“You, the people, in your popular uprising succeeded in cutting off the monster’s head, but the lifeless body continues to deceive you that the monster is still dangerous. No its not! Having cut off the monster’s head, its your sacred duty to push down the monster’s body, not to stand in fear of it”. ( John Garang de Mabior april 1985)
By Gatkuoth Gatjiek,

Jan 20, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- There is no doubt what so ever that there is kiirism standing as a blockage to South Sudanism, progress, equality and justice remains only tools on the lips and the tongues that oppose South Sudanism, and this embodies all oppressive phases under president Kiir’s rule since 2005. The South Sudanism is antithesis of kiirism and that the Oyee and the SPLM/A are its axes of the axis of evil. The regime extraordinarily prioritizes in corruption, executions, rapping and sudden disappearances of the country’s intellectuals. Why should the country’s innocent citizens acts in fear of the government they once voted for in quest of better living, development and better security?
Obviously, we should be frank to ourselves and point the snake right at the head than to its tail. What kills innocent South Sudanese, drag them out of their homes at night, loot their belongings and plunged the country in to this unnecessary war, are the Oyee and the SPLM. Oyee and the SPLM are the tools of division and hatred whose vision only specializes in egoism and pomposity of one’s self enrichments. We have in South Sudan a tribe that recognizes Oyee and the SPLM as their efforts and making, and therefore should enjoy the result of their efforts in one way or the other in South Sudan. It had been a political turbulent Since 2005 immediately after the fade of the New Sudan lost touch with reality, the sudden departure of Dr. John Garang opened gates of ignorant, tranny and indeed a conspiracy of silence by a tribe that thinks all is about them against the rests of the tribes in the country, the Nuer were the focal point to be confronted with and deal away with them and in doing so plunged the nation to an unimaginable disaster.
In a situation where arrogance and ignorance substitute humility and perseverance, this is what we have seen through a naked eye not necessarily a microscope. People have been massacred in thousands and still the one who massacre them is still a proud man, a president, a top man in the country that command loyalty of his tribal goons in the nation pronounced “One Counry one Nation” which supposedly means “one tribe one nation”.
Well, to draw the line straight, South Sudan would never be a stable country without a stiff resistant to Salva kiir government and his JCE. If one dreams that change should come while lying on the pillow, which would be just an imaginary thought with no concrete evidences. It will be up to infinity without a change. There have been killings, genocides and horrific rapes by the regime in Juba, and those cases are being hunt down by justice. The regime is never a fool to accept just a change while knowing how far they have gone in the nation’s destruction. The double face Arab Islamic style of governance in the Sudan is the same that is rapping the South Sudan nation in a broad day light. To oppose such systems, it needs a political force a size of tsunami and tornadoes.
Hence, the opposition in the likes of SPLM-io should cease from compromising to the monsters in Juba. Too many compromises at this juncture are unnecessary to a regime that committed crimes, rapes, massacres and indeed genocide to the beloved citizens of the nation. Their ignorant will mistakenly mean it for a defeat rather than a sign of good will gesture and peace for the nation. We should learn from the pasts, because without an old background there is never new thing to discovery.
So, the attitude we are seeing in the regime is a sign of a possible collapse given the countless uprisings in many parts of the country, and therefore unnecessary compromises aren’t needed for a collapsing government. The 28 states, continues attacks in the opposition areas and hostile comments from the juba government are just symptoms of a collapsing empire. When something is too big and it wants to fall, it does often have a clear symbols portraying that its falling. Therefore, that arrogance, stubbornness and lack of compromise from the regime signifies lack of responsibility and in fact a possible collapse of the monster itself.
In the frank and honest words of Nhial Bol Aken, the former editor in chief of the defunct Citizen newspaper “that we Dinka have failed South Sudan”. That is a detailed truth from a nationalist and a patriot that sees things naked without unnecessarily hide one’s lenses under a microscopic laboratory. Nhial himself attested that I don’t understand what we the jieeng are doing? If it’s the question of food, we the Dinka are fighting because of, then I Nhial cannot be a party to that. Even, God said, human beings can find food anywhere as long they are healthy and working. Nhial’s comments are a testimony that not all Dinka are dumb, blind and arrogance but the majority encircled to defend the Dinka tribal self-rule does.
Unfortunately, we should learn from the past’s records how compromises brought us up to this point today. For instant the Khartoum Peace Agreement was a compromise that results in its failure, it was held at a time some of the factions were fighting and hence any efforts to make peace succeed were stabbed, hampered and could not push on any longer rather than to find another more united and a strong agreement for all the parties. The CPA was signed because all the parties to the South Sudan cause were united to face the monster otherwise, there wouldn’t have existed any agreement till today if the logic of compromise was not used. To the surprise of many that compromise was manipulated and seen as a sign of surrender instead as a strategy to unite against the common enemy. The CPA was successfully done but its results were felt by those whose compromise have been too much and sincere.
Dr. Riek compromised the whole of his military forces in unison with late Garang’s demands for a one united SPLM/A and its OYEE! That was patriotism at work for the wellbeing of an innocent man and a common citizen. But was that heard as it mean to? It wasn’t well perceived as a sign of good will, patriotism and most among all nationalism rather many saw it a gambling den where anything could be twisted to favour some and disappoint others. The entire military might of Dr. Riek most of whom were unconfirmed and some who would have been senior officers demoted in to lower military ranks. It was a price of the compromise for having a desire to have independence South Sudan. Our brothers Jieeng in Kiir’s government didn’t saw it at a lense of nationalism but saw it as a sign of defeat and surrender. That perception continues as doubting Thames until it burst up on 15. Dec. 2013, by massacring innocent Nuer, young and old alike and forced some in to cannibalism as a sign of showing their superiority to the submissive and the surrendered.
Now, the same history of too much compromise is again looming as kiir’s 28 states are a barrier to the unity government. SPLMA-io should categorically reject the 28 states and never open new window of opportunity for negotiations. Accepting again 28 sates is also accepting kiir as president after 2018, because the same scenario will never change.
In conclusion, SPLM/A-io has the support of the masses all over the country, why acting in fear? Having cut the monster’s head is your sacred duty to push down the monster’s body and not to stand in fear of it. The masses who support you and your vision are your glory and indeed the head to Salva kiir. There is no government in juba as you have seen, only gangs of tribal junta mistakenly to mean a government. Therefore, as the SPLM, and its OYEE are the twins that have spilled innocent blood for years, its time to stand against them and a new political party declared that shall protect our national diversity and dignity as one people, one country.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”(Martin Luther King)
Long Live the Innocent!
Long live the Nation!
May we live in diversity to disappoint the devils and their friends!
God is great!
Gatkuoth gatjiek lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and can be reached through gatkuoth_gatjenyang@yahoo.com