Tut Makuac Luotkoway

Feb 8, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — As regional war is imminent, 16,500 Ugandans and Rwandans soldiers arrived in Juba on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 4:00a.m, South Sudan local time.
Last week, President Museveni and President Bahsir exchanged ash words during the summit in Addis Ababa. The two presidents accused each other of supporting each side in the conflict. Museveni was too quick to accuse Bashir of supporting SPLM-IO
Museveni and Salva kiir prepared themselves for the worst war against Machar and Bashir. First, they planned to get done with Dr. Machar. Second, they planned to remove Bashir from power and replace him with Sudanese rebel leader Malik Agar of SPM-N. The rebels of Sudan are always getting their support from Juba and Kampala.
Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon and Sudanese President Omar El Bashir need to take quickest action as soon as possible before Museveni preempts or denies them the war.
Yoweri Museveni sees himself as the president of both South Sudan and Uganda. Salva kiir looks like his vice president to him. Not surprisingly, South Sudan is not the first country in the Africa to be destabilized by Museveni. He destroyed properties and killed thousands people elsewhere in Africa; especially in Congo a few years ago until he was flushed out by African Joined Forces.
The involvement of Uganda and Sudan in South Sudan Civil War is a regional war by definition because the neighboring countries will be dragged into a war that may be deadly and hard to end.
As Museveni behaves, South Sudan Civil War will soon slide into unexpected level because he (Museveni) does not believe in diplomacy as a solution to the conflicts, period.
These Ugandan and Rwandan soldiers are assigned to operate in four locations in South Sudan including Sudanese border in order to spy on Bashir.
- 5, 000 soldiers are going directly to Northern Bahr El Ghazel; the border of South Sudan and Sudan.
- 5, 000 soldiers are going to Warap State. They will be stationed at the border of Unity State and Warap State; the Kiir home state.
- 5, 000 soldiers are directed to Bor where they can help Dinka Kiir soldiers to invade Lou Nuer territory.
- 5, 00 soldiers have already reached their destiny, that is Juba Airport
- 1, 000 soldiers are going to oil field in Paloch, Upper Nile State
Museveni-Kiir secret meeting in Juba was attended by SPLM-N leader Malik Agar. What was agreed upon was not revealed, but it was rumored that Museveni wanted to remove Bashir from power and install Sudanese rebels as the legitimate government. That was the reason they brought Mr. Malik Agar to the meeting in Juba J1 compound.
On this latest development, we, the SPLM-IO, are calling on the Trioka, EU, AU and other IGAD counties to stand against Museveni who has no interest in ending South Sudan Civil War in order to benefit from it. We want him to withdraw his troops instead. If he refuses to withdraw, South Sudan will witness its first regional war in history. We will not beg him to withdraw, but will teach him a lesson.
Tut Makuac Luotkoway
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Sure, regional war is coming as planned by Yori museveni and his vice president Salva kiir and in addition Haile mariam of Ethiopia and who is also chairman of IGAD. Ethiopia now on the way to deploy his troops to S.Sudan to support Uganda and s.sudan to fight splm_IO, base on their militaries deployment, they will get preparadness fighters from each side the located them, and I hope they will run back where they came like chicken with its head cutoff.
After all “rol mac” could also be interpreted as SPLM-Juba, not Jalaaba; read and digest the following verses from one of NgunDeng’s recorded songs and it will blow your mind, especially, if you are one of those Jieng working against Peace:
In what elders thought was a situation of an imposed final war on the South that would also be different from the wars fought in the past; Ngundeng also said “Koor e thaar rele rode ci dual ngoang gat gualeen, cieng guari ci duale ngong, nyan nyan koor e kua jol ni wal …kora col yiene mieth beel.” Translation, “The war of last year (before) is different; I am tired of being afraid my step brother; people of my father’s land, I am ceasing to get afraid; I have been trying to avoid war for a very long time…do you think my war is like eating grain?” In another portion he continued by saying “yoate thony e bi kuake duoth, kathi rodu nhiam Deng ke taath mi boor, ken wii wal bike ku ruac..?.” This translates “I will hit the circumcised (Jalaba); and he will leave behind all his properties; Jalaba has come across God who holds a big brand new spear; the ten states will finally be ruled by…? A “big brand new spear” to elders may mean a type of modern weaponry. Also note that I cut off some of the last sentence because of its sensitivity.
He also said, “Ken jiook ka ci kena ngar-ngare…caa goola yoac mac ci goola de riaw, wec jiath da thiele coah, coah ni coa ran…gaat ji hook e mo ca ngaai.” Translation, “My dogs have played against me; they have dragged my family (nation?) on to fire; my family almost got destroyed; among our trees have no other bones; only the bones of humans; my children, I don’t know why.” And he continued in another portion that “Mi waa rode thaac luak ba gaat ka ciol…ba gaat ka col I bia luaak bi rol kon ben jiek ni rey luak, e luak Deang yith puar.” Translation, “When I reach (control) all the corners of my luak (South Sudan) I will call my children to come so that Jalaba will get us in our land; let the Luak reach to the skies.”
Kuol Manyan & Salva Kirr has indeed disturbed the sleeping Bees & Dragons this time around by bringing the 16500 Uganda / Ruanda foreign troops into our domestic quarrel!
In any conflict, it is always the righteous who will eventually win against the forces of evil!
I pass my condolences in advance to those innocent poor Jieng whom will soon die from the evil works of Kuol & Kir.
Makuac, if you know that SPLM In Opposition will teach a lesson to Museveni, why do you asked regional leaders to intervene while you do not take the matter on your own hand? Is it not cowardice act statement you have just published? Just served your breath and continue serving Omer Bashir interest like you did during 1991 and stop publishing lies on our social media.
thon kree deang
Mr.mounymor, you think asking regional leaders to intervene is a cowardice act?what about bringing foreigners/ugandians/ruwandese/jem/splm-n.That is your bravary.
your nicked name justifies your own weaknesses.
if igad leaders,such as Hailemariam of Ethiopia,Africa Black Baboon of Uganda,Uhuru of Kenya think that they will win this war against Machar and El bashir.i beleived its wishful thinking . let they know that, this rebelion is leading by phd holder and field marshal if its regional war.
It is all about trust in your editorial skills. U realise the gentleman is making empty claims for whatever reason. Unknown to the author, he is putting the reputation of the SPLM-IO on the line. To most South Sudanese, soliciting Khartoum’s help reminds people of past atrocities by that country. There is a lesson to be learnt from Dr. John. Garang gained the support of the people and region by portraying his challengers (Riak and co.) as agents of the Arab North and it worked.
Those 5000 of M7-Kiir will never,never step on Lou Nuer territory until the world is ended, let them not dream of that,
In his song he said
‘rol mac bi duac leer ba lik de theeng, lik gaan deang ba theeng, laathkeer
cuare luak tong ke dier Ngundeng Bong e Longar, ce luac mar ke ‘yiel
juoc’, ram luth kur cu luak bar, e ji guethni muong be ke nak.’
The above song literally translates ‘rol mac, I will beat and chase you
and the thundering sounds of my beatings on you shall be heard; the
thundering sounds of the children of God will be heard; soldiers don’t
build our nation while getting worried at the same time; Ngundeng Bong
is like Longar, he once struck Luac with his rod; any one who obeys
God, don’t be scared; let the powerful talk, because I am going to
kill them.”
This coming war will blow up on two fronts, one on west nile and the other on east nile. The one chased on the west will stampede onto Congo, and the one chased from the east (dongyol=paloch) will run & stampede people in tharpamni (eastern equatoria where Garang chopper went down)
Stop Fueling Conflicts On None Exile Southern Sudanese People.
By Mawien Mawien Magol.
Warrap State
In responding to article post by Tut Makuac Luotkoway from Minnesota State and Tor Madira Machier from Northern Africa Egypt.
I would like to tell you all that, this new civil war in South Sudan is actually caused by Nuers in exile countries, because they are telling Nuers people in South Sudan to takes armed against government don’t says when this was plan before the late Paulino Matip Nhial to died and it seem to me that, you guys don’t care for what will happen on the ground there in South Sudan. It is sad to see most of the Nuers intellectuals are posting bad things which disqualified their learning pertaining that, they are supporting their people back homes when in reality their innate minds have been the cause of conflict among Southern Sudanese people. It is shocking indeed to read such unwanted articles post by Nuers individuals at the time when our people are seeking reconciliation and reunification as well as we are about looking others Ideas of healing process unfortunately, you guys chosen to add gas to the problems and I am afraid if that attitudes is going to continues thus, things could even going worst. You said, Museveni and Salva Kiir and Malik Aggar were having secretive meeting against Omar al Bashir, I got to tell you that, you are misleading people. The leaders always held meeting to talks if there is some thing to be solved between them.
Finally, you have mention that, the late founder Dr. John Garang de Mabior was crashed in the place stated by prophetic or South Sudan border with Uganda because of Ngundeng Bong notion. Look, we human being on earth here have never took a cheerfully for the life lost maybe done in Nuer society but it is unacceptable to talk about. All our lives are under God and no one has the power even real prophet is depending on God’s dream message and has no power. It seem to me that, a lot of Nuers people are desperately for leadership than living peaceful with others people and if you guys believes the notion of Ngundeng Bong rod then, you are dreaming and I don’t think the notion of traditional would work at this modern century but keep singing until the doom days of Ngundeng on Nuers.
Mawien Makol of Warrap;
If you choose NOT to recognize and admit the exact people fueling this Crisis (the main 2 above) because they are Jieng,like you then we have no choice but to include you as culprit # 1 to the fueling of this conflict.
Who is fueling the war, the innocent writers or you Dinkas who choose to keep quiet when your foolish government generals order the killing of innocent IDP’s who have run to UNMISS Camp for safety? Your illiterate Dinka Council keep provoking the fueling and you so called Jang intellectuals are quiet on these! Now who is fueling what exactly? You easily forget the widespread Technology that can record correctly who started what first, & when. This evidence can be used In the peace courts of Adis Ababa, we have tons of evidence that testify who is the aggressor. I saw Mathiang Anyoor vedio pouring fuel on burning Nuer and that vedio was taken by Mathiang Anyoor themselves, forgetting this vedio will haunt them in the Future. I don’t think those Mathiang Anyoor are still alive, judging from ugliness of that sin.
If you Jieng choose the aggressive Makuiei Lueth to be your number #1 Government Speaker to defend your government attrocities against Nuer Civilians, what do you expect the Nuer Intellectuals to do? Remain Silent? You are lucky to have on your side hungary Nuer, but not all Nuer have been bribed to be silent by the Government is burning their villages and towns.
All I can conclude is that Jieng Community have low IQ collectively, by doing childish things in a government for all.
Anybody who has intelligence canNot fail to see which community has the full control of the big fuel the Oil.
Is it Nuer Diaspora who is selling the oil to pay East African Mercenaries or who?
Answer me Mawien Makol – this is a question!
I greed with Mawien Magol comment,it is absolutely very unacceptable to post very sensitive article pertaining to the issues that can cause confusion between the regions when people are on the process to bring peace.The trade accusations of supporting respective rebels between Uganda and Sudan has been there for while before South Sudan civil war broke out and there is no concern of regionals war.South Sudan’s current conflict by itself will not cause regionals war the way its goes despite the involvement of UPDF.Also no secret meeting has took place in Juba neither joint troops had been sent to South Sudan by great Lake region’s leaders.It’s surprise to hear where did author acquired such information.
Tut Makuach Luot,
You and Gordan Buay are the most stupid liars on the net. You won the medal for disinformation. You write lies and the stupid Nuer don’t hold you to account when your writings turn out to be false. Sometimes, Gordon Buay is better because he only exaggerates a small information and makes it look big. But you, you create lies like your uncle Char Chawach. What is wrong with you people of Ulang? To be sure, there is no Uganda or Rwanda armies coming, we only know of Ethiopian and Chinese troops that are being deployed to South Sudan at the moment. Your regional war is in your wishful mind. Why did you ran away when war broke out in Juba to MN, United States? Why didn’t you fight the Dinkas there? or better yet, why don’t you fight with the Dinkas in MN, USA? you are a stupid liar!
Nyaluak Paul,
How many hundred thousand ssp’s did Phillip Aguer pay you in order to launch this cheap propaganda?
Or is it your sister Nyadak Paul who is behind this back-stabbing? How dare you insult our only reliable Naath information technologists?
This information is true and has been verified by our correspondences in the field in Juba Town. If you are behind the news please do not insult our liberators find something better to do instead of blindly attacking our USA information Gurus.
Now that Dang Ngundeng has been brought back, all the power, bravery and knowledge is back in Naath Hands, and all of you Jang Snitches will suffer very soon – mark my words!
How dare you sell your brothers for small oil money since most of the oil was mined from Tharjiath of Lich State and Upper Nile?
I think you are the very same Nyadak Paul who been busy selling Nuer lives all of last year.
Nyaluak, you are the most stupid idiot on planet to compare the most trusted Tut Makuac Luotkoway in the news with notorious adapted son of Salva Kiir Gordon Buay.