Kampala, August 12, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Naath Universities and Colleges Students Union in Uganda elects a new leadership yesterday at Makerere West, Church. The following were elected
1. Simon Marot Touloung as a president of the union
2. Gatkek Gony Chok as a new speaker of the union
3. Thoal Riik as secretary general of the union
4. Nyarik Isaac Doyak as finance minister for the union
5. Gai James Kai as Legal Affair secretary for the union
The new president said that, the hope is you and the future of the country is you , that is why am asked all peace loving people particularly Nuer to love each another as well as people of South Sudan at large said Simon Marot. He defined leadership is the act of controlling, guiding or directing a group of people, society or organization and he refers those who fight for the rights of people as charismatic leaders.
One of the observer said that elections is free and afire, Deng Gai Gatluak and also Mr. Moses Wawich Thok from United States of America (USA) make his remark , refer the election of Naath is done as maturely for intellectual stages .
The biggest artist known as Gordon Koang Duoth said that all Nuer should love themselves and move together as one family for betterment of your children. The former president of South Sudan Students Union in Uganda, Thomas Mangok Chuol said that let us support the incoming leadership of Naath . The union is the only way to achieve the peace in South Sudan.
Ter Manyang Gatwech, the chairman of electoral commission of Naath Universities and Colleges Students’ Union in Uganda, said that in any new independence nation there must be some challenges as follow.
1. Parochialism.
This means having limited range of thinking or vision. It is being narrow minded. The mind of a parochial person is confined and restricted to a very narrow area.
Parochialism has been and still a big problem to nation building in South Sudan. People look at important things from a very narrow and stupid angle. Their minds are focused on themselves and their own tribes, they want to become the leaders of the country by whatever means, without minding about the well-being of the people. This narrow thinking has also affected the sense of nationalism of South Sudanese people. Most of them have developed an ‘’I don’t: care attitude’’ towards their own nation. In the final result parochialism affects the social, political and economic development of the nation.
2. Chauvinism.
Is the unreasonable attachment or bias to a group or place to which one belongs? It also means excessive and blind patriotism. One feels his country is the best and the most powerful without having reasons for his belief. Look at the country like Uganda involves in the family affairs of South Sudanese people. Chauvinism in Uganda was mainly practiced by Idi Amin. He claimed to be the king of Africa Conqueror of the British Empire, ‘’husband’’ of Nyerere and so on. This led to the isolation of Uganda by other nations of the world. All Uganda’s neighbors did not like the country because Amin claimed to be very powerful and threatened to attack them. The Nuer tribe in South Sudan also has the practice of congenial and others tribes are very rivalry.
It was Amin’s military chauvinism that drove him to attack Tanzania in 1978. To his own superior he was defeated within a very short time. However, the war caused suffering and loss of lives of the people of Uganda.
3. Tribalism.
Put in a simple way, tribalism means the love and feeling of belonging to a tribe. It can also refer to a strong loyalty and deep attachment to one’s own tribe, as it is practice by current leissez faire leadership of Salva Kiir in South Sudan. The proverb said that, ‘’better be the head of a dog then the tail of a lion’’ meaning it is better to be the leader of a small group than a subordinate in bigger one. President Salva Kiir should begin from Warrap State as a chairman of Warrap Community not South Sudan at large, because is too big for him to managed.
God Bless Naath Universities and Colleges Students’ Union in Uganda. By Ter Manyang Gatwech, the chairman of electoral commission 2014-2015.