
Salva Kiir Is Worst Than Joseph Kony, What is the UNSC and ICC Waiting For??

By Pel Chol,


forceful recruiting of young children by Johnson Olony in Shilluk Kingdom (photo supply by UNICEF south Sudan)
forceful recruiting of young children by Johnson Olony in Shilluk Kingdom (photo supply by UNICEF south Sudan)

Feb 25, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Some of the worst atrocities which prompted the world leaders to go after the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) have no significant difference to the atrocities Salva Kiir’s regime is committing today in South Sudan.

Joseph Kony, the leader of LRA, has been a wanted man for the last twenty eight years by the Uganda government as well as the International Criminal Court (ICC) for abducting children in Northern Uganda to join his LRA movement. Other crimes against humanity to which he was charged with include raping and killing of civilians by his forces

However, while being fair to the LRA, anyone who is aware of the extent to Sava Kiir’s criminality would acknowledge that Kiir is incomparable to no one when it comes to perpetrating of crimes against humanity.

At the beginning of the war, many Nuer civilians were targeted, based on ethnicity and were brutally executed, some of whom were burnt alive for punishment as well as the concealment of crimes a crime that Joseph Konyi of Uganda or Adolf Hilter of Germany never thought of doing against the Banyankole or the Jews.

The crimes of Sultan Kiir Kuethpiny are nothing to what Kony had done in Uganda. Kiir has armed every community in South Sudan to kill Nuer. The situation in Lake State tells it all as Dinka civilians far away from Nuer areas have turned against each other using Kiir’s rifles he initially aimed against the Nuer Ethnic group.

While Kiir is collage of crime continue to breed, the UN has learned a new indictable offense, the abduction of 89 children near the UNMISS compound in Malakal by Kiir’s right hand man, Joseph Oliney, who abducted the kids to fight against Machar’s forces. The United Nation Mission in South Sudan has now confirmed that these innocent children, as young as 12 and 13 years old are being rushed through training to be used as fuels to extend the faltering regime of Salva Kiir for a few more years. The ICC or the United Nations did not record this in Uganda other than the usual scategoating of Museveni’s crimes on Kony.

No one would know if Kiir is aware about the severity of this crime as he is a big fool leading a big nation, which his alcoholic mind is not suited for. However, the truth of the matter is that conscripting children into national armed forces is a serious offense under the Geneva Convention’s article 136.

It was due to this offense that prompted the Obama administration to sent US marine into the jungles of Uganda and DRC to hunt for Kony.

The intriguing part of this is when one compare these hideous crimes, Kony was labelled as the worst human being for abducting kids from their homes while the world continues to shake hands with Criminal Salva Kiir, who has done worse than what Kony did, some of which include this abduction of kids at the UN compound itself. Yet the world is not even condemning the severity of this man’s crimes leaving the UN only to issue rhetoric. What a world!

If these crimes and massacres still do not count, then the Secretary General, Ban ki Moon, has lately issued a report to United Nation Security Council reporting that the government of Salva Kiir is responsible for over 97% of all human rights violations in the country. This was not the case in Uganda. Museveni was responsible for nearly half of violations, yet Joseph Kony was still indicted for such crimes. This must be the time for UNSC and ICC to call Salva Kiir to his right home, Hague!

The Author of this article is awaiting Graduation for a Master Degree in the Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism

He could be reached at pcvisionmatters@gmail.com

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Kat Cok February 25, 2015 at 7:01 am

you said that Salva Kiir Is Worst Than Joseph Kony, you are liar man, look at your greedy magician believer Riek machar, he is most worst than Bin Laden, and ISIS group nowadays. look, in 1991 he rebelled against Dr. John for nothing then he come back like a dog, now and believe me he is going to come back like a dog, remain few days. I don’t know what shall he tell blind ones like you when he come back shamelessly?
you should have said that your magician reik is most worst than Joseph Kony and Bin Laden which will be the right statement.

Nyanit February 26, 2015 at 4:53 am

Men are men for themselves not for others foreign force why Uganda your Husband fight for Nuer for your leadership?
Dinka will you are still be the leading of South Sudan yet you are not fighter? it surprised me women should wear trouser and claimed is man

deco din@ February 25, 2015 at 8:24 am

you are telling true guy, Kiir leadership will not take south Sudan to peace

Martin Mabior February 25, 2015 at 10:21 pm

Pel i expected you to be an expert who might conducted some research about what u are suppose to write to the general public which has evidents and proves so that people are not misled by ruomer monger like you and also think that whether you are a nuer as you are or a journalist or you have been properly settled by your uncle”MR BLACK” to publish this article which is full of lies n lack concret evidences, if i were you i would have considered ethical code of conduct of my profession not to be paid and publish nonsense to the public but to remain poor and liberal and tell the truth to the citizens. To make matters worse you brought in the issue of kony who lacks objetives of his movement kony is a rebel like your uncle BLACK because they are both rebels, kony has been killing his own people of Northern Uganda like MR BLACK did in UPPER NILE by paying and misleading you to fight senselessly and recruiting young kids call white arm because mindset and ideology is the same nuers. KONY has never killed any BANYANKOLE as you stated in your article neither has he ever been in MBARARA the home town of MUSEVENI and for the case of abducted kids,JOSEPH OLINEY is using them to protect SHUILUK from rebels.

John Korsuk Wani February 26, 2015 at 12:42 am

Kiir is worst than Kony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Is that a joke or day dream? You are just fulfilling the adage that says, “an emty tin makes a lot of noise”. Listen to what you write.



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