Dr Riek Machar, the man who will recognize Pagak as the city for federalism establishment:

May 27, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Dear compatriots, allow me to thanks the land of Latjor Dingyian as they called it. I know some of our readers may find this post interesting due to it format, maybe individuals will think about this message differently to why I choose to appreciated the land instead of the people that own it. I also would like to highlight that, the purpose of this writing is neither about making a political point nor inventing an analysis theory, in fact my intention is to share with you some of the factual side of South Sudanese history that may not have brought to light.
Sincerely, every community has its own norms, beliefs and values. So to start with in this part of Nuer, our new nation has achieved and delivered some of the unforgettable goals and objectives then any region as I can recalled. As it happened years back, it was so amazing for Eastern Nuer to host another South Sudanese resistant which is now depending themselves from tyrant and oppressed regime in Juba. The territory is hosting south Sudanese globally, in particular who have subjected to inequality, injustice and lack of freedom by their leader whom had fought with them during the struggle. Briefly, for those who do not know the geographical boundary of Eastern Nuer (known as the Latjor State), this land is located at the Eastern of Upper state, bordering Ethiopia and Eritrea. (Easter Nuer)
There are always different views, perspectives, critiques and solutions when it come to public domain in every society, However, sharing these photos may provide us with better understanding on my suggestion arguing that stated about the important of Eastern Nuer in South Sudan history and why I think we should appreciates this territory rather than her habitant/people. To be frank, none of you have never thought or had time to think for a moment about why South Sudanese people always preferred flowing East ward when there is unrest in the country.
Don’t try to tell me that, we come here because the Ethiopia was the only country that can accept us, may be this war will answer your argument in case you twisted it that way. Truly, I believe some of us individually have thought about this in one way or another, land is greater than her people. Thank our creator because he give leaders who will understood the important of this land(Lajor Dingyian’s Land) by respecting all the things we have achieved before and hoping for more in this struggle. So far, as people of the land it is time to critically think about some of the national agenda we have achieved while in this corner.
Let me put it into simple details, during Anya Nya 1, Autonomy agenda was established , during Anya Anya 2 and SPLM/A, communist ideology focusing on uniting Sudan agenda was established in Bilpam,, during the SPLM/A united, self-determination agenda focusing on Autonomy and separation was establishe in Nasir and now federal system established in Pagak. Dear compatriots, citizens, leaders where ever you are I am asking you to sit down and to digest this and out it into your own perspective.
I belief because love is land is the reason why we are scarifying ourselves and fight for equality, justice and freedom from those who had intent to promote unjust laws. I also belief that, blessing of the land had contributed and have let us to every success that we have achieved during the course of our both struggles. In contrary, lack of thanks giving as required by all beliefs and values cannot be ignored, so poor acknowledgement and neglecting of Bilpam the most iconic location was never a good thing to do.
Everything we have got in our hands today begin in this part of the Upper Nile, that mean Eastern Nuer remain the precious tone and foundation of our identity. Kiir and his elites have completely ignore the fact that, their communist ideology had it first blessing in that land he currently engaged destroying. Kiir cannot be a successful leader because he is tribalist man. I don’t understand why he chooses to establish a fake Bilpam in Juba forgetting the true Bilpam that put him to power, Bilpam that trained the fines soldiers fought the North, For sure, without considering norms, beliefs and values of the land, success we gain in this beautiful Land ( muun Latjor Dingyian) has been destroyed and dusted by those who beliefs in myths(KIIR Mayardit). However, this could be a different when we South Sudanese, install our democracy which will recognize Land efforts and her people.
This will mean that, a federal conference building will build in Pagak by our great leader, the founder for self-determination, the architect of South Sudan independency Dr Riek Machar and all his colleagues as shown in photo so that no one will forget how important you are Pagak, and how much you love to us. A land cross by Nile River, A land that has been prophecies by Isaiah in Bible (18:1), A land that call us from the Western part of Nuer so that we inhabited her. What a blessing to have you, beautiful land, we will honor her from this generation to the next generation.
You can reach me through p.nyan2010@hotmail.com.au
Reblogged this on GatNor and commented:
Mun Latjor Diyang Rool Jinub.
Keep the good work Gatnor. You’re one of the best few who are fighting tirelessly on social media
Thanks. Ideologies prevails. Federalism is in full swing in that state of Latjor and I congratulate their leaders and the leaders of SPLM/A-In Opposition. Now they must all look into ending the war and or keeping it away from their door step so their future generations too have a chance of the abundances South Sudan and their particular State has to offer. This is what this war is all about. Its about denying other including the people of that State of Latjor hosting all the South Sudan struggles of their rights, from birth rights to God’s given rights including the rights to life and a decent living. People must not be silent I am glad you notice my concerns.
Federalism will not materialize especially, in the manner it is being suggested. Thus it will not owe its origin to the Eastern Nuer as your are claiming. Furthermore, South Sudan did not stem from the Nasir faction which was spearheaded by Khartoum sycophants and concubines who, instead of continuing to fight alongside Garang, they betrayed us and joined Khartoum, and are now bragging of having suggested the idea of separate South Sudan. Guys, on this and on any other sites, we have people are not only educated but who are very experienced and have history on their finger tips. So stop lying; you got no one to fool, gat maa. The likes of Riek, lam, Gore will never rule South Sudan. We need people with experience; not those with ego and forgotten doctorates, got it?
The all administration of opposition has recognized Pagak as a future base of the recent government.
Dear Respective Readers and Reporters:
Please I allow me to say this Press Release is fake and naive…and as always they will be remembered as back stabbers and collaborators and Tribalism inside them as his history can recall these type of people:
Anyway they should pray very well. BECAUSE the next mission of the SPLA MAINSTREAM JUBA ARMY division 8th Offensive is to invade Pagak and the rest of the Lou Nuer villages and areas…Mark My words..This Is not a joke.. whether like It or not it is a reality show coming Into Your Home villages and areas no doubt that the power of the LION KING is coming soon to destroy you sooooooo bad!!
So stop nonsense and no matter what plans or complaining you make the right thing to remember is that the real war Is going through your mother back yard…and it will end there..you have to feel it and see It to believe It.
You have planned this fail advancement for over a year and you still think the god ‘ll save salva kirr.
you are always pertaining your liar written commend like you are saying true things. what is fake about making Pagak as a federalist place. We make BilPam as historic place and your cousin Stupid president name a place not to be name a historic and leave the real historic unrecognized. Those aren’t the same lie your Dinkas make all the time. John Garang is not the one who the movement. Kuany Latjor, and those who has join him. The man you dislike the most is the one who brought the nation into its independent today. your descendent greedy is the one who destroyed the nation now. Let me tell this history need not to be hide because if you hide the real history, you will die quicker. GOD said, tell the truth and you live longer. what kill us today is the lies that has been place by Dinkas. for example, on the southern Sudan SSTV dinka announcers said Dinka are the one who liberate the South Sudan, they are majority, they are who negotiated the referendum, They event call the Nation a new South Sudan. We as a Nuer People never called ourselves a liberators. we always include everybody in Southern Sudan because we never claim other people’s hard work. We all fought together as southern Sudan. The moment is not Nuer moment any more. We react in first place to protect ourselves because we got killed by your tribalist president who lied to the world that Dr. Riek made a coup. The coup was made by Kiir and Dinka elders because they know the coming election Dinkas leaders will not going to be in the house of southern Sudan parliament. We also defeat your tribalist government and your tribalist president sales this south Sudan to foreigners and now you are saying more lies about defeat us.
There is no lion king in Juba only spla forces. Do not mislead the people on this site about the Lion King in movies! It a shame for to brag about the tribal government which is better for nothing, its program is all about targeting innocence civilians, as it did one week ago in unity state. Kirr is time in power is going to end soon because the Almighty God detest the killing of children, women, elder people and rape of young girls carried out by his forces. Therefore the power will be taken from him and gives it to someone which wise, has a wisdom of God, a God-fearing man who will be able to take a good care of all the people in South Sudan no matter where they come from and no matter which tribe they belong. A man who love the people and the country!
There is more to this coward saying lion king all the time than he want us to believe. People should be aware of these murderers.
Many Dinka refuse to go back to Gogrial after they realize this blessing land. Fishes, Antelope and other animals for meats are available there. That is why every movement choose to establish itself there because of free food from Eastern Nuer Land.
You are right Goweng, People from Bhar EL Ghazal say that Uppernile especially Jonglei is really rich.
Goweng Torbar:
Gelweng and Mathiang Anyor came to Upper Nile to tame and discipline the rapists and looters. They will soon return to Bhar El Ghazal when the looting and raping stop in Upper. They will not leave any time soon until the rapists and looters of Riek Machar are thoroughly driven out of South Sudan. Why are you fools fighting and looting in greater Upper Nile region if you have plenty of foods to eat?
There is plenty of all kind of food, the problem is that people want to eat for free, they don’t want to cultivate, hunt and fish for their own consumption. oil money is what they want to use for shopping for everything.
Pagak is far away from River Nile. It is not fair to distort the Bible prophecy, it would be better mentioning what Ngundeeng prophecies than distorting Bible verses. Prophet Isaiah 18:1 mentioned nothing about Nuer but prophecy mentioned the land and people (tribes not one tribe) and those people could be Shulluk, Baria, Anuak , Murle or any tribe who occupies land and share the River Nile if you don,t care mentioning Dinka. When Silva Kiir and his elites have become communist or got communist ideology ? There was nothing like that before rebellion.
I encourage you to see the big picture, like I commented above.
— “Mun Latjor Diyang Rool Jinub” the land belongs to South Sudan and neither the land itself or the country can possibly be excluded from inclusivity of the bigger picture be it prophecy or liberation struggle. Jealousy is a disease try changing your name you coward.
Let me say it again to you. First of all I,m not a jealousy and not a coward person either I do not hate my lovely tribe Nuer,I never been in Nuer areas nevertheless many from Nuer wether individuals or families were living among my people and they were enjoying respect in my home town in Upper Nile. I do not know What you mean” seeing the big picture” What kind of picture you want me to see really? Upper Nile Region is belong to Upper Nile tribes including Nuer and the name Kush prophecies in Asaiah does not significantly means Nuer. ## MISLEADING AND FALSE
he was ofcourse quoting the Bible in general terms sorry I didn’t realized you are lacking the discerning spirit on that. Even a stupid person can distinguish that. You failed. Ya you are a A-Hole COWARD! What are you gonna do?
Well # let us see who is really stupid. There is nothing in my heart to hate my Lovely Nuer people, problems come and go. I already got the map but I appreciate your effort anyway.
/// I want to do or to see your more mistakes mr. NatNor.
Wed Aljunub,
Here is a map of South Sudan’s 21 States:
Sobat State(Latjor) is in the blue directly below N.Upper Nile on the far North East of the Map.
If this picture is not big enough for you then you need help.
Coward Wed Aljunub, dont feel excluded from the blessings of Prophecies Sir. ..lol.. Isaiah said there will be great suffering before calm, peace, prosperity, joy and maybe unity. If you could just look at it from a general aspect you would realized you too are included. So don’t feel bad and the prophecy is not talking about Latjor State but the Land of the people of South Sudan which that includes the particular state of Latjor. Why is that so difficult to understand? Remove the veil of divisions and you will see clearly.
Poor English!!
Teenage language, would better to have a mirror >
“I don’t understand why he chooses to establish a fake Bilpam in Juba forgetting the true Bilpam that put him to power”?
He chose Fake Bilpam because to killed our beloved innocent people in Juba. I believed if the incident happened in Real Bilpam, there could be no way for him and his terrible regime to survive. We have to work harder this time for the new federal system state to recognize the blessing land (Latjor State).
Army will disturb you until rebels give up,they will walk in destroy it and leave. This season is no good for Panyijiar.
What God has blessed is blesses forever no matter how long it’s going to take.
Yueli (jieng) laa waa lar duor(thuok) bia we toy,your time is done you have been given too many warning by God yet you don’t even thinks a bout your wrong doer, but these time you’re not going to get along with it and this is the end of your reigns.
Don’t you know that Upper region hasbeen discribed as the land of Cush?
The right time has come and i do believe that, the Owner of the land will come to power, cleaning the mess that you have done and put everything back in to normal so that people of the land will enjoys peace and live harmoniously enjoys feeding themselves by the fruit of their own land.
Is it a blessing when you are killed every time there is a crisis because of lack of analysis? Do you think that Riek doesnt like the people of Bentiu because he never takes his coups to them? Do you think that Riek likes Jikany because he takes his wars to them? If yes, how is it that he was vice president for 10 years and never built a tukul in Pagak or Keatbeck which he used extensively during the 1991 coup? The point I am trying to make is that Jikany leaders have made themselves stupid being used and killed everytime Riek makes and coup and show nothing for it when he becomes a leader. Trust me, he will do nothing for you when he comes back as a leader of some kind.
You do have a point but this has nothing to do with what Machar has done for who. Let me take you back to Dec of 2013. The MASSACRES in Juba also targeted Machar and thousands of Nuers perish in the hands of the so called president they elected or endorsed to that stinking seat. Since the case has been thrown out of court justify for me why thousand of Nuers were targeted and MASSACRED by the thousands. Once you do that we can come to what Machar did not or did for the Nuers or the whole country for that matter. You can’t convince from a emotional point of view so try from factual legitimate case by case bases on the root of this chaotic civil war. We can all run from Dec/2013 but we cant hide from the fact that it has happened and putting it behind us will need sincerity. Nyaluak, Jikany were ethnically targeted in the 80 by SPLA killing machine they loss thousands. In Dec/2013 they were also counting losses upto today and many of the Jikany victims ofDec/2013 Juba massacre cant even tell you what political party Machar belongs to forget that they were even associating with Machar on political bases and yet many loss their lives because they were Nuers. Do you think it matter what Machar did for them when they find themselves being targeted and victimized base on their ethnicity? After all the same devil is after them and Machar equally so what is the difference if they are found sitting with machar or they are found intheir farms farming and yet face the same fate. DEATH. This is NOT over!
Nyaluak Lual,
Listen to what the locals think about your heroes and their Nuer sell-Out destroying South Sudan.
I some questions I want to my Nuers, first of all I want to tell you why I called Nuers cuisines. if you remember the story was told by dinka or Danish parents, the story goes like this, along time ago there was a man call Deng he has four girls, one was Nyarup Deng the mother of Deng were they Denkas come from the second one is Nyatoch Deng the mother of Nuer were they Nuers come from the third is Nyaduop Deng the mother of Atuot were Atut come from the fourth is Nyakang Deng the mother of chulluk were the shilluk come from that why I address the as cuisines. to come back to the point my questions is directed to Riek Machar and his supporters first question is if Riek Machar is fighting for democratic system and independent of south sudan, why he signed agreement with Khartoum in 1997 to fight the SPLM/SPLA? the second question is if Riek Machar is visionary as others Nuer supports said he was commander in chief south sudan independent movement know as SSIM\SSIA what did he do? In 205 Riek be came a vice-president and he has the all authorities in the government of south sudan until 2013 when he was fired by the president kiir mayardiit, what did he do before fired? Riek Machar is not what he said he is. my another question is to nyan if you said latjor is a Nuer can you tell me what the word lat and jor mean in Nuer language? latjor is original is a dinka or a Jieng ,and I tell you the meanings of latjor after you told me.
Adut, I have a simple answer to your question regarding the Khartoum peaceagreement signed by Dr.Riek in 1977. Riek Machar was signed peaceagreement with Khartoum government was because he needs South Sudan to be independent country. To make this clear for you, Dr.Machar was initially fighting for self-determination for South Sudanese people compare to Dr.Garang who claimed to be the leader for whole Sudan which is impossible for millions of arabs. Machar his goal or objective is very clear because he wants the pepole of South Sudan to rule themselves in their own country without involment of arabs. This is the reason why he signed the peace with Khartoum in 1977,however Khartoum knew that Macahar claims is about the division of Sudan into two independent States and this makes it difficult for Bashir to accept Dr.Machar’s claims about self-determination for South Sudan. When Machar realized that Bashir is not in favour for idea of self-determination he left Khartoum and returned to bush. Few years later, he had a contact with Jonh Garang and they agreed to sign peace in 2002 which in turn led to Sudan peaceagreement and the unification of the SPLA. It was this agreement that made Dr. Jonh G to change his mind regarding the liberation of whole Sudan. In this case, he Garang and Riek were united to one objective and they focus on self-determination as Dr. Machar suggested from the begining. Today, we have an independent country it is because Dr. Machar come up with the idea of self-determination which led to referendum in 2011 and eventually the birth of our country South Sudan. But, this fact confuse so many Dinka and Nuer as well that it was Machar who initiates self-determination for the people of South Sudan, but not Dr.John G!
Long life Dr.Machar and long life South Sudan!
I am confused a little bit Dantut. I am not aware of any peace agreement that was sign between Machar and Bashiir of Sudan in 1977.
Gatnor and the other readers, it was mistake for me to write 1977. I meaan 1997 when Machar was signed the peace with Khartoum. Thank you Gatnor for the correction!
The title of your article is very interesting. Howeve, your explanation and the geography of border lines along East Nuer periphry is not as you put it. Eastern Nuer borders, Ngok Dinka, Dinka Dongjol and Maban to the north and North east; Burun and Oromo to the South East; Anyuak and Murle to the South and South west. Adding Eritrea to the list of Eastern Nuer borders is an exxageration. Easter Nuer has no border with Eritrea and Southern Blue Nile. As you put it, there is no liberation of South Sudan without Eastern Nuer and central Nuer territories. Even the boasting Dinka who turn to be liberators never liberated South Sudan without Eastern Nuer and central Nuer. So, politcal success and peace negotiation thereafter emerge from both East and Central Nuer territories. In short, no South Sudan without THE NUER!!
“Adding Eritrea to the list of Eastern Nuer borders is an exaggeration” You are right Mr. Tut, after reading the article my first doubt was perhaps, this article was not written by a fellow Nuer. Other than that, I am ok with what the article is attempting to convey. Good that you pointed out. The writer does have more homework to complete.
So means that you really own this site Mr GatNor, the writer knew nothing geographically and you try to correct. I,m really stupid to be part of participants on this site. YOU NEED TO MAKE SOME EFFORT FOR HOME WORK TOO MR.GATNOR.
Very interesting message from our community of Eastern Nuer who are situated in eastern part of Upper Nile State. In other hand is called (Latjor state) as we are all familiars about their areas since from Anyanya one ,and anyanya two up to date actually it is now the base of spla/iom meaning that we do thanks God for their areas rather than other areas with in nuer we do appreciated their message and I extended my great thanks to our lord to give them this blessing land where the things get fall on them and they do resistant we have recorded so many stories of those Eastern Nuer (Latjor State)
congratulations victory is in hand of nuer.truly leader
God job Guan-Chuekni, well thoughts and yet very true. The point about building a federal conference building the head quarter Pagak should be implemented just as soon as we overthrown the tribal regime in of Salva Kiir. I love story!!!