Opinion Press Release

Responses Press Released By Greater Twic East Youth

Greater Twic East Youth in USA response to recently released article by Jangdit Dengajok

The article was posted on social media like Facebook and PaanLuel Wel blog, posted June 21, 2014

Greater Twic East Youth-USA response to “The death of the Greater Bor vision” By Jangdit Dengajok, Australia.(photo: via twiceastcommunity.org)
Greater Twic East Youth-USA response to “The death of the Greater Bor vision” By Jangdit Dengajok, Australia.(photo: via twiceastcommunity.org)

July 5, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Before we start to response to that article, we would like to inform our Twic East Community citizens living in our motherland of South Sudan to be watchful, and often be attentive wherever they are in South Sudan and/or around the world. We don’t want you though, our people to go panic but just to be vigilant all the times wherever you are and your people are over currently on going conflict in our new nation. We know you our people for your unresolved character that always go along with any situations through calm of maturity and self-control.

To start with, the main purpose of our press here is to reply to recently article posted on PaanLuel Wel Blog titled: “The death of the Greater Bor vision” By Jangdit Dengajok, Australia.

We decided to reply to that categorically or strictly avail press to tarnished our Twic Dinka community in eyes of Dinka communities and other South Sudanese’ communities. In our views, the article was totally about wishful thinking, wish-hunt or scapegoat plans against our decent community and its intellects.

In that article, there was no surprised to us though when it comes to Rebecca Nyandeng, the wife of our son and the most prominent hero of South Sudanese and Sudanese was painted by Bor County citizens that, she has authorized Nuer or rebels to attacks Mading Ngeth Angok or Bor County area. This claim is 100% lies we historically been known from our neighbor, and we have taken it as usual patterns of well-known behavior to us the Dinka Twic people. Apart from that, our people you have to know that the Greater Bor Community has painted Greater Twic East Community people as rebel to President Salva Kiir Mayardit government. The baseless accusation whom we the Greater Twic Youths don’t considered the unfounded claim at all but an ordinary political motivated allegation that was spoken out anyhow as a result of politics’ fever from our counterpart.

The only thing we know about our opponent, they are the one running our new nation of South Sudan in such a way we categorically don’t believe our new nation is actually being ran by President Kiir in whatsoever. In our guts’ views, it is look like our government is being ran by Bor County politicians, especially people like Michael Makuei Lueth, etc. Here are some of our few points to proves our many claims in whatsoever: (a) Some of Bor County citizens often say, “Kiir Mayardit was appointed to that post of Presidency by Kuol Manyang Juuk” and that claim alone might be one the reasons why they (Bor County politicians) been able controlled the Administration essential positions (b) Secondly, they (Bor County Citizens) are just scare of Dinka Twi through presumption that the Greater Twi Community will take away the government in which they believe they have dominated from top to bottom. Twi also has transparency, fair, good hand of distribution, unselfish in which they don’t have in their leadership style historically. These few of many reasons Bor Dinka people often fear of Twi Dinka people presumably. Through that suspicious of theirs, it did open door to smear our Greater Twic East Community in eyes of Greater Bhar el Ghazal Dinka in gossiping styles of tagging Twi Dinka people as a rebel and then from there the Dinka Bhar el Ghazal people be able to wipeouts the Dinka Twi East people in their behaves. Without doubt in our minds, everything been saying by Michael Makuei Lueth and alike from Bor County was political strategically against innocent Twi people move but thank God our brothers from Greater Bhar el Ghazal Dinka didn’t act the way they have planned it.

In that article too, the author has started that, “Dinka Twi East people want to overthrow an elected government of President Kiir Mayardit basis on our community power seeking.” What a joke! Through what way we would be able to over throw an elected government of South Sudan according to our believe but for them, the President was appointed to that post by their son, Kuol Manyang Juuk as quote magnify it below, “President Kiir Mayardit was absolutely appointed by Kuol Manyang Juuk who is from Bor County to Presidency post without being elected by South Sudanese citizens.” That claims is one of the many reasons why people from Bor County have totally controlled South Sudan’s government as well as Jonglei State’s government.

Unfortunately, right now everything seems to be going southward in speedy pace against their controlled opportunity within South Sudan’s government. At the movement things have changed quickly or wild within short period of time then our opponent anticipate it this soon.

Another point we want to make is concerning reliable sources of information from one four detainees during interrogation by prosecutors who were led by Mayen Oka from Bor County. During an investigation, the former Ambassador, Ezekiel was asked, “why the White Army or rebels didn’t attack Greater Twic East and Greater Duk Areas instead of Greater Bor Area or Bor County?” The former Ambassador just reply, “he doesn’t know what the investigator talking about” and says, “he doesn’t know.” Over the investigation, Hon. Majak was totally smeared by them that, “he was having contact with some military personnel at Bilpam whom they said those military personnel were from “Greater Bor.” What a shameless claim? For what we know about this controversial theme was to promote their name, “Greater Bor” as they usually do. Plus they (Bor County) are having their own military, even some of them are being trained now to encounter Twi Dinka and Duk Dinka now or in near future, the communities they described as being rebels without creditable prove. Also this has some connections to an ideal of alienating Twi Dinka politicians and their community at large but God of truth always there for Dinka Twi people because their wishes others against us will fail terribly. We are being hate by them basis on our good traits of honesty, hospitality, humble, good distributor of everything fairly, fair and balance leadership we historically owned within Dinka communities or sub-tribes. Other creditable sources have cited that, “Hon. Rebecca Nyandeng was under house arrest by Michael Makuei and alike without any consent from President Kiir Mayardit.” The reason why our intellects been the main target of smear campaigns in President Kiir leadership is due to their natural abilities of leadership and also their creditable work ethics. Particularly, both Rebecca and Dr. Majak are qualifies to either SPLM/A Headship or Presidency post through democracy way. Jealousy and envy are the main reasons.

When attack carried out over two Payams of Twic East County, Jonglei State, South Sudan last year. We were not surprise at all about what our President said at funeral, “he says the defense military was from the area.” I will not interpret to public what we have decoded from this message though. Plus what many people have said about this from Bor County toward Twic East County. The refusal of UN peace keeping force and South Sudan military to Greater Twic East Area meanwhile the large troops were deployed in Greater Bor Area during Kuol Manyang governorship reign and continuously of his reign to Minister of Defense is there to be seen.

For us being a community who have many rainbow like qualities of fair leadership and its policies. Since the beginning of currently conflict in our new nation, we do perceive it as political disagreements and shouldn’t be categorized as being tribal conflict between two major tribes of Dinka and Nuer. It should have been done politically and not spills innocent for what we consider as small case.

Thus, it is unfortunately, the author has misrepresented Dinka Twic East people below in his article. The word (East) whom he has been talking about just emerged from the blue at the time of our son and hero of South Sudanese (Dr. John Garang) leadership reign over SPLM/A leadership, from 1983 until 2005 is totally deceitful contempt. Factually, the word, “East” been there for long time even before the SPLM/A inception in 1983. The use of “East/Eastern” and “West/Western” prefixes were put there long time ago to differentiate Greater Twic of Jonglei State and Greater Twic of Warrap State. Without overdue our narrations, please check cited sources below:

  • Will, C. A, The Upper Nile Province Hand Book: a report on peoples and government in the Southern Sudan, 1931, New York: Oxford University, Press, 1995.
  • Sudan’s Blood Memory: The Legacy of War, Ethnicity, and Slavery in Early …

By Stephanie Beswick

  • Daly, M. W. Empire on the Nile The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1898-1934, Cambridge: University Press,1986 pp.146-147,149 & 151

Also, the author seems to be ignorant in his article by misspelling our name Twi/Twic as “Teic”. My friend that is not how our trustful name spells, that is another story for another day if we wnat to. Furthermore, in reality and also being supported by historical fact of Dinka Sub-tribes, the Dinka Twic East and Dinka Twic West are truly closer to each other in either Dialects, some Accents, Words, Heights/Tallest (Manut Bol from Dinka Twic West & Marordit from Twi Dinka East), lifestyle, etc. However, the author might be honest about Dr. John Garang seeking political affiliations from Dinka Bhar el Ghazal region 1990s. According to our interpretation, Dr. John Garang did so that due to Dinka Bor/Bor County majority did desert the movement over their resentments about their own son, Judge Majier Gai. “…but the emerged of “East” as the need of tribal identity by Teic to connect their political affiliation to those of the Dinka Bar el Ghazel had simply hijacked the use of Greater Bor.”

Historically, we truly know our neighbor whispering/gossiping behavior, and that why the author been trying so hard to character assassinated our innocent intellects as shown below. For us, this is just merely smearing campaigns by author. “… those Elites are today not a paying as much loyalty to president Salva Kiir, so there was(is) a bond of political friction and many of those politicians seeks sidedness to Kiir’s opponent.
Kiir tries his best by dissolving his cabinet and appointed only those are loyal so the developments may be progressive but it always ends up as a doom decision.”
The author continues to misled public that our community did complain about Cabinet posts is just unfounded lie. We will considered that as being work of exclusive thought mind that have part in our government crisis. It might be part of our community attack because we believe inclusiveness. About our elites allegation of them being having friction with President Kiir is absolutely false smear against them. Presumption and generalization will not work.

There has been an allegation going around that, our Twic Community wants leadership from elected President is not only an irresponsible act but it is also political blunder movers by our opponent. The end meat is, it is not true at all because we Twi people don’t seek leadership through violent or/and through other ungraceful ways. If it is the case would be against our traditional customs and principles of government our selfish. Although we are known historical within Dinka sub-tribes for our undeniable fair leadership, again; we don’t have that desire to do in such. For example, when our son, Dr. John Garang takes SPLM/A leadership in 1983 he was elected to post even though it was a struggle leadership post. By not overdue our message, we want our enemy of deceit to stop nonsense and fixes the currently messes of our new nation.

The following sentence of author, “ … what I had watched recently when madam Garang only condemned the atrocities committed against Nuer in Juba but failed terribly to see the massacre in Bor plus other Dinka who lost their lives innocently in areas occupied by Nuer.” In our knowledge is misrepresenting or been taken out of contact in contrary to what Rebecca Nyandeng intentions was when she was interviewed by that news in earlier stage of currently crisis of our new nation. As such, Rebecca Nyandeng didn’t condemn the killing in that interview actually but she was telling the public what was actually gone wrong in Juba while she was there when incident happen. To us, she was honest about the situation as many people who were there truly know what happen in Juba on December of 2013. Also, the article owner has to know that, the massacre in Mading Town (currently Bor Town) of Thany Dinka didn’t happen yet when Hon. Rebecca Nyandeng being interviewed if we are actually recalled the true date of the attack. Furthermore, we believe that Hon. Rebecca Nyandeng didn’t order Nuer to kills Dinka people as an author been trying to blackmail the Founding Father hero widow. So we are not going to condemn Hon. Rebecca Nyandeng because she didn’t violate any of our Dinka Twi people value of honesty basis our knowledge. We would just take the accusation as an artificial element of dishonest enemy or blood thirties parasite of bad day.

In regard to this part of article, “…using Nuer as a point of coming back to power if coup succeeded or rebellion toppled the ruling party or otherwise if the the Ethiopia agreement bears some fruits which in some individuals will absolutely bring some into power.” This point to us is totally another political scrutiny being waged against our decent Community of Twi by Bor Community. We will just take it as usual concurrent accusations like what Michael Makuei been saying to our community only in recent months, and not being said to other communities or sub-tribes like Malual Dinka (where Madut Biar, Dan Aturjong comes from), Agar Dinka (Where former Gov. Of Lakes State, Chol Tong Mayay comes from), Padang Dinka Communities (where Gier Chuang, Deng Alor comes from), Dhien Mathok, etc. These communities or sub-tribes of Dinka to us are having politicians with the same aspirations or politically motivated disagreements with President Kiir Mayardit, yet Michael Makuei and alike from Bor County didn’t paint them in generalization manner as it has been the case against Twi Dinka people only, basis on Rebecca Nyandeng and her son, Mabior political disagreements. What! Something is fishy about this, and our counter citizens from Bor County must have to apologies to Twic East County citizens over baseless accusations. Why? Because we don’t see the different between Rebecca Nyandeng and her son, Mabior from other politicians that will prevent their communities or sub-tribes being called rebels against President Kiir Mayardit leadership. Otherwise we the Greater Twic Youths demand Michael Makuei Lueth to paints other communities or sub-tribes if this labeling of our community of Dinka Twic East is not totally a wish-hunt or lies.  

In addition too, there has been rumors going around lately that, Hon. Rebecca Nyandeng has intentionally told, “Nuer people or rebels to attacks Bor County people.” The Greater Twic East Youth in USA has condemn that nonsense allegation. We advise our neighbor community to takes political heat of the moment with ease, calmness and resolve like we do. Just get over it.

Last and not least, we, the Greater Twic East Youths in USA are here to inform our brothers and sisters from Greater Bor Community, you guys have to stop propaganda or smearing campaign against Dinka Twi people but just fixes our new nation messes you people have a big portion it.

N/B: If you come across any articles, histories or maps that bear only these names (Dinka Bor, Greater Bor Area, Bor County, Bor South, Bor North, Bor Central, Bor massacre, or it be sub-sectioned our name Twi/Twic under Bor name, and so on in any kinds of World Media outlets). Please you have to know that, everything there is an absolutely will not be our community authentic works , it will all be about Dinka Bor, Greater Bor Community, Bor County people solely work, and not including Greater Twic Community/Dinka Twi/Twic East county people creditable thing. For example, the recently released two presses on Sudan Tribune News website and Nyamilepedia Blog about “Federalism” debate in South Sudan internal affairs are totally not associated with our community authentication. As a community, we are aware of “federalism debate” but we don’t have any saying about it the movement, and maybe we will do in later time if we want to.

However, don’t be fooled Twic East people about Jonglei State government dominations because there are few politicians from your County who have form some kind of selfish mind-set of things control. Our source is monor that unfortunate behavior from our brothers. If they don’t change and yet they don’t know Twi people been watching and they might act any time for their wrong doing. The old say, “if you do or planning to do wrong against innocent people, it is always backlash.”

Please know our people of Dinka Twi background history and then you have to believe what you hear outside. The Greater Twic Area of Dr. John Garang de Mabior Atem Aruai.

Twic East people quote: “Dinka Tuic (East) people don’t
believe in cold-blooded or the spilling of precious blood of human being in
vain. Our people love fighting that bear truth, if it’s truth based mission than
we don’t stay away from spilling the blood for true cost” Written by Twic East
community of South Sudan-USA.

God bless you citizens of Twic East County, Jonglei State, and our new nation of South Sudan.

This information was validated by Greater Twic East Youths of South Sudan-USA,

Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA.

Vs. Information & Media Office

web site: www.twiceastcommunity.org

E-mail: Dinkatwi@yahoo.com


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