By Luka Rich,

May 20, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Infect the reality and our ancestor’s background where we came from no identity according to our history, whereby some legend and writes background indicated that we came from one family, Nuer, Dinka, and Shilluk when our father who was the happy possessor of one cow, a calf (female) and a boat. When the old man died, he left the cow to the Dinka, the calf to the Dinka, and the boat to the shilluk. The Shilluk was satisfied, and went away from the others, while the Dinka and Nuer went to war, each son declaring that the father had meant the big cow to go to me, and up to the present day those Nuer and Dinka are still more or less at war, the question not having yet been settled.
Because the Dinka are sulky and sullen people, It is very difficult to get information from these people, as they are suspicious as far as Salva Kiir and never speak the truth like Makuei Lueth, but they try to mislead you, or evade your questions. And ulterior motive is always suspected even in the most trivial matters.
Before the Turks conquered the Sudan in the 1800’s, the tribes were relatively isolated and natural boundaries like the Sudd, a vast swampland in South Sudan, provided barriers to mass migration. Christian kingdoms began developing in the Nile Valley during the 6th century. These kingdoms were shaped by outside influences, both Coptic Christian, Presbyterians church and catholic church and Judaist, from Egypt, North Africa, and Europe.
The concept of a unified Sudan was very much a colonial creation—many of the ethnic groups and tribes in South Sudan didn’t associate with one another and there was no national identity, especially with the North. This effectively separated the north and the South and preserved much of the culture and language of the Southern ethnic groups. The policy also fostered resentment in much of the north because it prevented the South from taking its “natural” course of being influence by Arab culture. Anything African became “primitive” and “backward,” and the divide increased between the tribes in South.
About 1890 Nuer had expanded to the eastern edge of the Upper Nile basin. Therefore, from the time of birth to present times our god father Ngundeng Bong has indicate that our Mother’s name called Kuol Deng is the unique really name has been given to grandmother before we departed from our first settlement at Bhar El Gahzal post, the quarrels’ between Nuer and Dinka around Lake No in 1923. That continuing the disregard each others the from remain as an issues never solving and more escalations and killing at this movement, the proposition that the Nuer increased in numbers largely as a consequence of assimilation of the Dinka during the course of territorial growth. The same Nuer raids that were instrumental to territorial acquisition entailed the capture of substantial numbers of reproductive families and also engendered famine conditions that prompted Dinka families to seek refuge among the Nuer that is around 1818, it is to decrease Dinka numbers, also to concern territorial boundary between us.
Why Dinka and Nuer Killing each other’s?
This is a simply answered that the Dinka and Nuer always fought each other. For the one of the reasons for this phenomenon is because of competing interests. Similar ethnic groups, which the Dinka and the Nuer are often, fight each other, because they compete over similar demands. The Conflicts are inevitable wherever identity groups share a geographic space or whenever people interact. They are part of life even between siblings in one family. Conflicts between Dinka and Nuer are no exception. This is particularly true when it is widely acknowledged that the two tribes are war like people.
There are many causes to Dinka-Nuer conflicts not well explainable by ancient ethnic hatred. As herders most historical inter-communal conflicts between these two communities are necessitated by geographic and not necessarily political factors. Often the two communities fought over dwindling cattle grazing land and water-points precipitated by drought and ecological degradation. But this geographic cause also affects most identity groups in South Sudan and not only Dinka and Nuer. All South Sudanese ethnic communities have often violently engaged in turf wars and have scrambled for scarce existential resources, such as fending off encroaching cattle to livelihood farms. The geographic grievance has often also triggered violent intra-communal feuds within culturally similar ethnic groups or even within the same tribes, such as one Dinka clan against another or one Bari tribe against another say the Mundari, or a Nuer clan against another and so on and so forth.
Dinka, also called themselves MonyJieng , people who live in the savanna country surrounding the central swamps of the Nile basin primarily in South Sudan, also are Nilotic people and Lou. Those people came from one family with Nilo ethnic background.
The Dinka sections are.
Aweil – Rek
Pangak -Thoi Luach
Bailiet – Ngok Renk
Bentiu – Ruweng
Bor Bor, Twic, Nyarweng, Hol
Rumbek – Agar Gok
Tonj – Rek Luach
Gogrial – Rek
Yirol – Aliab, Ciec
Abyei – Ngok
all these sections are called themselves Dinka as one family different sections. The Nuer and Dinka differ markedly in their cultural definitions of both the magnitude and composition of deal and minimum bride-wealth payments.
The differences between the Nuer and Dinka in cattle per capita holdings and grazing requirements engender corresponding differences in the human, therefore. Dinka has became to Terries Nuer people, though Dinka relations with Nuer are extremely hostile and war between them may be called an established institution they have.
All Dinka come into the category of Jaang, and Nuer feel that category to nearer to themselves than other categories of foreigners.
This situation I can refer it to so called bogeyman story, what follows are songs about in Nuer called “Let”, the Cannibal ogre who lives among the Nuer just like anyone else, except for his one terrible predilection. “Jongbor” in Nuer is the name of one such Let. He is purportedly Dinka like today story, one of a people who have traditionally been the Nuer’s bitterest enemies, yet with whom they often intermarry. With this in mind, the bogeyman Dinka could be the boy next to you wherever you are.
Nuer people are a Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting from Bentiu the live in South Sudan, so they called themselves Ney ti Naath “Ram mi raan”
According to the Nuer elders, Nuer originated from a big tree in a place called Liech. As their number increased there was not enough grazing field for the large number of cattle and some of them migrated. Quarrels also cause some of them to break away.
The District Major Section Sub Sections Clans
Bentiu Bul, Dok, Jagai, Ngong, Jikany
Jikany, Wangkech, Gajaak, Lang
Pangak, Gawaar, Lak, Thiang
In 19th century this is the beginning of Nuer migration to eastern South Sudan Jikany is place called Nasir or Kuanylualthoan, their leader is Latjor Diyien Duach is a ring leader who lead his people to development settlement untile present day.
The first settlement of the western Jikanyland at place called Malou.
Moreover, the feuding between Dinka via Nuer never end up because among us we do have bogeymen whom are need their own interest rather to the nations.
The Nuers are a cattle-raising people devoted to their herds, although the cultivation of millet and the spearing of fish must supplement milk and meat. Because the land is flooded for part of the year and parched for the rest of it, they spend the rainy season in permanent villages built on the higher ground and the dry season in riverside camps.
Politically, the Nuer form a cluster of autonomous communities, within which there is little unity and much feuding; homicides are settled by payments of cattle effected through the mediation of a priest. The basic social group is the patrilineal lineage. Groups of lineages are organized into clans. The members of a clan have in their homeland, Nuer need more unity like any others tribe, but the problem is Nuer believe in fighting, here some point of weakness from Nuer are following:
1- Nuer are weak in politics
2- Nuer could not kept their own secret between themselves like Dinkas do
3- Nuer could truth every one, event their enemies.
4- Nuers always forget what their enemies did for them. And forgive everyone.
5- Nuer believes in fighting before planning or had a plan for.
6- Nuer themselves could not agreed in one decision as others tribe do or Dnika
7- Nuer ar very weak in media, they never made propaganda before going to war.
8- Nuers are complaining less people among other tribes.
Those are the weakness of Nuer if they united against enemy the killing happens last year on December never happens upon them.
Thru our movement throughout in bush NGUNDENG BONG indicated that.
The great bull, DENG KUAJOK, the bull who walks with his children in the bush.
Be not discouraged my children a watchful man is herding you.
A man who prays to the sun and moon, even to the stars,
The great bull DENG KUAJOK the bull, who looks after his children in the bush,
Be bot surprised, for he will gather you up without hurrying.
Deng guards you; someone who refuses to walk with DENG will not gather together with Deng’s children,
But will be alone someone who refuses to walk with Divinity will not gather together with DENG’s children, but will be alone. Said
This is a brief story be continuous
The author Luka Rick is a concern South Sudanese. He can be reached at,,Ulang South Sudan.
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