
South Sudan Economy Collapsed

By Lojur Molu,

Juba, South Sudan.

Children sort through leaves to eat, Jamam camp, South Sudan...
Children sort through leaves to eat, Jamam camp, South Sudan…

May 07, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The economy of South Sudan has now technically collapsed and no fake measures can rescue it.

I was surprised to hear from Radio Mirraya this morning 7th May, 2015 that there was economic conference to discuss the ailing economic situation in South Sudan taking place in Juba.

It says the conference is seeking to introduce multiple currencies that is to say the use of Uganda, Kenya and other foreign currencies in South Sudan to reduce the demand for dollars.

I think this is now the total collapse of the economy. How can the introduction of Kenyan and Ugandan shillings rescue the already collapsed economy?

The introduction of these foreign currencies will only benefit those countries and those in power.

Despite the introduction of these foreign currencies that we are waiting to see it will never revive the economy. The pound will still continue to weaken.

How many south Sudanese pounds will one have to exchange to raise 1,000000 Ugandan shillings or Kenyan shillings, and where will one get this big amount of pounds to exchange.

Zimbabwe did introduce use of foreign currency from its neighbors when it experienced shortage of US dollars but did not work at all and Zimbabwe is still suffering like South Sudan.

South Sudan and Zimbabwe are in the same soup and I don’t see any reason to invite President Mugabe to South Sudan to give advice. Mugabe and Kiir are all dictators who don’t want a change and would want their citizens to continue suffering so that they continue to benefit. They only cling to power killing their beloved citizens and subduing democracy and freedom of expression.

The only way out for South Sudan economy to come to life is for Kiir to resign and give way to a credible leader like Dr. Rieak Machar. Second solution is to stop the war and the economy can be revived.

The economy is now biting, people are suffering , prices have doubled it is only the generals, ministers, president, directors and those in position of looting government money who can survive the current economic situation. Everyone in the rural village is crying out for help.

Lastly the tears and the blood of these poor South Sudanese people will soon bring the barbaric Kiir regime down and they will be cursed forever and ever together with their families.

May God bless our beloved country which is being torn apart by Kiir and his clique.


Lojur Molu is a concern South Sudanese who can be reached at cry.southsudan@gmail.com

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AGUMUT May 7, 2015 at 7:44 am

Not all the wild trees leaves are cook and eaten. Some green leaves are part of Healthy vegetarians or vegetables.Those don’t even know what is economy because they were living like that from generation to generation. Luxurious people in Juba should get worry about economy collapse.

ALEX SEKIRANDA May 7, 2015 at 10:04 am

In a sinking boat, there is no winner! Let us collectively exploit all alternative means to revamp the ailing economy of our beloved nation.

Dantut May 7, 2015 at 10:22 am

Good article brother Lojur, we really need a capable leader who have a good understanding of the society, a man of good faith, a visionary leader, responsive person who cares and value the life of individual in the Republic of South Sudan. If Dr. Riek Machar has been given a chance by the people of South Sudan to rule, he would be able to bring political change, intitiates the national unity among the people of South Sudan and also introducing the democratic system of government and the rule of law. It is unfortunate seeing the young children pick up the leaves from the trees as their food to eat while our country is bless of natural resources, if those resources are managed or used wisely those kids who are now eating leaves for their survival will not eat them. For me it is actually heartbreaking hearing and seeing the young children and their families eating leaves in the independent nation like South Sudan. If I have a power I will do like the Lord Jesus in the Bible who went to the temple turning and thrown a way the tables including the fruits, “He says to the church leaders you have made my father house a place of robbery” I can do the same thing I will start first with the parliament dissolution along with the cabinet ministery including the president because they make South Sudan a place of robbery and caused enormous suffering of the people of South Sudan.

Martin Mabior May 7, 2015 at 10:34 am

I totally disagree with the policy of introducing multicurrencies in south sudan how will the locals have access to these currencies or has south sudan become one of provinces in kenya?or one of the districts in uganda? for these currencies to be used in south sudan. many countries around the globe suffered like how south sudan is suffering but they did not introduce the use of foreign currencies as a policies to combat the situation take a case of Greece and Zimbawe did they use their neighbours’ currencies. i though south sudan economists have ever attended a class of inflation lessions and know the policies to be used in case of high inflation rate, you people are making histories and which economic book talks about the use of multicurrencies as a policy to combat inflation rate? we shall continue to suffer unless we start producing our food than importing from East African Countries how can we import even tomatoes if you dont know that is an indirect way of making market for uganda and kenya shame on our government especially the ministry concerned. what is the use the budget that they always pass is it to be distributed among the officials in the ministry or to save the purpose budgeted for it. it will be my first time to lead the demonstration if they do that one as a policy to combat high inflation rate.

Goweng Torbar May 7, 2015 at 11:57 am

Juba is a gone case

man of the people May 7, 2015 at 2:12 pm

An apocalyptic situation in the making. A lost generation for good, no education, no food and children foraging like animals in the wilderness.

Gatkhor May 7, 2015 at 6:12 pm

The Thugs in Juba thought it will be only Naath /Nuer suffering all over the Country, forgetting that we are all one body. If Nuer suffer others tribes will suffer as well.

The dictators/criminals/thugs in Juba and Kampala have no exit strategy for this war.
If they survive this war they will end up in the ICC in the Hague for peace to return in the region.

Yoweri Museveni and primitive Kiir have fail our region terribly, both have to go for good so that the region can have economic growth again but keeping these dictators in power will not only bring economy collapsed but will take the region back to the stone age period.

Deng II May 7, 2015 at 8:14 pm

“The only way out for South Sudan economy to come to life is for Kiir to resign and give way to a credible leader like Dr. Rieak Machar.”

Kiir is better than Dr. Nothing. Who care about economics because SS never have a modern economics systems. Majority of SS people still lives in a traditional way, as long as people still own their traditional land.
SS are on process right now to get rid of Dr. Ebola, so that people live on their own lands without being killed and chased away. Dr. Ebola(Riek Machar) has to be deal with militarily, doesn’t matter war will take forever, and still get rid Dr. Ebola.
How would Riek be trust by 63 tribes, since his own Nuer tribe never trust him. His Nasir 1991 faction never managed Nuer in one commands or movement? Dr. Ebola has to go to Western Countries in order to get more white bitches or whores and stay there forever so that for SS to taste peace.

Korwakou@Nasir county May 8, 2015 at 4:38 am

Dear Deng II,
i thinks u are not thinking like a human being having sense of mind?
you Dinka pples u just thinks about yourselves,Fuck to all.
dirty peaople like Mother there in Gokrial, or where every you came from.

logolo silas May 8, 2015 at 4:45 am

they have started looting the reveneu money from check point in Nimule today there are 10 airplane landing trips carrying money

Simon May 8, 2015 at 7:09 am

Since when have riek become the brilliant leader in south sudan. In fact riek and kiir are reason why south sudan never progresses. Invite riek to rule you in your nuer village not south sudan. We can’t afford another foolish person to ascend to power. We have already had enough of kiir. It time for modern generation to take over south sudan government. Era of tribal rule are all gone. Both riek and kiir are deem fit to rule in cattle camp not south sudan.

Toutoute Dagany May 8, 2015 at 12:52 pm


Riek caused the following in retaliation for Kirr adding salt to an injury by looting 5% oil share from unity state (thru taban deng governorship); and then removing Riek and then killing 20000 naath in Juba:


Salva must go not Riek.

Salva is now a proxy president manipulated by JCE’s for their selfish gain.

bamaku May 9, 2015 at 11:35 am

We need peace to get out from this situation.


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