By Thathor James Dak,

April 9, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — I would have published this Article in February 2014 due to its importance at the time, but because I first went to bush to lead in the fight for the second liberation of the country, I failed to get time to author an article.
In this Article we are going to focus on two words, first is “military coup “, and the second is” failed coup attempt” in 15 December 2013 after south Sudan Crisis Started in juba between presidential Guards From Dinka tribe with ( a) directives of some military leaders try to disarmed their colleagues from Nuer tribe, base on this The word “failed coup Attempt” has became commonly use by so many press agency through the region and all over the world. But our role is to differentiate what is mean by word military coup? & what is mean by failed coup Attempt?
In political Dictionary military coup mean an organized action by armed force of country. for example if South Sudan Armed force organized action Again government of president kiir , under leadership of general chief for staff with a participation of Good number of SPLA Officers or any general in army forces with another Officers , but military coup should not be lead by political leaders as popularized in South Sudan. When this happen that is why we have to considered as a military coup, if not, any types of fighting or military incident shall be consider as a clash between normal army, while” failed coup Attempt “as Announced by juba government in 16 December in juba instead of true one which suppose to be (failed military coup” because Armed forces should be responsible for that Action, in another word military coup could be lead by military council, and there shall be a List which content all names of those officers who were seriously planed for that coup Attempt, but in our country it happen that the Accused People were all politicians no one of them was active within the military list of Spla, let as mentioned some example for military Coups in difference country these may help as to be familiar with the topic.
(1) Sudan of December16/1958 General Ibrahim Abboud, he was an active General in Sudan Army force (SAF) he Overthrows President Abdullah Khalil with collaboration of his colleagues. So that should be considered as a military coup for the first time in Sudan. Again in Sudan of May 25/ 1964 when general: Jaapar Mohammed Al-nimeiry Planed for military coup against President Ismail Al-azhari of the Second Democratic Government, there were also a list of Officers And they have formed a military council. Even in June 30/1989 Omer Hammed Albashir Overthrows Prime minister of Sudan this All in Sudan by that time,
(2)-Cameron 1984 General of Presidential palace Guards overthrow President Paul Biya you can see here the head was a General in military of Cameron.
(3)-Chad December 1/1990 General Idriss Debby overthrow President Hessen Habra, Debby was Active General in Chadian military.
(4)-Egypt February 2011, Mohamed Hussein tantwa Deposes Hosni Mubarak after massive protests and transfer Power to the Supreme council of military Armed forces of Egypt.
(5)-France 1961 Failed military coup by an active General Algiers Putsch against King Charles Gaulle.
(6)-Ghana – December 31/1981 an Active General Jerry John Rawlings overthrow President Hilla Lipmann.
(7)-Italy 1943 king Emmanuel & and an Active General Pietro Badoglio Against fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini.
(8)-Libya December of 1969 Muamar al- Gaddafi overthrow King Idriss of Libya and he was an Active general in Libyans armed force. Dear readers as I pointed before that military coup should not be lead by polititains, but always by an Active military Generals, base on this article we shall explained to you what was Really happen in our Country, of course, it’s not a military coup nor failed coups Attempt as its has been popularized in juba According to the following sources:-
-First – according to united State Assistant secretary of the State Affairs for African- Linda Thomas Grandfield on 9/1/2014. when she said what was happen is a political ript within South Sudan Governing party, Sudan people, s liberation movement (Splm) and not a failed coup Attempt as claimed caused the widespread Violence that hit the country in mid of December 2013, the Assistant secretary said this in Thursday” we have not seen any evidence that was a Failed coup Attempt, but it certainly was a Result of huge political rift Between Dr riak machar and president, the Assistant secretary told senate foreign Relations committee hearing on Sudan crisis, said we think that they should resolve these through political talks and negotiation .not War, she added. In Short when country like the USA OR, Norway, UK, France, Garman Dismissed what happen within the country of alleged failed coup Attempt because government has failed to bring sufficient evidences, so what could we understand ?, of course there was no alleged failed coup Attempt anyway in our beloved south Sudan.
-Secondly-According the Splm first deputy & SPLM/SPLA in opposition’s leader Dr Riak Machar, in his first Statement when War erupted in juba, he said “what took place in juba was a misunderstanding between presidential Guards within their Division; it was not a coup Attempt. He told the Paris- based Sudan tribune website on Wednesday, “He said kiir wanted to Use the Alleged coup Attempt in order to get rid of us”
Finally – the government witness number four General: mach Paul Foul, the Director of military intelligence, in his testimony to the court, he said the press release issued by opposition politicians
In 6 December 2013, who included the four before now in the court, had” instigated “army, the pres
Statement overstepped what was a political party issue and threat (ened) national Security he told the court hearing. However, when questioned by defense lawyers if the four politicians being tried to played a role in organizing mid December 2013 violence, he replied no. In this moment you have know now what happen is not a failed coup Attempt anymore, it’s a devil planed by non competent kiir in juba dictatorial government which does not worry about life of many southern Sudanese people, because he know his regime became a groundless from Splm members, so that he decided to Created that conflict to Keep people die without reasonable manner for killing of innocent Civilians inside the country. That is all
By SPLM/SPLA in opposition cadre
Mathor james dak jall
Email address
Phone number +249922669986 /+24996098895
When the alleged coup narrative was thrown out of the court, Kiir and those claiming a coup had been spoiled never disputed the court ruling. Had their claim not been false & fluid in nature a retrial or over turning the court’s verdict would have been the first thing they call for legitimately. Other than that former detainees are pardoned and case is closed, Machar is isolate as the major threat leading to the national election is achieved and the country is engulfed by civil war no election to worry about.
This plant of kiir and his co-conspirators plunging the country into civil war to avoid and shunned hopes for a much anticipated national election due to fear of losing the SPLM party leadership and flag bearer leading up to the election. Kiir’s fear of losing to Machar or whoever else could have ran against him then had become a real nightmare and ultimately forced Kiir himself to commit an act of treason against the people of South Sudan, violated the constitution(Law of the Land) including gross human rights crimes and crimes against humanity through indiscriminate massacres of ethnic Nuers.
This behavior alone is enough to have him(Kiir) resigned before any talk of peace, election, unity, provided that his action as claimed by the reason for the massacres are not supported by the verdict of the court. Kiir must get out of South Sudan with his spoiled coup narrative because neither him nor his acts against the country is accepted by the people.
Kiir M7 did n’t know that the world could not just believed his propaganda, instead he thought they[International community] would just follow his lying-words blindly. So, now we needs S.Sudanese’s government to replace this corrupt, tribal, dictatorial and tyranny regime of Salva Kirr Museveni.