend and security, in other words she will be the 2rd top most Boss of SPLA/IO Men and women in Uniforms, a portfolio I personally assumed hold-the-heart of the Moment itself, at a critical time like this, though she is Politically qualified, all my serious background-checks could not attach any significant Military qualification whatsoever to this tough Woman;

Thence with no military qualification whatsoever, at this time of war, I wonder how did Pagak then came to their surprising conclusion of appointing Angelina as their top Military Person, I would simply assume a Soldier’s wife is too a militant since I am a civilian, but would a soldier buy that ? What about the hierarchical point-of-view; if Indeed Angelina is a Soldier, what rank is she? And if she is not a militant, then how easy would those professional Military generals take orders from her, an untrained civilian!! Would their reasoning match in as far as bush-military strategies are concern given the fact the war isn’t over yet? Am but just wondering?

Morally; other than the question of conflict-of-interest, what about the nepotistic aspect of the appointment, wouldn’t the opponents of the moment and Gatmachar use this to discredit the moment’s valid crusade for democracy, wouldn’t this be thought to be the reflection of the SPLM’s unceasing tribalistic, nepotistic and dynastic mentality, I believe in what the proverb said’ those who lives in glass house shouldn’t be throwing stones’ those who sincerely and genuinely believes in Democracy shouldn’t contravene its principals, I personally have no issues with Madam Angelina as woman, however I strongly believe that appointing one’s own wife no matter what the circumstances contradicts aspect of equity and transparency .

Finally; from both professionally and moral points of view, I couldn’t seem to find any reasonable justification whatsoever to agree with this appointment, I may not be part of the ‘SPLM-IO to certain extend, however the moment’s activities affects me like any other South Sudanese either directly or indirectly and therefore am obliged to interfere in its affairs since their effects would still reach me, a spade must be called nothing else but a spade if things are need to go right!

If it weren’t for its moral eligibilities, sufficiently qualified women like Michel Obama of the US, Salma Kikwete of Tanzania, Margaret Gakuu Kenyatta of Kenya, Samantha Cameron of the UK and many others superwomen would have been or would now be without any doubts or questions whatsoever Cabinets Secretaries in their Countries, even Ayian Mayardit of South Sudan would be one, with all this reasons and many others I might have not mentioned, I humble chose to disagree with Angelina Jany’s Appointment , because it does not only send a contradictory message in regards to the Moment’s stance on Democracy, anti-Corruption, tribalism, nepotism but also because its giving much away, now Gatmachar’s Opponents are finding soft-hitting-spot, it seem to justify and approve their propaganda, to avoid enriching these fast-spreading misinterpretations ,   I respectfully call for the reversal of the Order.

The author can be reached at g.gongk15@gmail.com.

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Gat.darwich December 13, 2015 at 9:29 pm


You absolutely got it wrong bro!

Madam Angelina Teny’s nomination to chair the defense and security council in would be a government of National Unity between Juba’s genocidal and SPLA-IO is and was wholeheartedly and warmly commended by all the freedom fighters’ movement wings. So, your inane assertions that Mama Teny’s nominations caused or is causing rifts among the movement’ supporters is baseless and hold no water at all !

Being the spouse of the SPLA-IO chairman can’t and shouldn’t be used to prevent her from utilizing her patriotic-personal duty to the south Sudan nation.

She has the qualifications and the experiences needed for that assigned task, and will/ shall do superbly-well to the people’s expectations period.

Riek Koang December 14, 2015 at 12:01 am

Its is totally wrong my dear, this is because Riek is the most corrupt and dictatorial politician in South Sudan, he has started already before wining his tribal war. Kiir is more smarter than Riek given his small education. Riek is well known from day one till now, he is a betrayer defection and defection during the war, and now master of rebellion. Appointing your own wife, this mean they will at any time make decision on bed then take action the following day. Very unfortunate to have such kind of politicians in South Sudan.

Chan Rech December 13, 2015 at 9:49 pm

The writer of this artical is 100% correct, People are saying Kiir is a dictator and tribal leader, now let them see for themselves what their democratic leader is doing, appointing wife who has no military background to lead that top and sensitive position is very wrong, which battle in South Sudan did Angelina participated or which wars has she fought

AMEN December 14, 2015 at 8:58 am

the article is telling the true there is actually adebate about the selectiom of Angelina Teny to be the head of security and defene in Spla IO. in the SPLA/M IO many people are saying why riek machar nominated his own wife by himself while there are some people who are suppose to take that position the movement had become for riek machar and his wife.

Gat.darwich December 14, 2015 at 10:00 am

Chan Rech,

Please stop blindly supporting Gatgong’s baseless and defamatory accusation against the charismatic and democratic SPLA-IO chairman, Dr. Riek Machar.

Gatgong’s article is fully loaded with totally misleading and character assassination statements against the SPLA-IO chairman.

For instance, Gatgong stupidly states that Madam Angelina’s appointment to chair the SPLA-IO defense and security council will automatically make her become number three in the SPLA-IO hierarchy. Complete nonsense, number three is Gen. Gatwech Dual period. follow by the secretary general of the party.

This wrong assertion alone disqualifies every single statement Gatgong desperately attempts to mislead the less informed SPLA-IO supporters because being delegated or appointed a chair of a council or commission doesn’t alleviates one to the most senior position in any organization, whether it is a business, civil, or military one.

Also, defense and security council composes of experts from military and civil personnel. So, any knowledgeable military or civilian can be appointed or delegated to chair such council period
Chan, your inane argument that madam Angelina shouldn’t be appointed defense and security council head because she is not a military General or never participated in battlefield is short-sighted simply because being a General-participated in battle/war doesn’t magically makes one expert in defense and security matters !

In a nutshell, a pure civilian and junior soldier who is expert in defense and security matters normally advises the most successful and decorated military generals in war or peace time period.

Beek December 14, 2015 at 2:04 pm

Dr. Riek Machar should only focus on Wau,but it is not easy!

Khot Malieth December 15, 2015 at 4:29 am

Gatdarwech,you are the one that blindly supported and indirectly hurting Dr.Riek Machar because your are not telling him what his mistakes are and you assume everything he suggests is correct and cannot be changed. We Nuer people are very democratic and we do not want any dictator and king-like African style leadership.

Gatdar.wich December 16, 2015 at 11:05 am


Just shut up because isn’t intelligently wise to foolishly comment on topic you barely comprehend the hidden contents. Ok !

Beek December 14, 2015 at 3:49 pm

WHAT ABOUT THAT TALLY Boy with Dr. Machar?

Khot Malieth December 15, 2015 at 4:01 am

I personally agree with the writer views on the appointment of Dr. Riek Machar ‘s wife as the head of national security of the movement while he accused President Kiir as tribalist and dictator and how can he reasonably convince many of his supporters ,especially Nuer fighters and the rest of Southerners that he will not be like Cuban dictator Fidel Castro that only put his relatives around him. Dr.Machr , you have to know that many Nuers like you and the rest of South Sudanese do not like any dictator in our country and it is better to hear the voices of our people

Eastern December 15, 2015 at 12:03 am

Why do you nuers like being contradictory all the time? Why are you so unsettled?

Give women the roles men have repeatedly failed to perform well in this country. USA has women in key government positions and the country is lording it over the whole world. Recently a woman in USA intimidated Kiir forcing him to skip the UN summit in New York; a powerful, but objective woman cancelled a scheduled meeting with the SPLM-IO ‘all powerful’ Dr Riek at the last minute – to show here dissatisfaction with the power leadership shown by South Sudanese.

The appointment of Anjelina Teny shouldn’t create a schism in the fabric of the nuer society; her appointment should help galvanize your resolve to become one family regardless of where you belong during this ‘senseless’ war.

Let’s look at Anjelina Teny as another capable South Sudanese we have going to sit with men around the table of charting the future of South Sudanese. Let’s not look at her as Dr Riek’s spouse, a nuer, ‘a mere’ woman, etc.

Gatgong Koang December 15, 2015 at 6:47 am

@Gat Darwech, those who refuse to admit to their mistakes are bond to fail, human is to error with no exception whatsoever, also labelling different opinions as rebellions is a symbol of dictatorship, we must always express our different view so long as they are intended to benefit us collectively, my disagreement with Angelina’s appointment should be a source or ‘politic’ its my humble ,personal view point and unless we are not democrats enough , I am like any one else entitle to my opinion ;but please stop exaggerating this, I am not in anyway assassinating anybody’s character, saying no to something isn’t a sin, ………also stop pulling people here, any defend Secretary in any hierarchical arrangement would always automatically equal to that of Deputy to the Commander-in-chief, since he/she would be the top Military Boss unless you have your own arrangement (by any reasonable military hierarchy , the Defend Minister is higher than the Chief of General Staff but I stand to be corrected on this) …….otherwise lets focus on better issues and stop insulting people any how…..we are democrats and believes in the freedom of speech !!

Gatdar.wich December 16, 2015 at 12:04 pm


You have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you’re hell bent to mislead the non-analytical commentators on this subject bro !

Just for clarity reason, Angelina Teny wasn’t appointed a Minister of Defense in the SPLA-IO. In fact, I have never heard or know of any existing or non-existed rebel movement which had or has Minister of Defense position. The only highest position I know exist in the rebel movement military wing, is Chief General of Staff !

For your information, Dr. Riek didn’t dictatorially appointed his spouse as you desperately attempt to mislead the less informed masses because Angelina Teny was democratically and unanimously nominated by the SPLA-IO National Liberation Council or Political Bureau to chair the defense and the security council of the movement.

Dr. Riek only legally validated or confirmed the nomination according to the rules and powers entrusted/given to him by the movement.

GatGong, that is how democratic organizations or governments work dear! Personal affiliations-relationships to the leaders of the democratic organizations or governments don’t preempted their qualified and technically sufficient relatives to serve in the same organizations.

GatGong, most of people need unfiltered education in governance operations or systems, and must be educated unalterably

Gatdar.wich December 16, 2015 at 12:18 pm


You have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you’re hell bent to mislead the non-analytical commentators on this subject bro !

Just for clarity reason, Angelina Teny wasn’t appointed a Minister of Defense in the SPLA-IO. In fact, I have never heard or know of any existing or non-existed rebel movement which had or has Minister of Defense position. The only highest position I know exist in the rebel movement military wing, is Chief General of Staff !

For your information, Dr. Riek didn’t dictatorially appointed his spouse as you desperately attempt to mislead the less informed masses because Angelina Teny was democratically and unanimously nominated by the SPLA-IO National Liberation Council or Political Bureau to chair the defense and the security council of the movement.

Dr. Riek only legally validated or confirmed the nomination according to the rules and powers entrusted/given to him by the movement.

GatGong, that is how democratic organizations or governments work dear! Personal affiliations-relationships to the leaders of the democratic organizations or governments don’t preempted their qualified and technically sufficient relatives to serve in the same organizations.

GatGong, most of our people need unfiltered education in governance operations or systems, and must be educated unalterably period

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ December 15, 2015 at 7:26 am


Listen and take it into consideration. The writer of this article call gatkong must be a jenge (dinka), pure land grabber or peace hater or any South Sudanese who gains alot from this war and want prolong it for his own benefit. Please be informed that, this country is not the kingdom of Saudi Arabia where women do not have rights to hold strategic positions even if they are qualitfied to do so.

People have to be happy because women always do not want war. Women always think about the future of their families.

beek, amen and chan, I do not understand why you do not sit down with the history of how this country has been lead from 2011 up to today? Please do not play with this country, it does not belong to one tribe or one genda. It belings to all tribes, men and women. You are suppose to thank Dr. Machar because he wants to help this country not to fall apart or taken tobe managed by international community. Dr. Machar is following the living standard and the demoractic of the day not of the bush.

Read what Layman a senate in the USA issued last week: South Sudan suffer systematic leadership and instutional failure since 2011 and now need strong external hand to take charge. Hope you understood and take it sereious. Do not critisise just because you want right or want improve your english language.

Dr. Machar wants to restore the dignity of this country. Appointing his wife to such a sensitive position shows that he means peace because women are always peaceful. Or you need someone like kiir, malong and the jenge council of elders who are very busy day and night burning down civilians villages while rapping children. We do not want the name of this country be damaged forever. We have poured enough blood because of this country so we must countinue looking for peaceful solutions by all cost.

Take what the USA said very seriously because the USA told Khartoum the same words when khartoum wanted to wipe South Sudan citizens away on earth. Now these words are directed to the jenge arian council of elders and its youth who want wipe away the other tribes of South Sudan. We will never accept this and take my words, THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. But all of us need to be wise to avoid international community take over our dignity by taking charge of this country becaues many now see that the international community could be far better than jenge the………………………………………………..and…………………….

paulino December 15, 2015 at 8:35 am

I can’t blame Mr.reik because majority of nuer use their eyes for Listening and for analysis


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