
Response to Joseph Juoi`s remarks, an article published by Sudan Tribune; dated July 23, 2014.

By Gai James Kai,


Makuei Lueth, the minister of information warning the journalists in Juba(Photo: youtube)
Makuei Lueth, the minister of information warning the journalists in Juba(Photo: youtube)

July 23, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Stop threatening us, we are legally and constitutionally empowered by article 24- (Freedom of Expression and Media)

(1) Every citizen shall have the right to the freedom of expression, reception and dissemination of information, publication, and access to the press without prejudice to public order, safety or morals as prescribed by law.

(2) All levels of government shall guarantee the freedom of the press and other media as shall be regulated by law in a democratic society.

We the Nuer StudentsAssociation, Naath University and College Students Union in Uganda and in particular, we the Unity State StudentsUnion in Uganda would like to appeal to Joseph Juoi, the Unity state coordinator in Juba; in response to his continuous offensive, threatening and courageously anonymous notes about our position on the most wanted public demand, the federal system of governance and our being critical to Joseph Nguen Monytuels failure and betrayals.

I personally took the risk by commenting on the crudity, cruelly monstrosity, and incompetency endured by the so-called care-taker governor, Mr. Nguen Monytuel in one of my articles, entitled “Nguen Monytuel, Magok Rundial and Taker Riak lost their ways in and out for life” Well, Mr. Juoi, it could have been wiser if you would have liked to speak to me about my criticisms which you said are terrifying your leadership in Bentiu so much, then clearly you know where I live-so knock on my door rather than speaking ill against the entire Unity state students in Kampala.

I would also love to have a conversation with you and your leadership about our “terrifying beasts” who are completely fenced in over there in Juba and used essentially as a service dogs for our stranded mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and etcetera.

Mr. Juoi, we have nothing, absolutely nothing personal, but what angered my colleagues and I are your offensive, terrifies, anonymous and careless remarks you made here in Kampala while addressing us at East Africa Internal University-Kampala and here are some of your remarks quoted, “Do not interfere with the leadership of governor Nguen Monytuel. Everyone has time to enjoy, so it is our time to enjoy ourselves” as that wasn’t enough to made us boiled our wounded emotions, you went ahead adding the salt into already salted soup by foolishly saying, “The issue of federalism will bring disunity to the people of South Sudan, to me I don’t support federal system in South Sudan”. Those were provocative of course! We stand behind reforms and a change of governance that would cater for our caused.

Over the last two months, we have written and orally uttered our support for federal system of governance and a change of government. Your misguided beliefs are rubbished and cannot go unchallenged. You and Nguen Monytuel are two horrible pest species deserve to be eradicated in every way possible. You are species of marsupials and small native birds which have been wiped out across much of Nuer Bentiu land by love of money. Hindsight is a great thing. You two pests were brought here (Juba) by well meaning humans and must be wiped out hands nosed humans.

We know all you are up to. Your combination with Nguen Monytuel, Magok Rundial, Puljang and Taker Riak Dong is like a mixture of powdered corklike virus with water, dabbed it in the rabbits` eyes, waited for the virus to show, and then released them at lower carrajung.

Unity State Students` Union in Kampala made it clear that, they and the entire community of Bentiu wants federation to significantly improve on law and order in South Sudan. We are opposed to your “soft and crime” approach. Your current decentralized government of “self-service has been working very hard to ruins our beloved state as well as South Sudan at large, which our late fathers fought for. We will never and ever tolerate such a serious bullying in and around us.

You ad Nguen Monytuel snatched what you don’t deserve from us. You two are actively engaging in a radical militant regime that participated in slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent Nuer men, women, children and elderly in Juba and now trying to subvert Nuer Bentiu students throughout Uganda without due consideration that we are traditionally thought that Salva Kiir Mayardit is our worse enemy, and you must to understands that you are on the same side and we must treat you accordingly.

We will not stop calling for the eradication of Nguen Monytuel, Magok Rundial and Taker Riak, We will not stop calling you guys the cancer of Unity State and we will not stop fighting back our power which you betrayals stolen and coincidentally to threaten your reign of terror.

It certainly warrants our response. In employing and conspiring brutal killing of our brothers and sisters in Juba, Joseph Juoi and Nguen Monytuel have violated our traditional norm which the people of Unity State and the entire Nuer ethnicity have worked laboriously to enforce and should they face no consequence for the use of such an anonymous remarks, they would likely be emboldened to do so again in future.

For this reason, we the Unity State Students` Union in Kampala established a “red line” that we repeatedly suggested would elicit our response toward those traitors. Credibility matters in our internal policy and by demonstrating that our words are backed with actions.

It is time to align the impending campaign for federal system of governance with strategy that seeks to accomplish key Unity State citizensaims – namely, the defeat of Salva Kiirs regime, with its Ugandans and Dafurians allies, an end to humanitarian destruction in Bentiu and the entire Nuer land, freedom of movement, speech and expression and above all resume our status of being considers as first class citizens in our beloved country, South Sudan. Despite the obvious difficulties, we the Unity State Students` Union in the Republic of Uganda can change the equation in Juba by weakening the unfounded campaign of Nguen Monytuel leadership or strengthening our moral support for SPLM-IO. We shall enhance leadership training; communication with SPLM-IO and should begin consulting our partners on the shape of opposition.

Gai James Kai; is a concerned Unity State Students` Union in Uganda member living in Kampala. He is also an independent writer who has written numerous articles, on democracy, justice, law and order. He can be reached through gaijames11@gmail.com

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