
President Salva Kiir Kill Nuer Civilians Deliberately!

By Isaac Thokhat Moses, Australia.


President Salva Kiir wiping his face with no handkerchief during a hard talk on Al Jazeera in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: extracted from youtube)
President Salva Kiir wiping his face with no handkerchief during a hard talk on Al Jazeera in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: extracted from youtube)

Nov 25, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — I heard the details of Nuer people humiliation in Juba today from my sister who has been hunted down like animal in her country. While others are dodging bullets in the forest, running out for their dear lives, Nuer are targeted and methodically murdered in the largest genocide of the 21th century by a president who was mandated by people to lead the nation.

This genocide was part of a broader aggregate of acts of oppressions and silencing of the Nuer people and their politicians by the Salva Kiir regime with intent to enrich his dinka tribe and make them rule forever. But Salva Kiir has prematurely ended the egocentric shunt of “born to rule” of his people. As already reported by the government sources 20,000 soldiers are already slain, which are mostly the 12 years old school children recruited from Bhar el ghazel to defense tribalistic regime of Salva Kiir. This number is underestimated to boost the morality of their remnants at the front lines. If any factual record are kept, Salva Kiir has already killed more than 40,000 soldiers in defense of his incompetency. These are the consequences of trying to exterminate one ethnic group in 21st century.

Never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried out through this illicit resolution using the same state power that was bestowed on president by the people. It is such a shame that Salva Kiir and his cronies miscalculated such a dreadful program to kill.

We all witnessed Salva Kiir Mayardit, a coward who never captured a single town during the wars of liberation, dressed up heroically in military uniforms in December with intent to deceive the world medias  that a coup was attempted when in fact the intention was to authorize his tribal militia to kill and chase all Nuer out of Juba and out of the country. Salva Kiir never has a heart to forgive and forget as his loyalists claim. Salva Kiir was revenging the past defeats of his SPLM/SPLA faction by Dr. Riek Machar’s faction, which he mixed with 1991 massacres of Dinka Bor by the white army to incite tribalism.

Who can argue that, this genocide was not a deliberate act against Nuer civilians? Salva Kiir ordered the curfew from 6pm to 6am to allow his privately trained militia to execute door-to-door killing throughout the night. The killing was proven to be deliberate and planed as it was later discovered that the Nuer were crowded in specific locations and houses before their mass killing. Salva worn military uniform and proven to be tough rock to crack in December although he is now crying like a three years old baby in the media.

The military uniform Salva Kiir wore in December matched the uniform that his private army from Luri cattle camp worn. This was a clear indication that the mass onslaught of innocent Nuer children, women and unarmed men, who had nothing to do with politic in the country and may perhaps never support Dr Riek Machar was plan. Because Salva Kiir lack any sophistication the killing was done deliberately in the broad day light in present of international community but Salva Kiir gangs continue to lie on the media that it was a coup until they realize that no one will never buy their propaganda.

Some time when you think about the enormousness of this senseless war in South Sudan and the ruins it has caused the Nuer people, their resources and land, you would just wish for Nuer to finish fighting until the enemy is defeated than walking on the same land, which has been cemented with the blood of our relatives, and would still be  enslaved by the same tribal dictator Salva Kiir and his Dinka extremists in the name of fake peace.

The killing of unarmed Nuer civilians has no difference with what happened to Jewish people during the holocaust. Salva Kiir has no difference whatsoever with Adoft Hitler, he kills and continue to lie while buying more guns and selling land and resources to kill innocent people. South Sudan will only enjoy peace when Salva Kiir is defeated.

To rise up our flag, some wrote, some talk and some fought. No one tribe can slap their chest that they brought this country from North Sudan. We all have die for it! The basic motivation of the Nuer genocide was purely ideological, rooted in an illusionary world of Dinka imagination fearing that Dr. Riek Machar will win the 2015 election and a Nuer will have a chance to rule South Sudan. No genocide to date has been based completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract non-pragmatic ideology, yet has been executed through irrational and barbaric means.

How hard it will be to circle the table with Dinka brothers/sisters in South Sudan one day because of Salva Kiir? Should I remain wearing a hat for the rest of my life to hide my tribal marks on my forehead? Should the Dinka remain shaving their hairs to show pride in their tribal marks on their forehead, as their identity while I would be hiding mine?

One way or another, South Sudan will never be unified and it will be because the citizens trust has been destroyed yet majority of our Dinka brothers are hiding in fear and failed to point their fingers at Salva Kiir, who is selling the land and resources including their own land to Arabs, Ugandans and Kenyans.

While Salva Kiir is committing genocides against the Nuer children, Dinka intellectuals are hiding or supporting the tribal extermination process as if this will never backfire. Salva Kiir’s karma will never go any where. I am sure, it is NOT all Dinka who are celebrating the blood of Nuer children in Juba, but because majority are supporting Salva Kiir in silence the senses of brotherhood has been destroyed, and the history of our country is being written on Nuer’s blood. The history will judge all of us.

Whatever the outcome of this peace deal would be, the politicians may sign the papers, but they will not rebuild the damage of our brotherhood in this nation. Salva Kiir Mayardit is NOT a legitimate president and will NEVER be. He is a culprit and a war criminal who must be brought to book of justice, and the history of this nation will forever remember him as a coward who kill a generation for his selfish interest in just two years after independent.

Isaac Thokhat Moses is a South Sudanese citizen, who lives in Australia. He can be reached at isaacthok@hotmail.com

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1 comment

willrosmabor (@willrosmabor) November 26, 2014 at 10:40 am

Dear writer, you very correct in some other things you mentioned, but you are wrong in big extent. because the Nuer in Bor, Malakal, bentiu were not killed in cool blood they took the Arms against the Government, and they were paid with the death.


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