By. Mak Banguot Gok
Jonglei/South Sudan

May 18, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Salva Kiir Mayardit, a failed president of South Sudan has never been certain of the fact that, the heavy combined UPDF and his nonconforming army installed in Jonglei since December 2013, could nose-dive to captured Uror, Nyirol and Akobo Counties. Salva is worrying that, if the mighty white army still vigorous, nothing he accomplished to guarantee Juba’ save any time. While addressing crowd of only his tribal men and women turned up during the commemoration of the 31st anniversary of the formation of the SPLM on 16th, May, 2014 at Juba’s Freedom Hall, he ( Salva) brazenly asserted to applaud his dissidents soldiers of what he called ‘’ implementing his order’’ when tell them to shoot or stop shooting. He was referring to the baseless remorse of planned assault on Akobo that were circulating last week in several social media. That was part of his bidding to invade with UPDF the Lou-Nuer land before the rains. Unfortunately, it could not happen as he (Salva) wish. Lou-Nuer land is untouched and people on the three Counties are doing normal agricultural activities and, the mighty White Army executing its work on protection at the borders and currently occupied Duks and part of Twic-East County.
During the event that marking 31st anniversary of the Sudan People ‘ Liberation Movement’s formation in 1983, all the residual and nonconformists Dinka soldiers in Juba were given uniforms and purported to be the national army. They are one who perceived him talking gobbledygook. South Sudan until Salva Kiir toppled; there is nothing national under Salva Kiir. Only our sovereignty which we have awesomely voted for through referendum that ever existed.
Despite that, it is in lieu of only Dinka tribal assemblage appeared at the gathering, he (Salva) was mindful that, almost 100% of the horde is Dinka and therefor he (Salva) has nothing to use either English or his shattered Arabic when pointing his gossip edicts on the Nuer.
Salva Kiir being accompanied by his two tribesmen, Paul Malong Awan and Pieng Deng Majiok that make his government purely Bhar El-ghazel, he uttered his angry of the proposed Transitional Government of National Unity without him presiding over. It is beyond what he was thinking of his poorly planned war. He came to realized that, only when he step-down and face justice that, peace return to South Sudan.
The frantic president surpassed to says in Dinka Language, alleging that, Lou-Nuer in Akobo deserted when heard of remorse of possible attack on the county. If you are inspecting thoroughly to the South Sudanese conflicts, you comprehend after all the mass defections that, Nuer which constitutes 75% presence in the army have taken arm against the genocidal government of Salva Kiir which exterminated thousands of Nuer innocent civilians in Juba. You also recognize that, Salva Kiir is at the movement by means of opportunity of the dry season that, the UPDF, JEM and his faltered army have opportunity to resist the Nuer rebellion; and, you also consider the small money from South Sudanese oil that make him (Salva) buy mercenaries from Uganda, Darfur, Nubian, and so on to fight for his government. He don’t have his own conventional force and, his tribal army which involved in massacres of innocents Nuer civilians in Juba at the incept of the conflict in December have exhausted in only four months old fighting Nuer rebel. All in all, during this summer season, the very few technology fetched by Egypt and Uganda which were used against the Nuer in Jonglei, Unity and the Upper Nile States are no longer operational as from May to December.
This time, the mighty white army will carry on their duty if the actual peace that contented the victims of December massacre not forged by Salva Kiir. His being president mean the war continues no matter what! Salva Kiir has to admit that, Nuer rebellion could not be handling poorly that way.
Beyond South Sudan, the world have ever known that, without UPDF, JEM, and others African mercenaries, Salva Kiir and his Dinka tribesmen in the government would have been kick-out of the South by the mighty Nuer and, there would have been up to this movement no more talks of Salva Kiir. However, Nuer after massacred in Juba has never got prepared of encountering Ugandan, Darfuri, Nubian, Angassinian and the 63 South Sudanese tribes.
However, Nuer managed to humiliate the mercenaries and Salva’s army. By now, the mighty Nuer is ready prizefight the combined force and certainly will triumph the war.
On the recent remark on Akobo by Kiir, anyone know what prevent them not to penetrated into Lou-Nuer in dry season where their tanks and heavy machinery would have pass easily could approved him ( Salva) lie of telling his people that, Lou-Nuer in Akobo have deserted when heard of the so-called government army matching toward Akobo through Pibor.
That was wishes and wrong gen to him by those opportunists surrounding him. No one have left Akobo of the wishful remorse or any panic to the people of Akobo counties when received news of Salva Kiir’s army preparation to carry an assault on Akobo. The remorse was conceived as attempts to try to divert tension on Bor and Juba by Lou-Nuer’s mighty white army which cut off suppliers of the government army trapped in Ayod and, occupied Duks and some parts of Tuic-East county . Instead, the three counties of Uror, Nyirol and Akobo remains anti-Kiir and disillusioned to thinks of intruding Lou-Nuer while Lou-Nuer started working on their land during this rainy season.
For Salva Kiir army to overrun Uror, Nyirol and Akobo, it should be accomplish with only marvel and not just as Salva Kiir wishing.
Mak Banguot Gok is a concern South Sudan. He can be reached via
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