Contributor's James Nguen Opinion

South Sudan Basketball Star, Luol Deng is an opportunist

By James Nguen,

Former NBA Star, Luol Deng greets President Salva Kiir at the Republican Palace, J1, Juba, South Sudan(Photo credit: Presidency Press Unit)
Former NBA Star, Luol Deng greets President Salva Kiir at the Republican Palace, J1, Juba, South Sudan(Photo credit: Presidency Press Unit)

Sept 8, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — There is nothing wrong for worship your one’s tribe ideals while respecting other tribesmen and women’s right to life. In my viewpoint, tribes are nations but abused and disparaged by imperial rulers that ruled Africa.

Thus, I departed with this idea that South Sudan’s habitants are bunch of tribes and not nations. For that reason I will not envy those who think their tribe is a nation so long they respect the existences and the rights of others to life and freedom of expression and movements.

History has taught us that nations of European were once tribes and were emancipated of this tribe basis and became nations. There are now nations among other nations of the world. Their nationhood stands firm and fortified as of others. I wondered who is out there to tell us that we are just bunch of tribes and not nations.

On this basis, we should cease thinking diminutive and not that pathetic enough not to see the logic behind this writing.

Tribes are good things but tribalists blinded by bigotry and who do not respect other tribesmen and women right to life are bad and expose. Thus the intent of this piece and I decided to ostracize elusive figures who think they can hide from scrutiny.

Recently, I came to term that Luol Deng, the only South Sudanese Basketball star alive is a heartless tribalist and opportunist at best.

Evidently Luol Deng does not heed other tribesmen and women right to life and existence. This is showcased by his exhibited behaviors toward South Sudanese civil population for the last twenty -one months since the civil war in the country started.

For last 21 months, Luol Deng acted bizarrely when he visited South Sudan capital Juba. To be precise, Luol Deng never condemned the atrocities committed by the Dinka led Government in South Sudan. He did not even sympathize with those in UNIMISS camps and in harsh conditions. I am here talking about the displaced persons under UN’s care because they have no homes and they also fear for their lives if returned to burned home steads.

The last time I heard of Mr. Deng’s mission after visiting the suffering country was him building a basketball Court for his uncle, Manut Bol. Mr. Bol is another late Dinka basketballer, who once played for Chicago Bull. Mr. Manut come from Luol Deng’s home region of Bhar El Ghazal.

While Luol Deng was building Manut’s court with hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions, hundreds of thousands of internally displaced children, women and elderly South Sudanese were starving to death in the UNMISS Camps across the country.

Mr. Deng chose to build a court over dying children because the man seems not to care presumably the starving children, women and elders were not from Luol Deng’s region and tribe of Dinka nation.

This is a character of amoral being. As mentioned above Luol Deng never openly condemned the Dinka led Government sanctioned massacre of 20, 000 Nuer innocent civilians. The only logic perhaps, anyone would think of is the perpetrators were Luol Deng’s uncles from the Bhar El Ghazal region blindfolded by Luol Deng’s own father, Aldo Ajou Deng. Mr. Aldo Ajou Deng is one of the ring leaders who founded the Jieng Council of Elders.

Luol Deng’s tight lip is not a surprise but founded on this basis. Instead for Luol Deng to condemn the human rights abuses, crimes against humanity and mass execution, Luol Deng has talked about unity of the youths South Sudan without acknowledging what brought disunity in the first place.

Luol Deng didn’t acknowledge the victims and who has wronged them. Luol Deng’s position of unity among South Sudanese youths was /is not random but perfected to divert people’s attentions.

In the normal world, it’s logical that outcry of disunity must be with purpose and why people need to unite in the first place? Luol Deng has avoided answering these logical and relevant questions.

I got it and I perfectly believed that the world also got it as well. It’s Luol Deng’s father ongoing business. Luol Deng once says, “I am a Dinka from South Sudan.” It’s true that Luol Deng is a Dinka and his home region of Bhar El Ghazal is not affected by this current civil war. But more importantly, it’s true that those who committed the atrocities, the main perpetrators of the Nuer massacre were Mr. Luol Deng’s father, Aldo Ajou Deng’s followers.

So, why care I guess in Mr. Luol Deng’s viewpoint when dad is the designer of South Sudan’s time bomb. The de factor is Luol Deng’s own father Aldo Ajou Deng. Aldo Ajou Deng is a leading star of notorious Dinka Council of Elders organization and whose aim is to mobilize Dinka tribal young men against other tribes’ innocent civilians.

JCE came out in many instances opposing peace in South Sudan and things stands the group is accused of manipulating President Kiir tribally taking incorrect decisions particularly on how to run South Sudan state of affairs.

It appeared Deng is following the steps of his father. In Mr. Deng many interviews, he appeared to praise his father as a man super intellect but the opposite is true. Luol Deng’s dad does not possess characters of an African elder. Most African elders are regarded wise but Deng’s many like him are the worse exception, which in my view is son like a father bloodline.

Ironically, Luol Deng has been very aggressive promoting fake unity of South Sudanese Youths in the Diaspora after seeing the fact that the Dinka Council of Elders tactic isn’t working at the international stage. The world hasn’t bought their cheap propaganda of tribal politic of elevating one tribe status above others.

Luol Deng is now using his basketball starship to rebuild his dad’s tarnished reputation because Luol Deng himself is ashamed. Deng’s basketball’s status allowed him to meet President Barack Obama of USA. Luol Deng himself alleged that Mr. President asked for his advice on South Sudan’s state of affairs.

South Sudanese were dumbfounded this unbelievable turn of event. Not that Luol Deng cannot meet President Barack but the fact that Luol could offer piece of advice to a first world president yet Luol Deng’s father was the man who drummed up and executed the massacre of 20, 00 Nuer innocent civilians in Juba is pathetic to say the least.

What Can Luol Deng advises President Barack for yet the blood of innocent South Sudanese children is smeared all over Luol family tree. As a matter of fact, I took this opportunity to remind President Barack and the rest of the world leaders not to dine with Luol Deng. Luol Deng is a tribalist and opportunist at best.

Many South Sudanese youths, both at home and in Diaspora know that Luol Deng cannot be trusted for he does not have humanitarian heart. This is proven when he built a basketball court for Manut Bol instead of helping starving children, women and elder in UNMISS based Camps across South Sudan.

Nguen is a South Sudanese concerned citizen living in Canada. He can be reached at jamesnguen@gmail.com.

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Luke Luate September 8, 2015 at 1:49 am

Rebels of Riek Machar your blames, criticism and annoyance of whoever is intending to make South Sudan a better place for all of us is unfortunate and unacceptable.
Your blames are too much and you would one day blame God for creating you.
Shame on you.

GatNor September 8, 2015 at 5:15 am

In reality who is not an opportunist? None even God acts on opportunity in dealing with his creations. Let the man atleast pretend to speak peace. At end of the day it’s all about how much wealth one walks away with and I am sure Lual has enough money to even bother with dogs fighting over a bone. I actually think those who are well off are the one we should the benefit of doubts to since they might not be showing up with intentions of killing and or stealing.

AGUMUT September 8, 2015 at 9:48 pm

I have no interest to become very rich,but half million should have been enough from own energy and for my future when i retire ,but it has gone now because of the world’s problems.Millions are now Bankruptcy and they don’t blame nobody.Recessions.

Goweng Torbaar September 8, 2015 at 10:58 pm

Let him (Luol Deng) plant what he want but let him know that he will reap only what he planted. I appreciated Barak Oboma when he came out boldly to remind Kiir and M7 that over stay in leadership is not a wise decision instead it is a dictatorship

Mike Tatu September 8, 2015 at 11:51 pm

It is very unfortunate that a tribally inclined notorious complainer is seriously accusing his national star!The greater bhar el gazal you are talking about includes nuers in Warrap and lakes state so, Mr, Luol is doing benefits our young people across the tribes.You should blame Dak kueth for his false prophecy that Jieng and government would be defeated by those idle international hotel dwellers in Addis Abbaba,who are under very serious hallucinations for power gain. Please join Mr. Luol Deng and bring peace to our people becoz your tribe tried to fight the government and allies and have now all left for exile and UNIMISS camps.Be careful,if we don’t work for peace,no nuer will return their original land.

Goweng Torbaar September 9, 2015 at 3:52 am

Recently after peace 500 Dinka soldier surrendered themselves in Wathkech and 7, 000 others die in Nile River last week and handed over one barge in good condition. 300 Dinka ssoldier are littering Warjuok from yesterday. 5,000 Dinka soldier today morning are littering Dingershufu in Malakal Town. I don’t who MIKE TATU are calling Hotel hallucinations if they are suffering losses on ground? I DON’T KNOW IF KIIR INCLUDE TAKING RESPONSIBILITY TO JCE WHEN HE ADMIT VIOLATING CPA.

AGUMUT September 9, 2015 at 5:28 am

How many years Bernard Madoff had been sentenced to prison?

AGUMUT September 9, 2015 at 5:20 am

Actually which country Khartoum from and in which year Confucianism was born?

Gabriel Mayen Makuac September 20, 2015 at 5:24 am

Dear Southerners backing at each other is no the solution to our Country,Let us have the spirit of patriotism not on arguments, Every dog has its day and not in the same time,Come to Democracy leadership and you will be elected officially,A real leader does not wish his people for a war but lead his people for development hence we do not agreed to liberate then killing so let us discouraged it at all not to happen again,The writer needs South Sudan to be stabled and he is from Egypt now.Do not take it into the tribal lines am a Nationalists and do not encouraged the destabilization by giving any support to such leaders.I am Dinka Agaar Lake State, Rumbek East County,Eastern Barbaam.


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